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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. If Shenlong ends up with a Burninate action, I will buy Crew and Avatar sight unseen at any price.
  2. Yeah, I see buildings-that-are-basically-boulders more often than buildings-you-can enter in Malifaux. Both work out great!
  3. What's needed to pay this off? I am happy to put in the money. Point me to where I go to pay it? Or give me access rights so I can buy the upgrade? I don't want this to fall down because we dragged our feet too much.
  4. The Gaining Grounds docs are slightly ambiguous about scratch-built, but seems like scratch-built models are welcome if it's clear what the model is supposed to be. (Subject to TO decision, of course.) I have brought scratch-built models to tournaments and had them welcomed in the past. And in casual play of course it's up to your friends, but most people are excited for it.
  5. I prefer to think that Nicholas Cage is a short-haired Hateful Darkblack lookalike.
  6. So, I uploaded an intro video tutorial for Leveticus! Hateful Darkblack's Intro to Leveticus. This is a subset of what's in Leveticus Tactica: Burnt Offerings, but it's 12 minutes and gives the basics of how to play him or play against him. Comments welcome! Here or there. (I know I made a mistake and said Leveticus gets a plus to attack and defense from Channel when I meant attack and damage.)
  7. Playwise, definitely Leveticus. I've written about why in Why I Love M2E Leveticus. Jack Daw is second, but I still need to learn him a lot more before I'll really feel comfortable with him. I also really like Hamelin's style. Fluffwise, I think Tara is my favorite. Or the Viktorias. Or Jack Daw. Or Leveticus. Or Misaki. Or maybe Von Schill. Crap, I really like all their fluff.
  8. I painted him for Leveticus, and I love the look, but I have never found myself wanting the Carrion Effigy in play, sadly.
  9. It seems like a lot of the best Hardcore Crews actually end up hiring one model in the 2-3 Soulstone range, just to satisfy the four model requirement while still allowing huge models. This seems awesome to me. It means a very dynamic range of crews.
  10. I really appreciate the way that the Resurrectionists make so many excellent models for the Outcasts to use. Which are your favorites? Note that here I'm including only those which can be hired by more than one Master, not models that are designed for a specific Outcast Master like the Nurse (for Jack Daw) and Izamu (for Leveticus). 1. Canine Remains (Nix, Any Master) Notable as the one Resser model that every Outcast Master can hire, if they get Nix as a Henchdog in their Crew. The Canine Remains provide a great objective-runner, but more than that. They debuff both Df and Wp, they can spread poison so Avatar Tara's attacks work better, and they're a cheap and significant minion with a good attack. The Outcasts have a problem with finding cheap objective-runners in-faction, so the Canine Remains can help a lot. 2. The Hanged (Pariah of Bone Leveticus, Jack Daw) While this model was of course originally designed with Jack Daw in mind, it's useful to Leveticus too. Whispers in Darkness is a brutal attack that can shut down many resilient models by stopping healing. The Hanged also have solid defenses, decent movement, and they work well with the Jack Daw fear-and-tarpits style. Great for Reckoning. 3. Crooligans (Pariah of Bone Leveticus, Tara/Karina Summon, Sewer King Hamelin) Tara can Summon Crooligans, but they might not be the best summoning choice, since they can't Interact on their first turn and they get buried after that, and further more they can't use From The Shadows when summoned. But Leveticus and Hamelin both love these guys. They're a fast objective runner that starts out in perfect position. They often die, but that's okay: they've earned you VPs by then. 4. The Drowned (Pariah of Bone Leveticus, Tara/Karina Summon, Jack Daw) Fantastic territory holders. They have a natural synergy with Jack Daw's toxic territory style, but all of the applicable Outcast models can find a place for them. They're resilient and capable in melee combat. Karina can summon them to jam up chokepoints or take down enemy models in position. (And remember the trick of having Nix in Tara's Crew to give the Drowned Fast and burn it out so it doesn't clog your buried model slot.) Jack Daw loves them because they synergize with Jaakuna Ubume (who almost made this list) and with Ama No Zako. They're a Tormented model, so Jack Daw can speed them up with all his movement tricks, which is great because they're designed to get in close with an enemy target, preferably a much more expensive enemy target whose time and resources they can waste. Leveticus can hire them and get use from them as well, but he has other heavy hitters who may give him better results in melee. 5. Student of Viscera (Pariah of Bone Leveticus, Tara/Karina Summon) (replaced Yin, which of course Karina can't actually summon because Yin is an Enforcer) Actually, all of the students. It's great to be able to tailor what you summon to your enemy's Crew: living, undead, or construct models. Levy has to guess based on enemy faction (Arcanist/Construct, Guild or Neverborn or Gremlin/Living, Resser/Undead.) Solid models that can break a lot of defenses with their trigger-stopping and positive twists to damage, with good damage resistance and great damage spread. I just picked Student of Viscera because Living is still, just barely, the most common model type. Whichever one your opponent is facing. * * * In summary, there are a lot of really powerful and well-made Resurrectionist models for the Outcasts to use. Some Masters (like Von Schill and Viktorias) don't use Resser models that often, but they can still use Canine Remains of course. I was tempted to include Death Marshalls, who are definitely some of the best Undead models Outcasts can hire, but I guess most people would considered them Guild. How about the rest of you Outcast players? What are your favorite Resser models to play in your Outcast Crews? (Resser players, please feel free to give advice for what models help Outcast Masters!)
  11. I suspect you would not be able to kill the last few. But this sounds like a hilarious method for card-gathering, Math!
  12. Gah! I got swamped and totally missed you while you were in San Francisco! I'm sorry about that! It was great to see you at GenCon!
  13. Sounds like a really interesting first session! I'd love to hear more.... ...but... "Me Rove You Rong Time" brothel? Really? You're clearly capable of much better than that!
  14. So, I mostly play Leveticus, and I find that my games go best when I do a lot to draw more cards. In a Levy crew, that means having Abominations damage other Constructs for extra cards, and Levy saccing friendly Constructs (usually a disposable Abomination or a rejuvenating Ashes and Dust) to draw 2 cards. If you hire 2 Abominations, that's 4 card draws on the first turn! What other crews are good at card draw? What's the best card draw combination Crew? I know Zoraida has some great tricks. She can Bewitched to get a lot of extra cards if she does it early in the turn and targets a model that takes a lot of attacks or walks. And she can get another card each turn from Crystal Ball. I know Nicodem has a really powerful trick, combining Necromantic King with Muahahaha, so he can turn Corpse Markers into Mindless Zombies, so that he draws a card each time he sac's one. I know Colette can spend a soulstone to get two cards. Or vice versa. And that her Crew often gets the Surge trigger. I know Mechanical Rider can draw another card from her trigger, and that this was reduced in the final Crossroads version because it was so powerful to draw two. What other Crews are good at this? What other tricks are there? Last question: What's the most card-drawing Crew build available in the game? Impress me, y'all!
  15. The Dreamer is a Neverborn because Nightmares often tie themselves with other Neverborn as well. And because Neverborn have ties to the Nightmares of people. And the other Neverborn don't really seem to know that Nytmare is a tyrant. At least, Pandora doesn't in that story where she asks him and he gives a really weird answer. Collodi works closely with Zoraida, who makes dolls. (Collodi and Zoraida both have in common also that they're humans who were in Malifaux for so long that they turned into Neverborn themselves.) EDIT: Oops! Collodi of course was never human. Let me amend that to "Collodi and Zoraida both have in common that they came from human society, but were in Malifaux for centuries and turned into Neverborn themselves." Sorry for my confusing mistake.
  16. Permits and family are really snooty. Why can't they just be more down-to-earth and hang out with friends, without any permits?
  17. I don't think we get an answer to that. Every time Wyrd does give an estimate, fans ends up getting mad at them for it.
  18. This sounds amazing! will you send out the tournament pack when you're done?
  19. One place I think Yan Lo is definitely the best: You don't need as many models to play him competitively. He is great for travel that way.
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