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Everything posted by SpiralngCadavr

  1. Awesome- glad it read! And thanks, yeah, I really do like to experiment when I've got the time to try something different.
  2. My first foray into Outlaw Miniatures' Wild West Exodus was full of good discoveries- it's got some cool minis and the rules cover a solid middle ground between small skirmishes and larger, squad-based system-- a link to my rules & miniatures review
  3. Yeah, coating them with a layer of gloss varnish won't dramatically alter the surface but gives enough tooth to paint on. The biggest problem with primer is it could look funky from the inside (if visible). and will be really hard to blend/fade out, but if you're not doing any fading tricks (like tara who just has the clear arm/sword), it should be fine. I've never used liquid mask, so can't comment on that. My biggest recommendation is to experiment on little sprue scraps you clip apart (call it a couple-inch segments), since there's a lot of surface area to play with without messing anything up. Oh, also, a really sharp knife: clippers put too much pressure on the plastic when squeezing so can change its color since it gets more opaque under pressure. (Sorry if I'm repeating myself, been a while since I wrote those...)
  4. Lots of stuff here- was going to post pics, but too much work before mah coffee, so you get a clicky link... link
  5. plastic cement doesn't work. What I've generally done is use an extremely sparing amount of super glue (enough not to noticeably off gas, and never towards the inside of a chamber) and mostly glued it together with layers of gloss varnish. Does a better job hiding the seam.
  6. You're forced to give your opponent fast. This is just getting another reward for doing so. I think he's pretty darn good at attacking a buried fast model (more likely to be buried w/ fast due to tara's debuff), since he can do 3 attacks with weak 3 against them w/o needing range. I'm not sure if he has quite the damage to go in all the time, but he's got pretty obscene utility, esp. if scheme markers are relevant. However, that extra AP on a merc means he's easily hitting 5 AP equivalent with Tara (2 + bonus + fast + merc free focus). I also think the fast thing is great if he's sitting around cost 4-5 models, where spending a 6 or so is very cheap for another AP.
  7. Wow. As a tara player, that looks like a much more fun option than the Scion. Right now, think my hench priority list will soon be Hannah, Aio, with the Scion as a distant third I'm still not getting a lot of mileage out of.
  8. sparks is a gremlin mechanic henchman. porkchops are big construct boars.
  9. Yeah, didn't follow up to see if anything was resolved, though. Also, good call re: what Levi can bring.
  10. As far as I can tell, none of the pieces overlap? How could it be the same?
  11. Interesting thing, searched my beta files and at least there outcasts actually had zero poison- can anyone think of a native poisoner?
  12. Cool to hear re: gator. A little disappointed with the purple saturation, probably just figure out some other LE kit. Rasputina's blue saturation was too strong for me, think this one will be the same... thanks for the pics, either way.
  13. O&F, sure, my PM isn't working here, but I'm at nick(dot) wirtz at gmail if you want to work something out. Also, damn you- so jealous re: living in Kyoto, probably my favorite city in the world.
  14. 1 & 5 for nice white and nice face, respectively.
  15. Thanks, you've got a nice style, yourself Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, regarding him being almost modeled with forced perspective. Maybe whoever translated the mini from the concept art didn't get that's what the concept had been going for?
  16. Thanks! Next up, the Messenger of the First Story, a similar piece playing with two opposed colors of lighting, was trying her around the same time as the Dreamer. Not sure about the dark areas (it was hard when the shadow would naturally fall mostly on her face, so a bit of artificiality there) but I think the light sources themselves came out pretty nicely. (Notes)
  17. I'm getting around $150 worth of black friday stuff, interested in getting alt mcmourning, don't hugely care about the other of the three, guess firestarter's the lowest priority. Anyone want to organize a split order to hit $300? I'm in Portland, which would be nice to keep it local, but would be open for another split.
  18. Nice job on johan's stubble- stubble's something that's so often overlooked at this scale, but looks very nice when applied well. Also, wow, does he have weird proportions. I think that shoulder pad helped balance things a bit.
  19. Yeah, biggest advantage is that it's capable of substantial undercuts and is relatively cheap (so often is good for big models or small companies). Disadvantages include shrinkage (so sculptors need to use a different style or things look like stick people, and larger models can collapse slightly), edges get softer (bad for inorganic things) and mold lines that are traditionally both huge and a pain to clean, since most cutting/filing abrades them unless you have really sharp tools.
  20. I think you're all overlooking the obvious: the kneeling death marshal. I converted him as Hannah for my tara crew, but it would take even less work to just stick him on a 50mm base. edit: ...except the OP, which I missed. Well, I guess here's the mini anyway to see how it fits on a 50mm with a little height. double-edit: I also have that GW skeleton ram head w/ both horn options. my PM's broken here, but if you write me at bartertown or my blog, I could get that to you.
  21. I believe the spiral thing is added, which, while nice, is misleading as a "stock photo" of the mini.
  22. That's a good point, Cannibalbob. Think I'll actually wait to hear the verdict rather than jumping in. I've heard CMoN has been getting very good PVC results, but I've never been wowed by them and there've been companies like PP, where I basically stopped collecting when they changed materials. Fingers crossed that the PVC isn't going to become common, unless it's very nice.
  23. Well, maybe, unless you need that raw offense immediately.
  24. Yeah, the two tiers of LE minis has never been my fave. Pick 2 @ 150 and all 4 @ 300, and I'd be super-duper excited since there's just about always something I like and I can pad my order a bit, but $300 is just more than I'll drop in one mail order of just about anything non-essential.
  25. Thanks! luscious, heh, still not as bad as LCB- that model's a real nightmare to transport. Hmm, no pun intended.
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