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Everything posted by Fog

  1. Fog

    GenCon games

    Good points all around. The mid masks aren't entirely reliable though, but there's a lot of options that I hadn't considered too deeply. One thing I am excited for is using him for things like Marked for Death and Headhnter, where a free interact on a scary model or a push/don't mind me interact changes everything.
  2. Fog

    GenCon games

    I think focusing too heavily on academia is a trap. I do like Valedictorian with him a lot but it costs an upgrade slot to bring her so I'm torn on the decision. That said, give her imbued protection and energies and laugh forever. I do like five stone extra mitigation Oxford wizards but that's a good chunk of the list that chokes in melee. I was thinking of using summoned gamin to screen but it's going to take some testing to see how that goes. Even without random targeting they may be too much of a liability. Once we get the new academic guards maybe it'll be time to revisit. Use them to lock up, blast away, have Sandeep scheme. I'm very excited to test him further. He's brilliantly deep with so many answers. I think he's going to be one of our top casters, with Ramos and Colette. He's an all star, possibly the best of the new masters, and one of the most fun (Parker Barrows looks like he'll have a lower cap but will be the definition of FUN).
  3. It's been awesome getting to know you the past few years at GenCon and you've done an amazing job heading the best miniatures game out there. Thank you for making Malifaux what it is, and good luck leaving your mark on the world!
  4. Fog

    GenCon games

    I took a different limited each game, arcane reservoir and the one that gives out incorporeal (which I never got around to using, mostly as I would forget it was there) I was pleasantly surprised with how much Sandeep gets done on his own. I expected to spend most of his time mucking about but there was many times he just leaped into the middle of things and rocked the casbah himself. He's got a solid melee, solid non ranged attack, and so many utility actions I was never at a loss for things to do with him. He impacted the game in a significant way every turn
  5. Fog

    GenCon games

    I had him turn 1 both games. Sandeep isn't particularly hungry for stones outside of his summoning so I always had enough to spare. First game, having positive flips generated by command in air really let me hold enough cards to put them where they mattered. That game Blue was killed once and resummoned the same turn. In game two he was less of a beater and more of a road block. He died twice, and I mostly used him to lock models in combat, keep enemies from scheming and just eat up AP by being in the way. With armor 2 he is amazing at living way longer than a 12M deserves to.
  6. It also enables bringing the valedictorian who, imho, really enjoys access to a zero teleport
  7. Butterfly jump is amazing. Four attacks is great against things with armor. Poison lists are going to be a thing. Killing a friendly gamin as a zero would have been very helpful at gencon.
  8. This gets even better now with the new upgrade that lets you swap a beast and a construct.
  9. It's becoming a tradition. You're looking at needing 4+ cost and a mask. Normal summoning range. No triggers.
  10. Yes. It's pretty essential. No. Discussed this with Justin before I played him. Yeah, he needs to take an upgrade. I used fire most frequently, especially if I could have the buff summon nearby. I didn't get much work out of him with the scheme upgrades. Without the positive he was spending a lot of time just sitting there eating up attacks. He's relatively ignorable in that mode and you could likely save trouble and cards by summoning a normal instead
  11. Poorly. I didn't have all the paints I needed and I had very little time between tournaments and volunteer shifts to get it taken care of. On top of that, on my best day I am a slow painter who hits tabletop quality with three hours per model painted. It's taken me five years to be able to manage this amazing level of mastery.
  12. Fog

    GenCon games

    Lost in the finals to a very well played Kirai. On my last activation I had the choice for guaranteeing a tie or going for a risky win but it didn't pay off. Sandeep is a very deep toolbox with solid combat capability. He offers good mobility tricks, interact and pushes, and either scheme superiority or fantastic combat support. Banasuva is solid beats, possibly the deadliest summon in the game.
  13. Fog

    GenCon games

    Second place at GenCon Avatar. Played Sandeep two out of three. He's legit.
  14. Fog

    So sad

    She's in the reporters box. I was trying to help turn that frown upside down, but you're obviously in Grumpytown. Hopefully you'll find something you like next time around.
  15. For the record, I was that one Deets game. Had dropped my anti Sonia list and got shot up real good.
  16. Fog

    So sad

    She's awesome, but Sandeep Desai is way better for us. think of it this way: you now get the master that makes the faction stronger plus you can still buy the reporters if you like.
  17. Still not a fan, though I'm curmudgeonly and sour. He's legit with Raspy, though I personally find it only mediocre with Toni.
  18. I personally think the arcane emissary is not worth the slot, though I believe I'm in the minority here. It doesn't beat as well as the other models we have in the same price range. It's more of what we already do well, and it only carries its weight with a couple of master specific upgrades. I think it's awesome with Tina, though. I was incredibly excited to run it with Ironsides until I actually put it on the table. I am just a sour old man, though. I wanted our little wizard buddy to grow up into a big wizard buddy, not a giant robo bull.
  19. I thought Crossroads WAS his crew box. Seriously, he makes them amazing. All of them.
  20. Fog

    M2e Mei Feng

    Mei hurts guild a lot. Either they're ranged dependant or they're low defense so she can pinball through anything they bring. She's incredibly underrated.
  21. There are four of these I need, and I'm pretty sure I'm already overt 20 guilder! If only we could make the exchange at GenCon, then everything would be complete
  22. Three months ago my entire malifaux collection was stolen out of my car. Today, we caught the guy. I got 90% of my stuff back, though most of what I lost was irreplaceable con swag, tournament prizes and the books. Thanks to everyone out there for helping me out when things were bad. I've got a lot of repair work ahead of me but I'm ready to go. GenCon, here I come!
  23. I may buy him, paint him, and play him at the con
  24. I'm really interested in his fluff. I hope he doesn't have direct ties to Sidir, just to avoid the everyone knows everyone trope.
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