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Everything posted by Fog

  1. I'm going to make @harlequeen buy you a candy bar at GenCon
  2. I'm absolutely loving the feel of all of the Cult's stuff. It goes from John Carpenter's The Thing to Dark Wizards to crazy hillbillies and grannies with crazy aethertech flamethrowers. It's beautiful!
  3. Horomatangi confirmed as a Titan. I'm impressed that they're not just having a pile of bog standard PBI as the initial commander offerings.
  4. As a prospective Burning Acolyte, I am extremely excited by this. They're amazing and flavorful, and knowing that there'll be that much diversity between sculpts makes my decision easier. On the Other Side, I can understand the lack of 'excessive freebies.' Our local retailer was initially very hesitant to back this kickstarter, or even really support it locally. He's had too many situations where a game has blown up big via kickstarter and then by the time it made it to retail everyone had everything they could buy, or the game sputtered out and he was stuck sitting on a ton of product. This way, though, he'll be able to get a demo kit early, people will be able to get starters (and maybe a few extra boxes), but there'll be plenty left for retailers to provide.
  5. Honestly, my first HH thought out of the new book was Kudra with the Arcane Effigy. Four attacks stacking up burning? That sure sounds fun.
  6. My favorite answer to this question, when it comes up: As Ramos is leaving his miners to the mercy of the cult, he apologizes to them, explaining the necessity of the situation. He didn't need to do that. When Ramos returns, he suggests that the two missing miners are 'lost in the mines,' both allowing for closure for the family, and just as importantly, he ensures their families will get full union benefits. He didn't need to do that. In Malifaux, people go missing all the time. Demons will eat you on your way to the latrine, you'll fall through portals to other realms, gremlins will take you while you're sleeping. There wouldn't be a moments thought given to the people who disappeared. It just happens. Ramos does the right thing, as best he can, for the families. He makes the hard decisions, and he puts the needs of the many ahead of the needs of the few, but he still does his best to take care of his people. This puts him ahead of most people in similar positions of power in Malifaux.
  7. I had Ramos detonate the mechanical rider to spite a player an exhaust point
  8. Toni is amazing. Most underrated master in the game. And you don't bring Ramos for his melee. It's just another option on his card. His card is absolutely loaded with options. People often ignore two thirds of his card and it's a travesty. And between arcing screen and bleeding edge, those spiders take work to put down. Your opponent is spending cards and activations to get those kills. Meanwhile you can kill models that Don't come back. Playing aggressively, I rarely give two points on hunting party, let alone 3. Weakened spiders can self detonate, Ramos can blow them up, so your opponent pretty much has to one round a defense six, positive flip, armor 1 model. I'll throw a face card to savea spider and cost my opponent a point. There's a fair number of enforcers who need three weak hits to pop a spider, and almost none can finish it with one. Force a single miss and it's a wasted activation.
  9. Werewolf lawyer is amazing. so is performer with a tiny teddy.
  10. Very interested in this topic
  11. Tiny. Teddy. Nothing in the entirety of the event could possibly be as cool. I'm going to organize matches locally to do my best to ensure this happens. If she ends up bringing a baby teddy to a different faction in the end, all the better. But that means this week, you folks need to win the child's scenario. Do it for the baby bear
  12. Nothing about this phrase is in any way unappealing. I think I'll be championing both of these this time around, and maybe pull out some Neverborn to give baby teddy a helping hand
  13. Some of the other ones do. Like, I REALLY want Neverborn to win the child this time around.
  14. The rules are up. We're battling for the favor of one of three new characters. Who do we want?
  15. I find a lot of people forget that Ramos does stuff. They think spiders, auras, tough as nails. They rarely plan for Electrical Fire, his painful melee severe, and using spiders as bombs. He's surprisingly quick with magnetism, and can either scheme as needed, deal with runners in your backfield, or repositioning before summoning a swarm to eat enemy markers.
  16. Another plus to doing the job with Ramos is zero chance for someone like sue to stick his nose into your affairs. Kill something, turn it into spiders immediately, pass turn.
  17. Wow, I remember when people thought i was crazy for running the creation. It's amazing how minds change over the years. personally, I find the extra inch joss gets from charging isn't worth the potential push for Ramos or the choice of where joss gets to be (you lose an inch walking and shooting the creation, who cares?) in most circumstances. The extra soul stone is nice, but I tend to run with six anyway, I normally don't miss the seventh.
  18. Sandeep sounds like a fit too. He can shoot, move, melee, tank and summon. His two upgrades alter his summoning completely, changing his focus from combat to schemes. He's not out yet, but I've found his in match versatility to be outstanding.
  19. There's at least one game out there that releases a yearly omnibus, similar to malifaux, but the rules aren't legal for use until the general release of a model. If you buy something at a convention you aren't allowed to use it in official play until it hits general release, regardless of the wait. I'm very glad Wyrd handles things differently.
  20. I'm going to assume the hostility I'm reading in that comment that wasn't intended. My answer was an attempt to put forward a suggestion that some players, particularly those coming in from other games, might not consider. Many other games don't care if the rules are available, only that the model is releases--the rules might be out for years in some cases before a model is released and you can't play them until you have the official model. You aren't the only person reading the thread, and some folks may not have the same viewpoints. My answer was an attempt to be inclusive as I felt it was within the scope of the original question.
  21. Wyrd announced that GenCon was the release for Ripples of Fate, and in the same article said that the crew boxes were prerelease models. I would take that to mean the book itself is now considered a released product, using their words. Due to the online portion of the sale, anyone had the potential ability to order the book. While not everyone did so, the opportunity was there. The gaining grounds document specially calls out the allowance of proxies for unreleased models, which I believe implies their usage. That's all the rules say about the issue. There's some fair room for interpretation there, so it's not particularly cut and dry. As such, I'm going to suggest that when scheduling an event you make it very clear the status of unreleased models when you first post an event, and I'm going to STRONGLY suggest taking any new books in their entirety. It's not fair to let Johnny play with Reva because her box comes out in December but not let Judy play with Zipp because he releases in June. The definite implication in Gaining Grounds is that playing your own version of a model that hasn't been released is allowed and encouraged. The specifics of how long until the book should be in tournament use is definitely up in the air.
  22. I've often considered killing off my leader the first few weeks of a campaign to get him turned into a henchman.
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