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Everything posted by Moondog

  1. I like the style of these. By the way how do you do your trees, they're cool?
  2. I like them! I hadn't seen the new plastic Ortega's until now.
  3. Thanks both. I think I did the levels a bit too much I uploaded it in a rush... It actually is a bit more toned down in real life...
  4. I'm resurrecting this dead thread as I have finally painted another one of my crew! Yes I'm terribly slow. But I am back into Malifaux and playing some games, so I need to get painting again. Cheers for looking.
  5. There is a really good tutorial here: http://handcannononline.com/blog/2011/04/20/tutorial-basics-%E2%80%93-glorious-locks-painting-hair/ My way of painting dark brown hair is as follows. 1)Undercoat Scorched Brown. 2)Mix a touch of water, and a touch of Scorched Brown into Badab Black wash. This bit is a bit of trial and error, I look for a watery wash that is dark brown almost black. Use this and try and paint it into any recesses in the hair. 3)Go over any raised parts again with Scorched Brown. 4)Mix a bit of Bestial Brown with Scorched brown so you get a brown between the two and use this to paint just the top of any raised hair where you think the light will catch it. 5) Mix Bestial Brown and Snakebite Leather with a little bit of Scorched Brown to get a lighter and use that even less on raised areas where the light would reflect off that most. 6) If you are doing a female character and you want shiny glossy hair (like on those Pantene shampoo adverts!) a final highlight of snakebite leather only can be use to make more shine. The most important thing with this is that you need to have quite thinned with water paints. This lets your previous colours shown through so the transition between colours isn't so abrupt. What I described won't win you any Golden Deamons but I think it looks really good and effective. As an example I did what I descried above to do the hair on Perdita - http://www.coolminiornot.com/282117
  6. Nice to see how all your work is going! Sad to say but I am really struggling, lost motivation and I am on the hardest bit (painting all the base colours in on top of the primer) for me. I don't know why but it takes me a long time. I have spent a lot of time reading up on how to paint wood grain for Francisco's gun.
  7. Blimey! this is going strong and we haven't even started properly! I picked up the Viktorias boxed set so I am hoping to have a Perdita crew and Viktorias crew done at the end of this! I can only hope!
  8. It all depends what you want to achieve, how much time you want to spend and what look you want. For highlights and shadowing what you described is what a lot of people do. It depends what you are used to and happy with also. For example I tend to put down a strong base colour and then on top of that I will layer brighter colours so the lightest is at the highest point and the darkest base colour is in the recesses (folds in cloaks, things cast in shadow). My layers will be thinned down paint. It's thinned with water and added on top. This way you get the strong base colour showing through the thinned down paint. It makes sure the transitions from darker to lighter are less abrupt if that makes sense.
  9. OK good! I have assembled the remaining four models of my first crew. I have filled joins with greenstuff and started a bit of priming. I am working out colour choices. Not long until this project starts!
  10. Cool I really like the hooded cloak, I always thought she'd be a bit cold in her original sculpt! Great work.
  11. Cool, nice colour choices. They are creeping me out a bit haha
  12. Wow impressive! I like the tartan, tutorial perhaps if you have free time?
  13. Cool. You did the convict gunslinger in one night? Wow nice work for such as short time to paint it!
  14. Very nice, good work. Can't add anything that hasn't been mentioned already in terms of feedback, keep painting!
  15. Cool, cool, now get it painted!
  16. Never played the games but it does look like an ace conversion project.
  17. Cheers all. Having some major problems with Papa Loco, the chain is breaking off, nearly lost the lit portion of the dynamite and his head is one major pain to glue on! Takes me back to gluing metal and plastic space marines - that was a major pain!
  18. Hey you did your Perdita, cool! Like the stars on the warjack.
  19. Thanks, very cool I like the blue / grey cloaks.
  20. @edonil - another paint for my wish list hehe
  21. @Fenrir, thanks I'll have to search for that colour! I like your Rasputina.
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