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Everything posted by Moondog

  1. Hehe, pink. Actually it's a good looking choice of colours.
  2. Looking good... post the buildings when you get them painted too, they look cool.
  3. OK done a bit more.... and a final family photo.... Cheers!
  4. A group of us have started playing and we are not bad now but I do think sometimes there is a bit of deviation from the rules..... Just a couple of things I wanted to check on, please tell me if anything is wrong... 1) Auras and Pulses - Models need to be in line of sight to be affected. If you are not in line of sight you can't be affected. 2) Blasts - The original target must be in line of sight. Blasts generated from the damage flip can hit models not in line of sight BUT only if your first target and first hit is on something within line of sight. 3) Blasts / Auras and Pulses - Are all different things. For example a model with "Evasive: This model is immune to damage caused by 'pulse' effects." will still be damaged by blasts and auras. Some fundamental stuff - 4) Your own models and enemy models could potentially block your line of sight. 5) A casting (Ca) spell will be affected by line of sight (LOS) and cover modifiers as normal if it has a gun icon after range on the stat card. You cannot normally use this if the caster is in melee. 6) A casting (Ca) spell without a gun icon can be cast in melee and does not require LOS, nor can any target normally benefit from cover. We may well be teaching new players so hopefully we are not teaching bad habits... anything look wrong? Oh one final thing - when we were taught, we were taught soulstone users can spend a soulstone for a healing flip - I can't see this anywhere in the small rulebook - is this right? Thanks
  5. Thanks all. I do want a Snow Storm model - just waiting for it to be released - not got the old one and they seem hard to come by....
  6. Oooh I'll have to watch that... think I killed them using Maw, but I'll be honest there is a good possibility I missed the "target living" part.. :s I think to be honest as a group of new players we probably have made a fair few mistakes...
  7. I'm jealous, painted crews and a smart board....
  8. Well I have been playing Perdita for a while now so I started playing a Rasputina crew. I read up on the pullmyfinger tactics site and the posts on this forum and though I was set. I was soundly thrashed for my first three games (although one game was Archanist Vs. Archanists which doesn't reallllyy count! All was not lost though as I managed to pull off a feat which amused me.... my Wendigo swallowed a paralyzed Howard Langston (sword legs and all!) in one big gulp with devour He then proceeded to gulp his way through several spiders before being taken down in by spider swarms and an angry Ramos. My problem was as soon as my Frozen Heart models became engaged it all started to go wrong.... they were all taken out easily and I started to lose the ability of ice mirror. I was using the following.... http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/malifaux_2e_crew.html?ss=50&f=3&l=62,58,61,63&t=71&m=80x1|80x1|84x1|84x1|84x1|79x1,64
  9. Cheers both, just got to finish Papa Loco.... and his green / white stripe prisoner uniform... plus a painted peacekeeper would be nice not sure what scheme for that yet...
  10. I'm liking the witchling stalkers, nice sword effects. I was never really into the models much, and mostly play crews I like the look of but this might have changed my mind...
  11. Is it just me or does your Seamus look like he is wearing a purple velvet suit? It's cool.
  12. Nice work, that Jakalope is really creepy! The snow is really good may have to check out the Army Painter range... I am using Woodland Scenics at the moment.
  13. Tried to speed up progress and I have two more ready and varnished... not sure these are as great as I had imagined before I started them but I need to get a painted crew fielded asap so I whacked the varnish on and they are ready to play! Got Papa Loco started and then it's the peacekeeper to complete the first crew...
  14. Cheers both, makes sense to me!
  15. This came up in a game the other day and I wasn't sure what happens regarding the defensive trigger Sub Zero (After this model suffers damage from a MI attack, immediately end the Attacker's Activation). I took the Sub Zero upgrade and an Ice Gamin was in range of the model that had the upgrade. The Ice Gamin was hit and Sub Zero triggered. The damage flip was made and the Ice Gamin was utterly destroyed in the hit. What happens first; as damage was dealt does Sub Zero mean the attackers activation ends, and then the Ice Gamin dies? Or does that Ice Gamin die and then the trigger can't work? Am I complicating things?
  16. Like the pose, looks like he is climbing down!
  17. Thanks! I am trying to pick up the pace painting 2 / 3 models at the same time to finish the basic crew. I have picked a up a new plastic Lone Marshal also and I am thinking of trying to put a badge on his cloak. Something along the lines of a US Marshal badge could be cool, but I have no idea how to pull it off. Either I get some green stuff to make it, or use freehand, niether of which is easy for me. Any help is greatly appreciated.... I like the look of something like the badges in the following link. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=us+marshal+badge&client=firefox-a&hs=anS&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=np&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=w7ZaU7fYNaSm0QWgq4D4DQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=770 Cheers!
  18. I'm liking your colour choices!
  19. Sweet, I like your purifyling flame it looks really good. How do you make those cool looking bushes that look like they have leaves in?
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