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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. I started playing the story for ghost recon future soldier ( I am a tom Clancy fan ) also been ripping up the new battle field 3 expansion . other than than watching a movie with the wifey than maybe work on more dark debts .
  2. I have she blood on models a few times . Ahh the joy of pinning tiny hands to tiny limbs , pin vice threw the thumb hurts lol
  3. Thanks ! , my style is kind of cartoonish I like to try and go for a graphic novel type look with most of my work , so deep shadow contrasted with bright accents . The girl still need skin work its still very rough especially the hair and head .
  4. Nice work looking really sharp .
  5. Nice start into malifaux ! love the dreamer base awesome idea !
  6. Beat it enjoyed it. I would play again if I didn't have a long list of games I want to play so i youtubed the ending I didnt see . I give it a solid 7 out of 10 .
  7. The Bases are plastic card with cobblestone pattern , some small woodland scenic rocks , and the flames are sculpted in with green stuff .
  8. looking good love the conversions very cool !
  9. Whats up all my next and second faction (I am a die hard guildie ) is 10 thunders .Thinking about using them for adepticon ! SO here starts a painting progress thread . I will be working on my guild here and there as well but il try to keep progress on these going smoothly . I have gotten my hands on dark debt box during gen con weekend so I will start there . Still need to do some highlighting and shading but she looks good on the table . The purple flame I had sculpted through out there bases part of the " Brilliance " . started this as well tonight Thinking about light sourcing the purple light I will work on that when I get threw most of the models .
  10. Ran a game with my sons , trying out the malifaux card mechanic and some rules using soul stones as a resource . It worked out well and spiced up combat . we usually role play pathfinder system / 3.5 type of system . The only thing that needs tweaking is coming up with stats . I gave them pre made characters with stats I thought would work well with the card system basing them off of existing malifaux stat cards .
  11. very cool indeed , love the bases along with the display board .
  12. Iam going threw now , I am playing the game in the fashion of sneaking til I get caught than I dispatch everyone who comes at me ( often yelling "come at me bro ! " ) . Iam using level 2 blink , wind blast level 2 , turning turning fallen to ash , and have my crossbow with full upgrade and pistol not far behind . the level 2 optics on the mask turn the crossbow into a sniper rifle lol . But with zoom optics and enough sleep darts getting by most areas is pretty easy .
  13. So dishonored is taking up my painting time and sleep .....
  14. I would like to see these after the matt coat
  15. Oh nice choco I prepped a sauna for you just hop in Il close the door *smiles
  16. overeating hasn't started yet but Il make sure I do the boards proud =) Thanksgiving is my fav. holiday all the family comes together and has the biggest meal of the year . Most of m fav. foods are usually on the table at one time !
  17. Its late , that's why choco has to get into this bath of bacon and butter I prepped for him . I lucked out this year more people are coming with more food so I just have to bring booze , so no cooking for me today =)
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