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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. The micron pens I picked up at pearl paints , 005 is a nice size for minatures . I learned about them from Jen Healy's site , she does her tattoo work with them . I am sure there are also places to order them from the web . they run about $3 a piece . They do need dry time though so after applying them try not to smudge the ink before it dries .
  2. looking good on that mini fell . Black lining the red line would really define them . when I am bent on time I use a micron pen to do my line work .
  3. Yeah our club was at a place that had one of the largest magic community on the eastern side of the country . It was hard to work around them , so we moved to another game store . It worked out we basically refinished a portion of there basement for them , we have about 15 tables set for mini gaming . The only gripe I have is they close way to early even on club night . And are closed on Sunday's which for a game store is retarded .
  4. blood bowl talk ! really the only gw game I play as of right now. I just got done getting the bits and stuff to convert a chaos dwarf team . I try and attend zlurpee bowl out in Indy when I can . It pulls in about 60-70 couches and I a solid 2 day event . Malifaux talk , the table is coming out pretty good so far , although at a slow pace . And I have grandma about painted , doing some free hand on her gown .
  5. I like the model as a whole , but if the mouth was screaming or giving a huge roar , plus flip the hand maybe have them reaching out more , would have made this model more menacing and over all better imo . But over all the model look great , with paint it will probably look even better .
  6. Nice pace you have going , also nice job .
  7. #points at both choco and lonely , grabs coffee , runs of to paint #
  8. ok well about to work on my game table , whats everyone up too ?
  9. # walks in throws a human hand onto the table # anyone know who this belongs too ?
  10. # fends off show girls with a bo staff # Back wenches from hell ! oh snap #points the the back wall # its Colette ! # dives out side window onto a waiting hunter #
  11. I like the blue skin on the zombies .
  12. good , got up early today , putting some paint on papa loco .
  13. #FoeRender sneaks into the thread leaves a small note at everyone's normal spot with there name on it , each note has an uplifting paragraph about each person , bringing a smile to there face . but than each paper blows up covering them in powder . #
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