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Everything posted by Xango

  1. Practice is everything, congratulations!
  2. Again, i only have played with a few crews with and against (ramos, zoraida, pandora, rasputina, marcus and lady j) of this 6 crews none is better or worst, zoraida and pandora have won the most, but then again is ambiguous to say, the other 4 win and loose equally, and i say ambiguous because the only master that defeated pandora in my game group is ramos, so you can never tell.
  3. Hello, i can only compare the few masters i have played with and against (not many players around) my top 3... 1.- Pandora, i just hate her, she is a nightmare to play against, she has to be banned from malifaux. Did i already said that i hate her? 2.- Zoraida, beautyful and fun to play, devastating in treasure hunt and claim jump. 3.- sorry, do not have a number 3, Ramos, Rasputina, Marcus and lady j always loose against pandi and Z
  4. Brilliant special terrain ideas! congratulations!
  5. What a fantastic table, congratulations!
  6. Hellow, i`m glad that malifaux is attracting female players (my wife is a fan now) welcome and enjoy, have you two choose a crew so far?
  7. Hope is not to late, welcome Merg! also a neverborn player but my alliegance is with Zoraida, as everyone else even if some of them does not know, cheers!
  8. Hola! Bienvenido, great game, great forum, enjoy.
  9. I do not know lilith, but pandora is an awesome crew right out of the box, teddy goes perfect with both and try the poltergeist with pandora, you will have a lot of fun.
  10. `welcome aboard this madness!
  11. Welcome to this great game, Perditas list is ok but with Rasputina add the december acolyte and some hoarcat pride and you have a crew!
  12. Easy for me, Zoraida+vodoo doll/wicked doll
  13. Great job man, and choosing zoraida, just wonderfull!
  14. Very glad that more and more players turn eyes to zoraida, i just love to play with her, want several configurations, stitched together, collodi and marionettes, insidious madness and sorrows and i like the sillurids a lot
  15. Looking at those gakis, also make me want kirai`s box, great job (diorama and painting)
  16. Welcome and feel free to ask any question about crews and masters and gameplay, always someone wiling to answer.
  17. Welcome Carco, Nicodem has been always in my wishlist, i am just waiting to see the hamelin box but if the box is not entirely appealing i will go with nico i want him with 2 vultures and lots of dogs, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  18. The more you play, more you understand your master and combos start popping on your mind
  19. Yes, thinking over and over again, copellius seems to be a great addition for Z, i am thinking, Z+Coppelius+voddo doll+ wicked dolls (2)+ stitched together (2) and how about some insidious madness or sorrows?
  20. @Wod... fantastic link, awesome surface to play!
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