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Everything posted by Adran

  1. Take back the night has to be taken on a horror, but it provides the card draw to both Horrors and Spirits
  2. Well the Friekorpsman is Greater than Ht1, so he doesn't have to add that on to his distance.
  3. Regardless of the rules, I believe Seshin are Ht 1, so Kirai will jut look over the top of them anyway. EDIT - Seems I was thinking old rules. They are Ht 2 Cheers Tris
  4. If you have more than 1 archer, then you want to keep them far enough apart that 1 raptor can't engage 2 archers. If your opponent has multiple Raptors, and spends his early activations burying them to stop you killing them, you can either kill the ones he doesn't activate straight away, or use your activations to kill the rest of his models. If you have the Blot the sky upgrade, you can discard it to push all your archers. Or, if your opponent is Burying and unburying his Raptors, and you are the first player, you get to do the free attack from the upgrade before the Raptors unbury. The Raptors aren't that hard to kill, they have a high Df, but low wounds, so a simple bodyguard near your Archers has a decent chance of killing the birds and freeing the Archers. Option C involves Buying the New Aionius model, and attacking the buried Raptors.
  5. We have had this discussion before, http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/104574-tengu-and-clockwork-traps/ and it didn't generate a FAQ but the general consesus was (as I understood it) that the effects effectively went on to a stack. (well that if a model had line of sight at the beginning of its activation, then even if other things happen at the beginning of its activation to remove that line of sight, it would still have to resolve the effect as it was true at the beginning of its activation).
  6. A rough idea oy why Jack might like her is that she can generate an Aura of Hazardous terrain. Jack can increase her aura, and there are a couple of tormented models (drowned and Jakunna Ubumi) who work well with Hazardous. She is also fairly fast and has a decent attack for Jack to copy at times. She is a resonable choice for for her points. She doesn't have a huge synergy with any particualr master, so most of what she does, will remain the same regardless of who you pick her with.
  7. Only a few schemes let you lock in full points early. (Assasinate, Deliver a message, Spring the trap, Plant explosives, Vendetta, kill protogee and Frame for murder). Of those only Explosives and Spring the trap will use your scheme markers. For any other scheme marker schemes, your opponent will be able to just remove the markers you dropped, especially if you are hiding your last few models to deny reckoning points. AS Math Said, the only way to really see if you can get it to work, is to try. I don't think it would work as you expect, but whilst I might pick bayou gremlins in a reckoning game, I wouldn't be planning on killing them off my self, and certainly wouldn't be going with a swarm of them. It will also depend a lot on what your opponent brings to the game.
  8. Johan is sort of Taelor light, as they both have the Relic hammer, but Taelor has better triggers. What Johan has is condition removal, which can be priceless (or useless). The Emissary will be on a 50 mm Base.
  9. the base insert for a 30 mm base is normally 25 mm. At least thats what I assume is meant
  10. My first suggestion would be Johan. From your list, I though Anna was a 40mm base, so probaly not much use. Also She hasn't yet got a release date. Big Jake also doesn't have a release date. Sue is probably more like a convict Gunslinger than Hans is. Hans is more like a Trapper with more options, but costs more. Hodgepodge is a decently durable cheap model. Its easy to fit into crews, and likes you to have a killy master. It can help the Viks against Shooting crews. I think you would get the most use out of the Hodgepodge, but it is the least showy of the models you have asked about.
  11. The rules for once per turn are automatically once per turn per model. Its in the rule book. The rules of once per activation are once per activation. If you have multiple models performing actions during 1 activation, then they could each do the same once per turn action, but they couldn't each do the same once per activation action. You can make a model perform the same once per activation action multiple times during a turn, as long as you only do it once per activation. But once it has performed the once per turn action, it can't do it again that turn.
  12. The call out box is on page 39 of the big rulebook, right hand column: Some Actions note that they can only be taken "once per Turn." This only refers to the individual model. Although the model may only take the Action once per Turn, other models may still take the Action. Note that whilst You can let both Jack and Pride do the action, if you used Jack to make Pride do the action, then pride can't do the action on his own turn. (Based on using the twist and turn upgrade, and the 2 different action on it, one makes the model with the action take the action, the other lets Jack take an action on another models card)
  13. If all you want is a Henmchman hardcore list for demoing purposes, then you can sort it with any 3 Neverborn models to go with Barbaros (changign the point level of your demo game to fit which 3 models you want). I'd consider picking models I'm likely to want in the future, because I'm lazy and cheap. A pack Of Waldgiests would give a slow but solid crew for Barbaros, (fit the 20 ss gamee size, which might be a bonus) and are a good choice for Marcus as well as any Neverborn masters you may buy later.
  14. Every time I will look at my mission and decide how I am going to do this. Sometimes this will be crew based, and I'll then pick a master to support what I want, othertimes It will be master based, and I'll then pick the crew to support the master. Even if you are playing your list on a narrow theme, there is still a decent amount of choices to consider. Looking at Jacob as a model with a tight obvious theme, for example, are you heading with Good Huggy, or suicidal huggy? How many Illuminated do you take? what Upgrades are on those that can take them? Are you looking at other models with a discard theme? (Tots and Gupps spring to mind in neverborn). Are you going to pair Graves and Tannen? Do you want the tar pits of the Depleted? If I am just learning a crew or a new model then I will try and limit the changes I make game to game so I get a better understandign of what they do, and how things work together, but I am not the kind of person who is going to play a fixed list. Even my Campaign lists are quite variable once I gain some upgrades and so actually have a choice
  15. Yes, the 8 different Conflux upgrades are in the book.
  16. Unless He decided she can't. One of His triggers prevent prevention flips.
  17. Didn't you say that you had Rising Sun on Jacob? Which means that when Huggy gets killed he doesn't actually die but instead becomes buried? So you can't actually score any points for your Frame for murder until after the death of Jacob. (Which worked in this game, but I don't think Its normally a good plan). Use Cover. Lynch Dying that fast to that list does suggest you were too aggressive with him. I would have though Jacob and the Sniper can be looking at removing at least a Gamin a turn, although this will make them a priority target for Rasputina.
  18. bete was available in November as the bonus for $60 LGS purchase. I think 2014 limited sculpts were also all for sale this black friday. So there is a very good chance of you being able to get the models from Wyrd over the next year.
  19. Cheers for that, it is an interesting read. One thing it doesn't pick up on, (unsurprisingly) is the sheer number of medium-large events in the UK. I think we probably had over 70 events in the year, and most of them had at least 20 people (largely based by looking at the UK ranking site, and Maria's record, as she probably attended the most events by far - 33 ranking events! and 20 of those were 20+). Neverborn put a strong showing in most events (I think they were 2nd, and 5th in the UKGT). But for example, the top two guild players of 2014 were Joel Henry and Joe Wood, neither of whom played Guild at any of the bigger events this year (to the best of my knowledge). So whilst the factions are interesting to see, there is a large degree of it depending on what faction the top players decide play, rather than the faction (at least in my opinion).
  20. Yes, it doesn't matter who is stalking who. When a model with the stalked condition walks a model with the Stalk action gets to walk. But BigHammer raises a great point below how it does matter.
  21. If I remember Biting chill is 1/2/2 with an after damaging trigger, that needs a suit isn't it? its also only 2" range, so possibly not able to be cast, plus 1 stone that prevents all the damage ends the attack, and its a (0), so It ending once, and its over. I've used it to kill Ikyru, but Generally I've found its not likely to kill very much. If I was Tina I would try it, as with a lot of luck you kill Huggy, but I wouldn't ever expect it to work. Qoob Uses returning huggy, so his death isn't quite so painful. And if your opponent is using Armour of December on Rasputina, then placing Huggy in base contact with her will mean she needs 2 AP to disengage, as the 3" push isn't enough to get her clear. (I know this is the opposite of what I'm saying above about Biting Chill. There isn't 1 right answer all the time. You need to know the game state at the time to be able to say which is best).
  22. Surely thats a good reason why Huggy is a good model to engage. It can ignore the blocking terrain fairly easily to engage her thanks to Incorporeal, so 2 walks and its 3" engagement range are all pretty good. (although if she is hidden from everything except snowstorm, then engaging snowstorm will probably also upset her plans.) Yes she probably has ways to escape engagement, but most of them are performed by a different model, so you have a chance to react. The value of that will depend hugely on on-board placement, and turn stage, but it is generally helpful to make your opponent have to react based on what you've just done, than let them do what they like.
  23. You can prevent models being used as Ice Mirrors by engaging the model. Models such as Hungering Darkness can in theory do this from more than 2" away, so wouldn't be included in randomisation if Rasputina tried to shoot her former ice mirror. Beckoners are also a good way to stop her Ice mirrors being where she wants them. But by far the best way to trouble Rasputina is to engage her, then she can't cast any of her good spells. Hungering Darkness can reach her from 15" away, ( More if you can use his casting expert on a Beckoner to lure him closer), and if she has the shattered Mirror upgrade (which I'm guessing she does, as without it she can't get triggers through Ice Mirror so her spells are much less scary) she struggles to disengage. Lynch can easily walk twice and shoot something. Or walk once, focus and shoot something. That can be enough to kill an Ice Gamin in one shot. If you are findign Lynch dyign every game, then you might be playing too agressive with him. But If his death serves your purpose, then let him die. I probably lose my master in over half my games, and win most of those games, because my opponent has been busy killing my master and not able to earn VPs. And Finally, the best advice against Blasts is don't bunch upi your crew. If you don't have 2 models in Blast Range, Rasputinas Damage output drastically falls.
  24. Leveticus has an attack which ignores hard to kill, hard to wound, and can't be reduced. Since the Riders Trigger reduces damage, it won't work aganst Leveticus' trick.
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