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Everything posted by Borzag

  1. Hameliin & Collodi. Kinda kills the whole "alternate activation" thing if you just have a whole crew-wide companion chain going...
  2. They're the right size; they were designed for 30-32mm scale gaming. Ditto interior & exterior furniture. I like 'em
  3. Sorry bud, I'm still looking. I do know that Riot Art & Craft sell those little sculpting posing dollies (the wooden ones) in keychain size, but they may be oversized. Otherwise you could maybe put a dress on one. There's an idea though.... I think it's Heresy or Hasslefree that do human male & female sculpting bases (basically an un-detailed full body to put detail on), maybe do it that way?
  4. Put me down for another round of minis after Sunday @ CanCon (was only bye-busting, but it counts!): - Shikome - 2 Wicked Dolls (or was it one doll & one Marionette.... Collodi's little bastiches anyway) - 1 Stitched Together. The funny part was that the Shikome was in the Brawl, and that WASN'T thanks to Ramos, since he didn't show up. The partnering was Colette & Rasputina, since I wanted to show off the Christmas Crew, and didn't want to be That Guy.
  5. I pledged. Even without Ramos (and I'll have to confirm that my $50 pledge + international shippening will include Ramos) it looks like a hoot; fast, furious and gives me an excuse to shout "HADOUKEN!" at my opponents. Love it
  6. Hi all! First of all, a very happy new year to all of you! My apologies that I didn't get to update much, but for Christmas I spent the time in sunny (read: stinkin' hot) Brisbane, with family & friends. As such I've only been back in (inexplicably ALSO stinkin' hot) Sydney for a week or so. Anyway, I managed to get more done with the crew so here's the progress! First off, a family shot framed by the snow pillars: And below some detail shots (for want of a better word). First up is Mrs Claus: And two of her helpers: (You're a mean one... Ms Grinch....) And a size comparison shot... Given that I guesstimated the size of Big Brother Snowman, he's pretty much on the money. So I'm glad that worked. That's all from me for now! Cheers! Borzag
  7. So there's no fedora option for Indiana McCabe then? Also, the whip appears to be a separate piece. Good luck with that one.
  8. Hey all, long time no see Today was hobby day with the boys, and since my beads had arrived (I'll explain in a minute) I decided to do some basing work. My main tools were: - Liquitex texture paste: And, courtesy of an Etsy seller, some candy cane beads: Here's a shot of the bases with the paste added (mixed with white paint): Once this was dry, I added blue pigment and drybrushed white, and tidied up the edges. Here's the completed snowmen: And since this was going to take time, I started work on my Blessed of December: The blessed actually has a Bone skin and Khaki hair base colour scheme, with Reaper's Black Green Ink over the top. It didn't quite come out how I wanted it, but still pretty happy with it overall. Now to go and grab my SnowStorm and Silent One, and I'm almost done
  9. Tempting, but no. Raspy (and only Alt Raspy at that) was the only one that really jumped out at me with a holiday theme, and it went a little nuts from there. Having said that, Halloween Collodi.... Anyway. No updates as I'm currently on the other side of the country (and Australia is a BIG country). I'll try to have something by this coming Tuesday (fingers crossed).
  10. Hey peoples! I haven't had a chance to take better pics yet sadly. HOWEVER! I did get a game on Friday night vs my mate's Von Schill as part of our Slow Grow. Von Schill being Von Schill (ie a prick) I got my ass handed to me in short order. However, it was handed to me on my terms; I'm learning to love Ice Pillars Anyway, I got to take some pics in-game that show off how the crew's going. I've done some shading with blue pigment powder and a white wash, so sofar so good. EDIT: The trees, as mentioned earlier, are ice pillars cast by Raspy to block both Von Schill (who was advancing down a flank with a mad gleam in his eye) and, more importantly, the trapper in the high tower over yonder. I figured that, since it was a mutual Slaughter, I'd rather funnel the crew down one small side to minimise their impact. Didn't work as they're immune to , but it was worth a shot.
  11. Thanks for the support all I was a bit worried that it would be considered too light-hearted for Malifaux, so very glad to be proved wrong note that I probably won't be able to do much until Tuesday, a I ran out of Dullcoat and I wanted to shade the snowmen with pigments. I can probably tidy up Raspy however. At the very least I can put the Blessed together. Not sure to be honest.... I definitely wanted to bring Miss DuBois, and it just makes sense that Ramos would be her chaperone (read: I am willing to be kicked in the nadgers and bring along a Mobile Toolkit for the big game). But Raspy's crew is a lot of fun to paint up at the moment so I do want to bring her along too decisions!
  12. Hey all, My local group have all recently decided to do a slow grow, as only two of us actually had painted crews. I decided on Rasputina, as it allowed me to do a project that I'd thought of a few years ago and this thread reminded me of: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36316-Christmas-themed-Arcanists That's right. I'm doing a Christmas Crew Here's the progress made sofar. - The scratch-built Ice Constructs - The base-coloured crew (to do: washes, oils, highlights, the whole damn extra layer of detail really) - A close-up of "Mrs Claus" - And lastly, 3 of my 6 Ice Pillars, courtesy of the dollar store down the road: Yes I went there Anyway, here's the plan going forward: - Paint up my Blessed of December in green (the Grinch) - Paint up a Copplestone Casting Penguin (my "Pendigo" ) - Swap out the head of a Silent One for an elf, then add a greenstuff hat. - Give Snow a hat; second Silent One. - Cut of one of Storm's horns, and give him a red bulb nose. - No idea what to do for either the Acolyte or Essence of Power; suggestions? - A friend of mine mentioned that the Arcane Effigy could be holding a Naughty or Nice list... Anyway that's all from me for now. Just wanted to share that more pics as I progress. Cheers! Borzag ---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ---------- Oh and while I'm here: an idea that some mates and I came up with during our last painting night was a little movie homage Convict Gunslinger...
  13. One of my mates suggested having the skeleton looking over Jakob's shoulder, like a whispering devil sort of deal. I have to admit, it sounds like a good idea
  14. So, the entire Guild faction? Actually I kinda like this. Maybe modify it to say that everything is one less Rare to begin with (so Rare-3 becomes Rare-2, Rare-1 are out, maybe 0-1 Unique? Turn regulars into Rare 3 or similar), until you have the resources to hire them as normal. Good call
  15. THIS. I only really play 3 GW games now: Blood Bowl, Necromunda, and GorkaMorka. So there's an obvious trend in that I'm a fan of evolving games. But I honestly don't see the need for that in Malifaux. I think it's the clean rules and fairly clear-cut interactions as is. There's already a sense of "completeness" in the minis, and I can't see where adding a random +1 CB or equivalent will benefit anyone. Well, anyone that isn't Bishop. Plus, as it stands Malifaux is on the cusp of being a hardcore game (deep rules, complex interactions) while still being nice & casual (quick setup, simple core mechanic). Adding a long-term tracking requirement would break it, IMO.
  16. We need a tally system for every time someone asks about a Malifaux Evolving Campaign System. Whenever it hits 10, we all have a shot.
  17. Thanks Anyway, on a related topic... I found some xmas tree decorations that fit on a 50mm base for AUD $3.00 apiece today (it's actually cheaper than it sounds folks.... AUD is a bit like that). How many Ice Pillars would one suggest for Rasputina?
  18. Hey all, This question may belong in the rules area, but thought I'd raise it here as it does contain minis. Or will anyway, eventually. I've built me a few scratch-built Ice Gamin sized Snowmen, for use in a planned crew for my group's Slow Grow this month (I figured, it's almost December....). Ditto with a massive snowman Ice Golem. At the moment the only Wyrd parts on them are hats from the H&G kit, and I'm currently tossing up between actual Gamin/Golem arms and wire frames. Anyway, a question. I'd like to take this crew to various tournaments, most of which will probably end up with the title "Grand". Is there a rule for scratch-builds at all? Cheers! Borzag (yes I'll post pics once they're done, because what the hell)
  19. Doesn't it actually say this on Huggy's card? It's A, as written.
  20. He would also make a good Mr Tannen. No idea on who would be a good Mr Graves sadly.... any suggestions?
  21. This is actually a plan I have for my Raspy crew... Alt Raspy in a Santa robe Ice Gamin done up as Snowmen (I actually already started the snowmen, now just need to give them arms) BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG snowman for the Ice Golem (also done) Pendigo (the one I have is an old Copplestone penguin) Ice Pillar christmas trees Haven't really thought beyond the Raspy box content for things though. Possibly a few Silent Ones with santa hats? EDIT: I remember an idea I had: red bulb nose on SnowStorm
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