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Everything posted by katadder

  1. Hey wyrd, any chance of finding a UK or EU print on demand service as the current one has gone nuts on postage. Last looked at getting the hodgepodge emmisary cards (which they won't do out of a bundle) which is a mere 13 cards and the postage they put it down for is $15 which is crazy for something that costs less than $10 and weighs almost nothing. Please help us over the water to support your great game
  2. Think for me she doesn't suit my playstyle. I like to be aggressive with my masters which is why I think I like the masters that I do
  3. A model that has used errand for the master and has Dark Protection (cannot be targeted by enemy models for attacks unless within 3") is in combat. When shooting into that combat and randomising what happens if the model under Dark Protection is the randomly assigned target? He is still being targeted as you have to take into account terror and cover so can he be the target of this? Or does he just get to be a target for the random shot?
  4. mei below colette? how very dare you 😛
  5. for me: A+ sandeep A: Raspy, Marcus B+: Mei Feng, Kaeris, Ironsides B: Ramos C: Colette
  6. I used to run seize the day in a few of my arcanist crews but still managed to lose init every turn in games (or when I did win it I flipped 2 13s so wasted them) so now have just come accept it and dont waste the upgrade slot.
  7. yeah levi is mediocre at best these days, just held up by good outcast models. he might even be tier 2.5
  8. raspy (or frozen heart minions whens someone has sub zero)
  9. Hoffman can make his crew really mobile and with a pigs 1" engagement if you engage it from 2" away it's not charging you. An armour 2 possibly df6 peacekeeper will happily survive a pig and then kill it. Pigs are quite possibly one of the worst beaters going even with reactivate. 2/4/6 with a 1" melee is really low down on the scheme of beaters. Bit of shooting, bit of slow, engage them from more than 1" away and the whole thing crumbles. And guild has all these things in abundance (let alone what other factions would do to it). It's at best a mediocre one trick list that should soon be overcome by any competent player
  10. We understand where the threat is coming from as it's only one place due to having to group to get all your benefits. We also understand that there are 2 people in the game and it's easy to throw a spanner in the works of a couple of pigs being your damage dealers. As said before if you are getting such great success it's probably down yo noobstomping as most of us are not scared of this crew, there are far worse ones out there
  11. Think the only things need changing are vantage points and a clarification of timing. Double points could be useful for cleaning up some models between values currently. Summoning could be set numbers for things. Other than that I am generally happy with 2e
  12. Don't think anyone is being quiet about it 😂😂😂
  13. put out a sacrificial model to take the hit then kill vik of blood. or have some models that cant be charged also helps. maybe shoot her, she only has 7 wounds
  14. Ok signed up <= Steve Johnston Just hope my firestorm order arrives so I can try some new stuff 😁
  15. @looka I would happily face this and show you the error of your ways. Everything you say is without opponent countering or doing anything at all. A pig cannot get 36 or even 26 without help and requires multiple pushes and activations to get there. All the while your opponent is countering stuff or doing his own thing. Tbh it just sounds like your are noobstomping in a place that is not sure how to counter it. Plenty of people can and will counter this and probably get quite a big win out of it at the same time
  16. If you are using your pushes to disengage from 50mm bases then you are not gaining forward movement so it is rapidly cutting down on your charge ranges. Also if they manage to charge the pig with something decent then you probably won't be able to reactivate it due to losing 3 wounds on top of any damage already taken. This while plan is based off the opponent doing nothing in return and you freely getting 6 to 8 activations before charging. If you are pushing the pigs 10" up the board the chances are they will find themselves getting shot and charged etc. From a guild point of view they could end up with a lady j in their face quite quickly having df7 with built in riposte which will soon kill the pigs. Or having nellie pull the pigs away from ol major and fed to her fast big beaters. Or sitting in range for multiple blasts from sonnia all having removed 25% of their wounds for a reactivate you may never get to use
  17. This seems to have been out of stock forever. Do we know if it's ever going to be released again?
  18. Marcus could also have fun with them
  19. Zipp was 4th, sandeep 5th and nellie 6th. My levi/misaki 7th, zipp 8th, viks 9th. Think Tim at 10th used Pandora all day?
  20. Well it's an interesting thread that I may have derailed a little 😂
  21. Lol nope but if you go back to my earlier post I did only say I don't play guild but would have no issue with the gremlins crew. Normally don't frequent the guild forums but this was crossposted to general forum I think alot of guild wouldn't either as it's based off the gremlins getting everything off that they want straight away
  22. I would guess you don't know how to play Levi either. I would happily play this crew against this somer list and show you how it works. Who needs chain activation when you are busy setting up all your stuff before doing anything worthwhile. Somer resetting levis hand? Ca6 vs wp7. Not that easy.also supposedly somer is shooting my crew, removing my cards and still managing what he needs for The card draw? So you are already changing how The crew has to work just to counter me. The first pig in the roster charging 36 does need help and before it does that it will probably get charged by a&d instead (which you can't charge). Alyce doesn't need to protect the while crew, just Levi probably as you can't charge a&d and once the kentauroi have done their thing then if they die they die. Meanwhile your pigs with no real targets to charge afterwards have to charge your own crew. This is just 1 crew that would beat the pig charge crew. There are others (my raspy or my no charge misaki crew, which is great fun) I am only pointing out that this crew listed by the OP is not as bad as he seems to think
  23. would be nice to know solid numbers if travelling. also is their a painting requirement? going to see if I can get a pass for it (as I am already going to cow wars the following weekend). try something new and different for me (depending on paint requirement)
  24. For when you really need to be places: 50 SS Outcasts Crew Leveticus + 1 Pool - Desolate Soul (2) - Tally Sheet (1) - Pariah of Bone (1) Hollow Waif (0) Hollow Waif (0) Rusty Alyce (10) - Desolate Soul (2) Ashes and Dust (14) Kentauroi (8) Kentauroi (8) Hodgepodge Effigy (4) (exported from CrewFaux) you can drop tally sheet for a different upgrade, maybe oathkeeper on alyce or scramble on A&D but I like my soulstone/card regen provided by that and hodgepodge
  25. well there's the normal A&D taxi for levi, but as I said if well hidden then I taix Levi and A&D on kentauroi then go from there. Assuming A&D just doesnt charge a pig and possibly kill it then levi can be 12" plus his base size (so say 13") plus 10" from A&D plus his base size (a further 12" placed) up the board giving levi a movement of upto 25" outside of his DZ (so 31" across the board). so it does depend on what your opponent is doing and how well he hides the skeeters but he has to hide them really well considering he is doing alot of pushes etc
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