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Everything posted by PolishSausage

  1. The only time we used to play Mah was with 2ss stuffed ( crew took 6x stuffed and 2x tax) using Mah to push pigs all over the place. But again, you know what happened to that. Only other list I seen success with was the emissary and 5-6 survivors, sprinkling in raphael+pere as the troublemaker duo.
  2. agreed Buy -> Paint -> Play The meta will develop for at least 6 months, hoping for nice tournament Adepticon 2019 (gawd I feel old)
  3. yup, just changed to Dual commander! Pew pew robots, pew pew!
  4. me, debating if I need to get 2 of everything in abyssynia or to pick the stuff I like the look of first.
  5. Ugh, the question is to double dread or not to double dread. also how many rail gunners is enough rail gunners?
  6. mmm, maybe taking more durable/abusive bayou 2 models? more elite list with emmissary/ sparks/ sammy/ and mech porkchops (plural)
  7. Mosquito + stuffed pig farm and flooding opponent with insignificant models it the to-go list for me for Somer in GG2018.
  8. I did have image of sausages in my profile but it was taken down. something about gremlins having exclusive production rights to warpig sausages on the bayou. also taking pride in my : Joined Nov 2nd, 2008 account
  9. we did forget that warpig still gets + flips from major as its still friendly to its crew
  10. Zoraida get pushed to mid table T1 but swine-cursed. Obey warpig to charge slophauler, Obey other warpig to attack re-positioned warpig. Obey Major to attack the warpig again (RJ dmg flip) This got also followed up by Francois skeeter delivery to kill the other warpig.
  11. Yes, I was also expecting the standard Hannah in the back with 4-6 desperate mercs in the front. I pay better on desperate mercs with Hannah collecting SS in the back is quite a mean brick that pumps out attack like crazy.
  12. Yes, I had enemy Zoraida obey my warpig to kill the other warpig and whisperer turn 1 on 2nd activation. Lots of FUN! Next time I had my warpig sniped to death by 2x freikorps snipers with built in rams thanks to engineers + oath keeper vonschill ( 4x focus shots with rams flipping +/ + )
  13. I know I might come of on the FAAAr right side of this, but it feels that while other factions keep getting stronger and stronger with better errata buffs that open up new crew compositions and old forgotten models, we keep getting weaker. We not only got shafted book 5 with extremely underwhelming models or those that pay through the nose for diversity, the erratas have hit our key pieces. Both Brin and Criers could have been released at 6ss, and they would still be occasional hires. Wrestlers need SS reduction ( take 1wd off and reduce Ml7 to Ml6 ) While I see this unique faction burn down in flames I feel that majority of fault is on the outcries of Nerf from other factions, from players that have never played as Gremlins.
  14. And just as expected Leveticus upgrade states undead-non gremlin models. Part of play testing is to find out which model can and will be abused by overlap. Also one of bigger reasons for 2 of Gremlin models ( Burt and Tavish) to get SS increase.
  15. We literally discussed this issue in TMOD topic. People that do not play a given faction advise on balancing issues for other factions. Unless you played 20-30 games with Gremlins, you do not have the experience to provide a sufficient feedback if something is balance or not in a give faction. As I mentioned previously, you cannot reference to model ability cross factions as everything is balance for that faction. 2ss model would be broken in Ressers, it is not broken in gremlins. The "balance other faction" issue came up in book 5, where every single faction received borderline game braking models/upgrades and Gremlin players might as well ignore Book 5 content completely.
  16. hey, go away you non-gremlin player. internal balance of faction should be left for us to balance out. "No, no models should be hirible for 2" is not a correct statement as all factions are different. Or would you like me to take away your broken kentaroi ? PS: Since your summoning engine Asura makes a model FOR FREE every turn, you shouldn't argue against 2ss models.
  17. Bayous - you should never, ever, ever reckless. taking 2 dmg is effectively allowing opponent to take a hit on you without attacking (weak of 2) It also makes them 1 hit away from dead. Bayous have negative triggers that they have to declare (random) also have no melee attack to speak off. Why squeel when you cannot be charged with disguised. Bayou 2 is amazing but random, Desp mercs are effectively 2ss, if they take damage get paired on all attacks. Cannot be charged being top of the line defensive ability ( keep in hard cover and watch opponents squirm. They also abuse I pay better to the point of being disgusting. 4 mercs +Hannah with I pay better is such a hard staple for outcasts it makes me cringe.
  18. Yes and no. When I compare models across faction people say "each faction is individual and in a bubble of its own balance" so to say a 2ss model that is insignificant with bad stats is "unfair" to others. In my opinion it was a key model for many gremlin lists/masters as to not have our DF4 move up the field too early and get shot off the table. We were designed to be horde faction originally~ to have higher activation pool. That claim has been severely shattered over the course of erratas and new books. PS: If they were errata'd to say "Stuffed Piglets cost 1 less Soulstone to hire if your crew includes one or more Gremlin Taxidermists", I think they'd be worth taking. -I agree and we tested it this way. It made Tax'is more hirable and there were some fun synergies there.
  19. we had stuffed pigs, but people got salty we had a unique model they did not have so... nerf! nerf! nerf!
  20. well, dogs/guildguard/despMercs are all 3ss models that are WAAAY better than bayous just based on stats.
  21. I agree, if you hate the HT attack because of no DF triggers, give me a ML7 3/4/5 no reduction (only fair since Levi has 2/3/4 Ca7 Rg12 since book2) At least with Ml7 3/4/5 we wont be bonked against other faction "big" ht3 models
  22. The whining is on the increase.(or never really left) We cannot balance entire game with one topic. Each overachievers and underachievers need to be revised per faction/faction topic. We need M3E sooner than later. We need more restrictive hiring pools per master to avoid excessive list optimization/broken interactions. PS: Gremlins are the M2e faction and never got all the testing needed due to lack of models for testing - reason for biggest model hiring swings/ overall voiced faction community.
  23. Your topic is too broad, it dilutes the real issue at hand. There is clear indication of power creep from book to book, for Wyrd to exist its a natural thing ( they need to sell models). Any balance needs to be handles per faction/ per faction forum. Example: Outcries of nerfe should be done per faction/by that faction in order to bring other models in line with it. Some models that are more present in meta are not always there because they are broken but rather a necessity for the faction to function correctly. (nerfing/increasing SS cost can destroy internal ecosystem of a faction)
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