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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Anyone having trouble understanding what privilege means should read this: http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/09/what-is-privilege/ It isn't that being white means that you'll have an awesome life. It means that if you had your life and were black, you'd have it worse.
  2. They are completely and utterly bonkers. I have no idea how they came out of the beta looking like they look. Ml 6 and a crazy damage track of 2/4/6. And Bayou Two-card. And Reckless and one AP Charges and then Rampage adding positives to attack and damage so that if it does go on a Rampage, it is actually less likely to hit your own dudes but makes absolute mince-meat out of the enemy. Oh, and a 12" rifle with Dumb Luck because why not? And Wk 7. I have no idea why they are like that. They should have Ml 5, 2/3/4 damage track and no Reckless. They would still be extremely good.
  3. They can report on how Lady J protects the Malifaux citizens from the horrors of the night - how can they not fit in?
  4. That's just such an utterly cruel image. Holy crap!
  5. Infinity has a transgender character (Avicenna) and, well, Carnevale has Gnagas (gay prostitutes who dress as women - this is based on history but can't be considered a positive representation) but that's all I can think of. Which is indeed really sad. OTOH there aren't all that many minis game characters whose sexuality is known but it wouldn't kill to have some (positive) representation, surely.
  6. Not a bad point. I took a while to ponder why I feel that these reporters are out of place while the performers aren't and I identified four things: The smuggling story with Colette had her girls along and they fit the story. Now, of course I haven't yet had a chance to read a story about the reporters so there is that. I think that having a whole bunch of reporters is weirder than having a bunch of showgirls. A named reporter character I wouldn't have had a problem with but them being common Minions is a bit strange. I have had time to ease into Colette - she's a classic. I'm not a big fan of reporters in general in media (in real life they are fine but in media they tend to annoy me). Now, out of those reasons three are silly and something I should probably get over. Number two is the only one with legitimacy (though it is naturally completely subjective as well). So yeah, that's my bit of introspection, hope someone found it amusing. Proves that I'm fallible at least
  7. That's a fine amount (and isn't quite correct since Guild and Neverborn had more).
  8. As per the FAQ, no. If the Bigger Hat gets redirected, the Dreamer player still discards her hand.
  9. Well, she does Push her crew around a lot which is a nice form of support.
  10. I can imagine that their rules will be wholly appropriate and represent them well - there already are support models that aren't really "proper" combatants (Nurses for example) but I just find these sorts of reporters to be out of Place in my vision of Malifaux. ...and Nurses, Belles, Ronin, Dead Doxys, Witchling Handlers, Bayou Bushwhackers and likely some I'm forgetting. Also, yeah, December Acolytes all have boobs, so definitely women.
  11. But the wording is actually "This model and the target enemy Leader model discard all cards" - I could see it argued that it fizzles since the target isn't a Leader.
  12. Her non-LOS-needing support is rather minor in effect, though. I most certainly wouldn't classify her as the best support Master by a long shot. Heck, I would argue that Somer and Zoraida are better support Masters than Mah (but they do it in a different way) but then there's of course stuff like Colette which utterly blows Mah out of the water. Luckily Mah hits quite a bit harder than Colette
  13. There should be less stuff in each book. The first one was big but it's very understandable since it started it all. But book two was gigantic and should've been two books and then books three and four should've been three more books so that the material in the four books should've been spread out into six books over six years.
  14. The blog post has created quite a stir in many corners of the net and it is an extremely important topic. I'm just a bit saddened by how much of the discussion gets lost in the particulars and how many are willing to dismiss the problem since they haven't seen it (usually due to being white men). Wyrd just released a new set of guidelines for conduct - I'm not sure if the blog post and the discussion around it was a catalyst for those guidelines but either way the guidelines were a good idea.
  15. Here's what Nathan had to say on Facebook regarding this (since these are public posts, I think I can copy-paste them here): And Eric's as well:
  16. It just makes being a reported weirdly gendered since Molly is also a reporter. I mean, the rest of the all-women boxes have being a female as a sort of defining trait for them. And since being a reporter is kinda non-violent so it plays into the stereotype a wee bit. Having a single bloke in the set would've been nice but this isn't a real complaint as such. I do prefer getting an all-women box as as a break from the usual two men and one woman approach. I dislike the concept of reporters taking part in Malifaux battles but if that concept is going to be on the table, I must say that I do like the art for them. I like that all three are different and I like all of them.
  17. This whole post was solid gold but I couldn't agree more with this last part! I think that a book's worth of new models every year is going to wreck Malifaux. Things like these come up in betas but they don't really take off until the models are released and there have been betas for two new books before the second book's models were even nearly fully out. And the more models, the more interactions and stuff like this becomes even more difficult to spot. And the more models, the harder it is to make a new edition or a complete balancing pass.
  18. Francois also gets out of melee easy. It's done by applying Duelling Sword to the face of whatever that's holding him
  19. This is a bit old so there might be some new info on something and some of the speculation might not be correct but it should be mostly accurate: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/95789-spoilers-12-names-for-13-tyrants/ Edit: wrong thread - this is the newer one I meant to link to: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/110616-the-tyrants-who-where-what-etc/#comment-878823
  20. I prefer the Rats no being hireable. Because let's face it - you can't use them for anything "legit". It's always a gimmick. A bit similar to Mindless Zombies - during the first open beta their price fluctuated because they were very breakable if you gave them a "fair" cost and if you made them ridiculously expensive, then there was no point.
  21. All Minions tend to come in groups of three which is a bit unfortunate as about 80% of them you don't ever tend to use three of once you have other available choices.
  22. It's difficult to say since it depends so much on Strat, Schemes, and opposing Faction. Slop Haulers and Francois are the only ones I think I'd always take with Ophelia. The rest are kinda up in the air. Ophelia is fairly self-sufficient and doesn't do all that much for her crew so her hiring options are pretty open. Things like Moon Shinobis and Taxidermists and Bushwhackers are some of the very few models that I doubt Ophelia would take almost ever.
  23. Ah, true, it does get really high once you get over some limit. That's unfortunate.
  24. There's two buttons (at least for me): add deck to cart and add deck to cart with deck box. Then there's also a small check box that you can tick to add the one-dollar deck box. Don't tick it. I just tested and managed to add an arsenal box without the deck box.
  25. Don't take the (really cheap) card box and the shipping cost goes way, way down (to something like four dollars). They are perfectly affordable.
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