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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. My impression is that Sandeep is probably the mightiest of the new Masters. And Zipp is pretty boss as well. But I have minimal experience with the new guys so far.
  2. I think that since you decide Master after seeing the scenario, it makes a lot more sense to base tiering on favourable circumstances. So if a Master really, really excels in something, he is a good choice and high tier. Also, I don't think that Brewmaster is amazing in any situation
  3. Ah, yeah, just read that you faced Outcasts five times out of seven in the event so I understand not bringing Gracie! I'm not disputing your skill with them but if someone asks a cheap way into Gremlins, they wouldn't be on my list of recommendations. (also, are you sure that you wouldn't have won those games had the Ronin been Francois and Sammy? )
  4. No Gracie anymore? But I have to say that I love that as a cheap buy-in to Gremlins. Zipp box, Creative Taxidermy, Roosters, Burt, and Ronin (well, I don't think I would recommend Ronin to others ). But certainly a good option to complement the the usual Somer + Ophelia + Slop Haulers approach.
  5. Really well done - congrats! Have you found weaknesses in Zipp's game, yet?
  6. To be fair, the first one costs (at least potentially) a lot of money, which is why I don't necessarily begrudge them for not doing it. I just really, really hope that they will take further steps in preventing this in the future.
  7. First of all, I didn't call Wyrd atrocious nor anyone working there. I didn't insult any of them. I called the scale mistake atrocious and I do consider it as such. You are free to disagree with me on that. But one reason for me to use such a strong word is because I expect a high standard from Wyrd and also because this isn't the first time they've had a scale problem but I, subjectively, consider this probably the worst of the bunch. But do I understand you correctly, that you consider it likely that Wyrd wanted the horses of the Mounted Guard to be tiny? Second, I have made mistakes in my job. In fact, I will be trying to fix one tomorrow. I want people to tell me if I make a mistake and I try to learn from it and not do it again (sometimes doing it again, though!). Yet I consider myself good at my job (as does my boss, for example). When we're talking about business, I think that honest feedback is very important and critique of one's work shouldn't be taken personally.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ponies and horses are the same species, right? And Shetland ponies are barely over a meter tall. So yeah, it's possible to have silly tiny horses. Or you can come up with some other explanation because of magic. So I'm definitely not saying that horses that tiny are impossible in Malifaux. However, I have never seen a police officer ride a tiny horse. And there is a reason for it. Tiny horses aren't very imposing. And I would be really, really surprised if Nathan (or whoever) gave the sculptor the order to make them ride a pony. I would be surprised if the sculptor thought that it was a good idea to make these minis ride ponies and be really tiny people in general. So yeah, I rather believe that the mistake was done in scaling rather than in art direction. But again, if you like how, e.g., McCabe rides a big horse and the minions ride ponies, that's ok. He is a Master so him being more imposing could even be seen as a perk. But I just find that those tiny people on even tinier horses looks silly and I find it very unlikely that it was the intention. I might be wrong but I'd rather I wasn't.
  9. Actually it looks like there's no hand there. I used the violin on mine so had completely forgotten about the banjo. I wonder where mine is...
  10. Well, she has curses, a voodoo doll, and possession/hypnosis style thing going on with the Obey so I would say that he covers all voodoo cliches other than zombies. But I'm not opposed to Gremlin zombies. In fact, I support them whole-heartedly. I just find it unlikely that a voodoo Master could be made that wouldn't step on Zoraida's toes. But maybe an Upgrade for Zoraida (and Sammy?) that would let her summon Gremlin zombies.
  11. I hope that someone converts one giving a ride to an Executioner... Maybe in the next Iron Painter
  12. They do come in various sizes, yes (I've some real-life experience with horses as well) but to me they look silly like that. Un-imposing. Just like a mounted police riding a pony in real life would. So it isn't just about whether it is possible but the way it looks. I mean, Malifaux is infused with magic which corrupts hounds - maybe it shrinks horses? But even if that explanation was incorporated into the fluff, my problem is that they look silly like that. Still, mind, if they don't bother you, that's OK.
  13. I believe that the "pony" was supposedly ridden by both her and Vincent and Vincent is humongous.
  14. Yorogumo would beg to disagree (They are far bigger than those and there's three to a box)
  15. We already have a voodoo Master in Zoraida. It's the voodoo Minions and Enforcers that we're missing. Also, I don't think that new Masters are very likely all that soon (a new Faction seems more likely). Edit: Oh, it occurs to me now that maybe you meant voodoo master as in a master of voodoo opposed to a Master who is all about voodoo. So a Henchman, for example. To accompany Sammy. Sure, why not.
  16. I'm guessing that "lesser Masters" is non-Seamus and non-Molly? (Yeah yeah, I know you meant Ressers and autocorrect took its toll but it was funny in that it sorta fit there)
  17. OK, what is this: (Not my picture, found on the Internet) That's just atrocious! Wyrd has had problems with scale for a long, long time now. Much of the time the problem is swept under the rug ("All the female TTB models randomly are taller than all the men because in real life people are of different heights" and "every kneeling person is randomly a giant") and I can understand that. Admitting that there's a problem would mean that there would be an outcry for them to make the kits again and that's crazy expensive. Furthermore, to pick an example elsewhere in the industry (and history), Confrontation had two different scales going on. Most models were 32mm but Dwarves and Goblins were 38mm scale. They were slightly smaller than humans but everything about them was a bit larger scale. It was a stylistic choice that had been made on purpose. It didn't look that weird. But I think that those pony riders are very silly. Silly enough to cross the line. I won't be buying those even though they would've fit in with my Guild collection rules-wise. Why is getting the scale right so difficult? (I know that this is a harsh message. I strive to give praise when praise is due and give criticism when criticism is due, hopefully to let Wyrd know what I like and what I don't. I hope that we can have a civil discussion about these thing. So even if you disagree with someone, consider for a moment that they are a human being on the other end of the Internet and most likely one that shares the love and passion that you feel about this hobby. And if they are/are not bothered by things and it is different to your reactions, it isn't a personal slight against you.)
  18. This might really be a mandolin but I suppose it'd work: http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/instruments/a-z/03032
  19. They were fun. Every week something to look forward to. And it was fun to analyze the new stuff - I didn't like all of it but it would be weird if one loved all the stuff that someone else did. And they created buzz as well. Would it be possible for them to return?
  20. I think that overstating the case so much makes the whole argument weird. I don't play Levi (play against him) but I play plenty of shooting and I don't have extraordinary difficulty in finding worthwhile targets out of cover due to the multitude of reasons I listed - even when there is "enough" terrain on the table. If you find yourself shooting into cover with Levi 90% of the time, I think that something is amiss or else you can likely take advantage of your opponents' propensity of always being in cover. I meant that our tables already tend to have so much terrain that adding more would make Flame Walls and Ice Pillars utterly game winningly OP in that games against those Masters would be over before they began much of the time. Otherwise cover is indeed useful against Raspy and Sonnia. One key difference is that much of the time a Misaki list includes quite a few pieces to help Misaki while Levi doesn't usually need much support - heck, even suggesting Belles to Lure models out of cover was seen as way too much commitment from the crew towards the Master earlier in the thread. So I would argue that taken like that, Misaki is way more "selfish". That said, since Misaki is the other Outcast "assassin" type Master, I think that it would be wortwhile to ask whether she makes the errataed Levi superfluous? I don't think so but many others here in the thread seem to be of the opinion that the "new" Levi is useless. Is Misaki useless as well or is she simply better than Levi?
  21. Back when Avatars were still supposed to be coming with minis and such, I recall Nathan(?) mentioning that Shenlong's Avatar was this huge dragon that was to be the first Malifaux mini on a 80mm base. I wonder if the Emissary might have begun his life as something else... Edit: Ah, with a bit of digging, Chronicles 10 had the preview Shenlong Avatar card and that was Ht 4 with a 70mm base size. In any case, 70mm base would handle the Emissary (and the Jorogumo!) quite a bit better, most likely.
  22. Selfish yes but I don't think he is unique in that sense. Misaki, to pick the first one that come to mind, doesn't do much in the way of support, either, for example (don't have the cards in front of me but I believe she has, on an Upgrade that is seldom seen, an Aura that gives some kind of a bonus to Horror Duels (passing them for a Wd?) but, unless I'm missing something crucial, that's, it).
  23. I think that this is a strange assertion. There are any number of reasons for models to be out of cover. Maybe they needed to perform a Scheme or Strat and are therefore out of cover. Maybe they Charged something, killed it and are therefore out of cover. Maybe they are in behind a fence getting hard cover against your Laz but your Levi appeared behind them denying them cover. Maybe they had to spread out a bit so as not to get everyone bogged down by a beater charging into them (or be all under the same evil Pulse or whatever). Maybe they had to clump up because of a beneficial Aura and the forest isn't big enough for all of them. Maybe someone Pushed or Lured them out of the cover. Or, and this is probably the biggest, maybe the table looks like one in 90% of the tournament tables presented in the battle reports forum and doesn't feature enough terrain to get everyone into cover and perfect position to do stuff at the same time all the time. Sure, there are turns when all the targets you wish to vaporize are in cover. But there are at least as many turns where this isn't true. Or at least that's my experience and we game with quite a lot of terrain. Any more and Sonnia/Rasputina would be completely unbeatable most of the time.
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