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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Icemyn won the Avatar Finals (and got through the Qualifiers) using a fixed list making use of Pariah of Iron: Leveticus - Pariah of Iron 1ss - From Ash/To Earth Return (2ss/1ss) From ash only in the semis - Desolate Soul 2ss Ryle 10ss Mechanical Rider 12ss Ashes and Dust 13ss Waif x2 0ss Abomination x2 8ss http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102815-batrep-from-gencon-avatar-qualifier-part-1/ http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102850-batrep-from-gencon-avatar-finals-part-2/
  2. I do agree that the quality of PMF entries varies greatly. Some mostly just describe the model without adding really anything if you have the card handy. Which forms a nice base for the article but not much else. I have written a little bit and mostly focused on correcting errors and adding to the tips and tricks sections. But on the flip side, some articles are extremely in depth describing all sorts of interactions and tactics. So don't write the site off completely.
  3. Lucius is a good choice but his box is a bit difficult. Or at least it could use some expansion, especially on the Neverborn side of the fence. Unfortunately some of the models that he likes the most (highlight being the Illuminated) are not available separately. As for Zoraida, she is sweet in that she doesn't have strong, specific synergies so she can use basically any models she fancies and do well. Waldgeists do go well with her but other than those, she can really find a use for almost anything in the Neverborn faction. So if gunning for an eventual Dreamer, it might not be a bad idea to start with Zoraida. The Silurids in her box are great in that they are super good in some Schemes and therefore are competitive choices for absolutely any Neverborn Master.
  4. There's a bazillion blogs around, if those are your thing. Aside from Gmorts' which was already mentioned, here's some of my favourites: http://proixmocoal.blogspot.co.uk/ https://thebovineoverlord.wordpress.com/ http://joelfaux.blogspot.fi/ http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com/ http://blog.mythicfox.com/ And now, looking at that list, it seems I mostly like the Brits o_O
  5. That's probably a hold-out from the previous edition, in fact.
  6. No, it isn't. Kirai's is just being released (and we still haven't even seen some of the core models like Datsue Ba, Shikome, or Gaki). Oh, and then there is Tara. She doesn't have specific synergies with any models (outside of her Void critters) but rather her Bury and Fast mechanics help all, so you could add her to your list of Masters without adding any Zombies if you liked (well, if you don't consider her a zombie). Of course her crew box was Nightmare edition and the regular one isn't out yet (thought there is a chance that they might sell the Nightmare version during the Black Friday sale).
  7. The remaining five Resser Masters are more than enough to handle any Strategy/Scheme combination. The only thing sorta missing is that the amount of Incorporeal that a Kirai crew offers can be insanely powerful in supremely densely packed tables (like an indoor setting). But if you don't play on such tables, I don't think that you're really missing anything.
  8. Arcane Effigy is pure gold with Mei. Condition removal is always good and Mei likes the little bit of extra burning that is on offer. Soulstone Miner is another good one. It can make some Schemes quite trivial and it can hold its own against most other Scheme runners.
  9. Why? It started its Activation within 5" as has been pointed out in the thread a couple of times already. If you're going to disagree, could you please elaborate even minimally on your reasoning? Because otherwise your posts are worse than worthless.
  10. Yes, but it will still be affected so it doesn't really matter in over 99% of the cases.
  11. You absolutely can't get outactivated. If Viks outactivate you, you're dead. So ditch Lenny. Ophelia is plenty killy enough without him.
  12. The whole hat-thing is pretty inconsistent. Look at Sammy's, for example - it's gigantic!
  13. Good old Boxes made of Ten Thunder Pines, the finest there are! As for Izamu, you could always lock him down with Brewmaster. Or an Izamu of your own. Or kill him with Illuminated or with Lynch. Or a Stalky Misaki.
  14. I believe that the most common addition to those is that unused SS are simply wasted and don't add to the Cache in the game. It is good fun but really a completely different experience. Not a substitute for the main meal of 45-50SS games but a very fine snack.
  15. I knew that you knew, just thought to clarify for the benefit of the OP It is a good suggestion, still.
  16. Gremlins are ridiculously fast. Certainly on par with TT and the Neverborn (and likely surpassing them, though that is kinda hard to quantify). They have, on the whole, good Mv values, access to three AP and a veritable cornucopia of movement tricks within their faction. The Gremlins epitomize the "Live fast, die young" ideal that, some other has-been Factions such as Neverborn sorta try to dabble in.
  17. It's true - whoever came up with that topic title should be ashamed of themselves... But seriously, I do understand this reasoning. Can you change topic titles with your mod powers? If you can, it's maybe something to consider in the future in similar cases as an alternative to locking. Which was a weird warning in itself, I thought. I mean, I do think that "cool it down" type of messages are a very good moderation policy and I'm all for them, but I think that your trigger finger on them is awfully twitchy and you throw them out extremely easily. Especially so in situations where the general tone of the thread is negative (since people are dissatisfied with some aspect of the game or the company or whatever) but there isn't any hostility between the posters and the debate is wholly respectful. In other words, you seem to consider negativity as being worked up and needing to calm down. In any case, it had been perfectly calm for several pages. I thought it did. It was an articulate post of moderate length that presented a view point and the background and reasoning behind it. I think that you should err definitely on the side of posts being valuable more often than not. Had it been a one-liner (the classic "I agree" of threadomancy) I would've agreed but I don't think that Moderators should be the arbiters what is a valuable contribution and what is not when it is far less clear-cut than that. But the problem is that the old-timers who participated in the original thread will remember what was said in there while the new-comers won't. All in all I feel that preserving the context is important and starting a new thread removes that. Now, if the original thread is really long, that also destroys the context since new posters can't be expected to read it all but I don't think that this particular thread had reached that length yet. This is good to know. I'm very happy to hear that and decided to therefore give my views. I wish to stress that I don't find you a bad Moderator or anything like that. Nor do I find this particular locking a horrid crime or anything. But I do think that locking threads too easily is bad for the forums, in a small way, and I do believe that you can do better. So yeah, bottom line, thank you for your patience in answering my concerns and taking them into consideration! Much appreciated! Finally, as a random aside, I was super happy to see you updated your Blog. I missed reading about your exploits on the UK tournament scene!
  18. And considering your opinion on Samael, that is saying something!
  19. A small nitpick: Night Terrors are really bad Scheme runners (being Insignificant). They are awesome in Reconnoiter and for distracting shooters, though.
  20. Eh, that's silly. It's a figure of speech mostly these days. Like "pardon my French" or something. I mean, would you have felt the urge to close this thread, had I apologized for resurrecting it when posting? The art is still current and having an opinion on it is perfectly valid.
  21. Oh wow! That is one crazy colour scheme pulled off just perfect. Also, I'm a bit worried that despite the model having a bazillion scales that you need to pay individual attention to, you decided to go with two or three colours for a lot of them. If the fumes are that bad, I suggest switching your paint brand ASAP!
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