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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Why? I don't see Minions as being somehow more self-sufficient or automatically less specialized than Enforcers or Henchmen (even taking into account that there's more of them).
  2. Hamelin's would naturally be Devoured by Vermin (by Cannibal Corpse) I still think that Hola Ghost's Soldadera is seriously perfect for Perdita:
  3. I think that both Colette and Lucius crews will function about as good without the Master around. In that both will be severely hampered but won't fall utterly apart. OTOH I can't think of a Master whose crew would just completely fall apart if the Master dies... Hoffman's might be the closest?
  4. True that. Colette is top tier. I do agree with Carcosa's point that it is a bit surprising that Colette and Lucius came out with their abilities from the same beta
  5. Since he comes two to a box, the Upgrade could be 5SS and called Another One
  6. Colette is a way better Master than Lucius, if that's what you're asking. You could most likely build a Lucius-optimized crew and then switch Lucius to Colette and do better with the crew as silly as it is.
  7. To be fair, you can affect the Ini Flip with various abilities during the game (re-flipping with a SS is available to all but there's stuff like getting a positive twist or being allowed to outright cheat the flip) but nothing affects the deployment flip. And you can build a table where, for example, the player who gets to choose their side wins outright - not that you would design such a table on purpose necessarily, but Flame and Ice Walls could, in a suitable table, keep you from advancing meaningfully if the table is too cluttered with impassable stuff.
  8. OK, that's even sillier - Samurai not getting their zero-cost Upgrades that you will always, always use with them when fielding them is just... sheesh!
  9. Could work as a Ronin as well. If you added a katana to replace the bat. I mean, she's already wearing the uniform...
  10. So it's "All generic Upgrades for all Factions as well as one specific Upgrade for The Captain" -box? Sounds like the result of thorough planning
  11. I love the new Johan! So much character and I don't mind that he is a giant. Too bad I already have both Johana and the old metal Johan so getting a third one seems a bit excessive.
  12. After undercoating I simply glob it on and smooth it with a modelling tool. When I tried to do it before undercoating, the results were really sad (it tended to either not cover the seam or leave a blob that then slid off when I tried to trim it with a knife after it dried) but now I like it. It won't work for huge gaps (for those I use normal green stuff) but it's nice for stuff like this.
  13. Thank you for another fantastic unboxing article. Am I imagining things or are the pictures a bit darker than usual? Also, you mention filling a gap with liquid green stuff before undercoating - I heartily recommend doing it actually after undercoating. At least for me, when I first got the liquid green stuff I was very disappointed in it but once I started using it after undercoating it has been so much more useful and easier to use. It needs to adhere to the surface and it sticks nicely to undercoat making gap filling a breeze. But yeah, you're doing superb work with these articles - much, much appreciated!
  14. I'm also in this latter camp - I discard it during the "make or break" turn. 3rd or 4th usually. If such a turn doesn't come up, I still most likely discard it on 4th turn since 5th often sees fewer and less critical flips than most other turns bar the first in my experience.
  15. Well, they merely kill him first and then do those things, right?
  16. The mini would look way better if it looked like there was some force in the swing. I wish to stress that that's his foot!
  17. Says you! Come on, you're as flithy as they come! Won't even use Guard with Lucius since they aren't good enough. Bah I say, Bah!
  18. First of all, thank you once again for the awesome write-up - much appreciated! Then a comment: I think that McTavish can still be nice - with an Obey you can get two Focused shots out of him per turn and that's just a lot of damage that can be projected very efficiently since he has good range, ignores cover and doesn't randomize into melee. I'm not saying that you are wrong in taking Raphael and Rami instead (Raphael might be my favourite Gremlin) but McTavish can be really good depending on the layout of the terrain and shouldn't be dismissed entirely.
  19. I'm most excited about the Effigies getting released - there's quite a few I'm interesting in acquiring. Quite pricy though, since they are packaged individually... I'm a bit sad that I'm not the most excited about Wong since I've been waiting for his box quite eagerly but unfortunately Mancha Roja doesn't look as good as I hoped (his pose is really not indicating the movement of what he is doing) and the Lightning Bugs have gigantic magic effects which look quite impossible to remove and keep the models looking coherent. Really not fond of the giant magic effects that Wyrd seems enamoured now. And not a new Wong sculpt, either Oh, and I would've preferred Mah Tucket to be the Gencon Gremlin release But I will be getting the box and it's not like it's horrible or anything. It just could've been quite a bit better, I think. Dark Carnival is a very fun idea and I like basically all the models with some being absolutely brilliant (the flying monkeys!). I also really like the voluminous Performer in the normal Colette crew. Colette could be better and Cassandra is a bit of a let-down as well but the Mannequins are certainly cool. Finally, Jack Daw's Guilty look really quite bad. But that I rather knew already, so no biggie. And it seems that many people appreciate the in-your-face style. I still have no idea what the guy on the cross is supposed to be, though. It just looks really bizarre and gratuitous. The bed is really, really silly and the electric chair dude is somewhat comical as well. I wonder if I will get called a basement-dweller this time for daring to voice my opinion
  20. I think that if you don't know what to expect, Brewie can be really unpleasant (almost as unpleasant as the Vickies) but once you understand his mechanics he isn't all that difficult to play around. Also, Seamus should be one of the best crews to take against him what with Belles and Doxies allowing you to get out of the bubble and Seamus having an easy time of one-shotting Moon Shinobi.
  21. What's so magical about it? A serious question, mind.
  22. So Effigies and Riders as individual releases during the summer. Then Colette and alt-Colette, Wong, and Jack Daw at Gencon. And Miss Anne Trope. Was that all? I mean, all that was in the Chronicle, there is most likely more to come for Gencon. And not that there needed to be any more - this is a mighty haul for a Monday preview! Just making sure I didn't miss anything.
  23. True! Those two are prime candidates for the "downtown assassin"
  24. Sure, but which Master dies to that? Sonnia maybe. And you need to be within Cg distance (meaning that you need to win Initiative with a high Rams and you need an eight of Rams/Tomes for the Cripple 'Em). I really don't think that "she is a downtown assassin".
  25. I feel as if I have missed something crucial here?
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