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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Mostly because by killing enemies into Piglets you end up with fewer enemies. It's not something he does all the time, agreed, but the option is there and it is a powerful one. I think that you might be too caught up with his 1st edition mindset - I find him supremely versatile and capable. Just don't try shooting Perdita Choose your targets. Or shoot your own models and blast the enemy. Colette for example doesn't appreciate getting hit by blasts doing four damage. I mean, Sonnia often shoots at her own models to get the blasts rolling and they do less damage than Somer's Thinking Luck ones. Sonnia's blasts do less damage! Of course her Ca is a lot higher than Somer's Sh and she produces more blasts and so on but I firmly stand behind my assessment of Somer's gun being insane Between his Df trigger, fair stats, Bayou Two-card and ready access to healing I don't find him squishy at all. I mean, he isn't insanely tough like Seamus or Ramos or Colette but I do think he is among the tougher Masters in the game.
  2. I'm guessing you mean prize But yeah, that's a solid idea. It could also be something that is of particular interest to veterans like a coveted LE mini or something. And the separate prize but yeah. Exactly. Aye, this is a good point. I wouldn't use this in the UK. 40 because the rulebook specified that as the upper limit of a Dustup which allows both Master and Henchman -led teams. No real other reason - could be 50SS just as well. Might even be more balanced that way. Well, unless of course you play a faction other than Outcasts... so it really isn't any different from a normal tournament where you're crazy to choose someone other than Levi Maybe there should be a third category for Ototo-led crews - the ultimate bragging rights But yeah, on the wider point, I agree that Henchmen vary more wildly than Masters in competence and some are pretty solid. Still, even the best Henchman pales when compared to even the lowest Master (well - Hannah vs Lady Justice is a tough choice ). I'm not sure - why would she be? Her Cache is zero which in theory should make her balanced and since she is a melee Henchman, she is more susceptible to Assassinate than some others. Candy or Bad Juju for example might be a better choice then. And, in any case, I sure would prefer facing Nekima and her crew than Lilith and her crew including Nekima.
  3. The super-tough rat bastard tournament 40SS tournament using normal Gaining Ground rules but you can choose to enter either as a normal player as a super-tough rat bastard. If you enter as a super-tough rat bastard, you will need to use a Henchman-led crew in all your games. The tournament gives out a prize to the overall winner as well as the best super-tough rat bastard. Simple. Now, why on earth. Simply because Malifaux is extremely skill-based and in small metas it can be seriously daunting for newbies to always know that the tournament killers will be there to whoop your ass when you go in. And on the other hand it's somewhat silly to expect the veterans to voluntarily handicap themselves since there's no incentive, no formal procedure to do so evenly, and all in all that's not really the point of a tournament (the point is to play as good as you can). I figured that this would be the easiest way to go about and it doesn't force anyone to anything and it follows normal Malifaux rules. Essentially nothing changes except that you can choose a formal handicap and you will gain something from on a tournament level (as well as bragging rights) but the games will run as normal. What do you think?
  4. It will be Lady Justice. She will get a kickass new Upgrade to represent her new Undead state and it will boost her quite a bit (as, let's face it, she isn't all that good currently yet she is one of the most iconic Masters in the game). She will also get a kickass new sculpt (as, let's face it, her current sculpt isn't all that).
  5. Acoustic versions are hollow (in order to produce an appreciable sound) while the electric ones aren't (as the sound is amplified through the amazing power of electricity). Electric bass guitar: Acoustic bass guitar: This also means that the electric version can have weird shapes while the acoustic ones not so much.
  6. Is that pic of the model renders the size you meant it to be? As it is super small. The band pic is also pretty small but the renders are smaller in the "detail" pic than in the box pic. The Fate decks look amazing. Very readable which is nice! Black Joker is certainly an interesting design. And finally, the band looks utterly idiotic. My least favourite thing that Wyrd has ever done. Just completely jumping the shark. Electric guitars (no, wait, soulstone guitars) just don't fit Malifaux at all. I'm seriously considering simply refusing to play against them (forfeiting any game where an opponent brings one to the table). Urgh.
  7. The Wyrd style for women is to make them sexy by making their legs go on forever. It reached its peak with the Multipart sets where the women were a head taller than the men since their legs are so long. Heartsbane has normal length legs so looks different, I agree, but I feel that they only do the crazy long legs for sexy minis. Which is why men aren't affected. In other words, I don't think that, other than Heartsbane, the minis differ in style from the rest of Malifaux minis.
  8. I don't think that Nurse Heartsbane is meant to be sexy which explains her proportions being more normal. It's also refreshing. As for the price, I think that $65 sounds like a very fair price. Don't forget that you also get two Fate decks in it. I was expecting something like $80 but OTOH I do understand the starter reduction.
  9. This: Which is why I had to omit b. Sadly.
  10. I've got to say that the two-player starter is a really good idea and something that I've seen people wishing for quite a lot. I also like that it includes new minis for us veterans. And the set-up looks fun. I hope that the minis will be on the lower end of the complexity and fiddlyness scale, though. But yeah, I do appreciate the idea level very much. Any chance of getting inside intel on what the Fate Decks will look like? The renders are a bit hard to make out properly but I will say that Scion of the Black Blood looks rather silly but OTOH the Orderlies look really cool. I'm excited about this for my Guild McMourning crew. I'm guessing that the Grimwell and Angel Eyes are Henchmen, the double dudes are Minions and then the named Nurse and Scion are Enforcers. If true, Angel Eyes is looking like a sniper Henchman for the Neverborn which will certainly be interesting.
  11. Here's the direct link:https://www.facebook.com/outofthebasementintothestreets/posts/301579856632970
  12. You mentioned the baked in one, not the one available from a card. And damage over time is very much not the same as straight up damage. As Myyrä notes, Hoffman gives way more than power loop. As for your Gremlin player, he seems to like running quite a few models, it seems - I mean, Trixie, Wong, Whiskey Golem, Merris, Slop Haulers, Johan, Lenny and enough Bayou Gremlins to outactivate anyone. As far as I can tell, his usual list looks something like this: Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap Wong -- 4 Pool +Ooo Glowy [1] Bayou Gremlin [3] Johan [7] Lenny [9] Merris LaCroix [6] Slop Hauler [5] Trixiebelle [8] Whiskey Golem [10] That doesn't look very scary at all...
  13. I certainly didn't say that it is a waste. But compared to a Ramos using one AP to summon three Spiders vs Somer using one AP to summon one Bayou Gremlin, I know which one is more impressive from the point of view of using Master AP. The important thing to bear in mind in this comparison is the other costs associated with the Summoning action (Ramos needs scrap and a soulstone and a high tome while Somer needs a Bayou Gremlin (and its wounds) as well as a low mask and a low card, essentially). Somer using one AP can result, for example, in these situations: a) Wounding a friendly Bayou Gremlin and summoning another one. c) Shooting his insane gun and killing, say, three enemy models. d) Killing an enemy model and summoning a Piglet. e) Throwing away both players' hands disrupting many other Masters utterly. From these, I would argue that c), d), and e) are, most of the time, more powerful than a). But of course they need a situation where you can do them and while a) of course needs a suitable situation as well, it is extremely easy to manufacture. So yeah, my point was that if you can manufacture good situations, then summoning with Somer isn't all that impressive compared to other things. But I'm certainly not calling summoning a waste and it is indeed extremely powerful in some situations and even in others, it's often easy to do and therefore simpler to manufacture an ideal situation for than the rest of the things. Hope I made some sense
  14. I'm a bit surprised you've never seen one with Df 7 since it's a built-in (1)Action but still, that was kinda my point that Meliondor's analysis didn't seem like something borne out of actual play experience. You forgot that getting another Ram means a 5/6/8 damage track. But really, all I know is that I'm a lot more worried about a Peacekeeper starting down at me from across the table than I am of a Whiskey Golem. Peacekeeper OTOH is often found with Hoffman - do you want me to list what stuff it gets from him? Because it's a bit impressive to say the least Seriously, Whiskey Golem's synergy with Gremlins utterly pales in comparison. Try swapping Lenny for a Candy with Fears Given Form using Lilith. Hilarity ensues! I mean, as long as we're trading these sorts of scenarios. Supported by a Glowy Whiskey Golem?
  15. Have you tried the Whiskey Golem in a game? Because that Flurry means that it won't have the Defense 7. Charging means that it won't have Defense 7. Its damage output is nowhere near Peacekeeper. It's synergy in the Faction is minimal unlike Peacekeeper's. And, finally, with the Angry Drunk upgrade (no Flurry otherwise) it's more expensive than the Peacekeeper. All in all, many Gremlin players consider the Whiskey Golem somewhat subpar. Did you also learn that the 6SS Bayou Bushwhacker takes two damage from the ability and they have 6 Wounds? And that their weak Damage is 1 on their Sh 6 gun? 3 Actions that do two damage to them while they have four Wd? I mean, yeah, Bayou Gremlins are a lot better than Guild Hounds (outside of McCabe crews) but it isn't as if they have three Actions very often in games. I've used them a lot and have took three Actions out of them maybe 20% of the time or something. It seems that you are looking at ideal situations without taking into account the cost that Gremlins pay for those abilities. And healing isn't everywhere and Slop Haulers aren't all that fast when they heal nor are they very durable. And otherwise the Gremlin healing is pretty limited.
  16. Very nice black! The white goes maybe a bit too grey on his forward-stretched arm. Good stuff!
  17. Well, to be fair, Outcasts don't have any loyalties that could shift, really. And Ten Thunders are kinda special in the shifting loyalties department what with nearly all of them being already torn between two Factions. Hayreddin looks really cool, though very different from what I thought he would look. Where's his shotgun? Ratcatcher looks about as can be expected. I kinda always found them a bit weird in how capable they are considering what they are - I would've liked something a bit more obviously sinister to them. Still, not bad. The fellow at the cover of the quickstart rules looks cool what little can be seen. Does he have a hat? Finally, the band member looks absolutely idiotic. I really wasn't feeling the band concept but Gluttony, though decidedly underwhelming, was sorta ok. This new one however looks just silly modern and altogether silly. And not at all like something that should be on the Malifaux battlefield. Is he Pride? Super disappointed in this one - by far the worst concept to come from Wyrd to date.
  18. This has absolutely nothing to do with Malifaux, but I found this immensely inspiring on a general level. It's a fellow who uses Moebius' (a famous French comic book artist) art as inspiration for his Infinity models. It's just pretty damn amazing. With small conversions (well, some are pretty extensive), colour schemes and a general painting style he achieves something truly remarkable. Worth reading in its entirety (I feel that the first post, though very good in a way, doesn't quite show how good it gets). http://infinitytheforums.com/forum/topic/29555-the-cosmonaut-paints-moebius-style-haqq-new-photos/ So yeah - who will be the first to do, say, a Goya inspired Malifaux force
  19. Utterly ridiculous with Lazarus, btw. to damage for Laz is broken good. Just add Prompt/Reactivate.
  20. Today I've been listening to Mary Beats Jane a lot. Highly underrated! This was what we headbanged to in the nineties. I think I'll proceed to listen to the whole album a third time now... Does anyone who doesn't know the band recognize the singer? He's pretty well-known these days
  21. A Hard to Kill model at two wounds hit by Wong's blast and Pulse can die since the damages come separately.
  22. Obey him to Focus. When McTavish Focuses, models die. The ignore cover, ignore randomization into melee is extremely potent and his severe is a nice and juicy six. And thanks to Gator Snack, he usually doesn't need to spend much AP walking and with Obey and he can shoot two Focus shots in a turn, which is just sweet.
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