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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Why are low cost models bad in Ours? Having two 5SS models vs having one 10SS model gives you additional flexibility in controlling the quarters at the expense of losing half the SS cost when one dies as opposed to retaining the full 10SS until the big guy bites it. I think that both approaches are valid. Howabout by introducing the Fallen Condition where you need to physically place the mini on it's side? (I do agree that removing Merc is unfair as it would make a mini unplayable to many people who have bought it solely because it has Merc)
  2. Any ETA on when the Upcoming page will be updated? https://www.wyrd-games.net/upcoming-releases I'd like to see renders! (As an aside, is the page broken for anyone else? I can't currently see this year's stuff)
  3. I, too, rate Lovely Assistant somewhat highly. Her only problems in my eyes are the relatively high TN on Prepare the Show and Old Cranky's amazingness. I think that she is a fine Totem.
  4. I have always considered Bayou Two-card, Reckless, and Dumb Luck as our signature traits. I hadn't realized until @green-n-dumbpointed it out but from books four and five we've gotten one model with Reckless and none with the other two traits. And the only one with Reckless is seen as top notch. Interesting!
  5. I'm probably more in agreement with you than with the OP but I think that a simple comparison between price reductions and increases doesn't tell the whole story. In the last pass several factions received only price reductions and Gremlins got the most increases with Outcasts. Furthermore, one of the strengths of Gremlins was the access to good 3SS significant Minions which suddenly got a lot more common across factions. This is further impacted by the previous 50% price increase of the Stuffed Piglets who received zero compensation for it. Previously we tended to be good at getting out-activation (very important in the alpha strike style which fits our general glass cannonesque design philosphy) but nowadays not so much. Finally, I would argue that only two choices turned into amazing ones due to the price reduction while some other Factions got quite a few more. This last point is extremely subjective, though, naturally. I think that it would be easy to argue that Gremlins have been hit the hardest with the errata and our Wave 5 stuff wasn't very impressive in general compared to what other factions got. Now, I have zero belief in some sinister agenda or designers hating Gremlins or anything of the sort but I do believe that the power level of the Gremlins faction, when compared to the others, has gone down during the last year or so. Couple that with the statistics that showed that Gremlins were already low on the totem pole in tournament standings before the nerfs (though noting that the tournament statistics aren't all that) and it is easy to see where a sentiment such as the OP's could emerge, don't you think?
  6. Thank you for another fantastic report! Cool games and I really enjoy your Molly playstyle. And taking Hannah! Love it! Too bad about the Scheme announcement thingy - I've had similar things happen and they are super tricky to rule "fairly". Especially Eliminate the Leadership and the half-way point of the wounds. A shame to hear that your enthusiasm is waning as your battle reports have been one of the things that have always gotten my excitement levels about Malifaux way up. But I do fully understand and have been feeling the very same myself. You wouldn't happen to be coming to ITC, would you?
  7. McTavish got nerfed because of Nellie. And yeah, it's sad. He is still usable (the price increase was just 10%) but not feeling him much at all these days. Lenny is too squishy. I think he's otherwise fine but he's slow and dies easily. Brewmaster is a bit hit-or-miss. If the opponent has the tools to damage him, he dies really easily. I have high hopes for his new models but his lop-sided squishyness is difficult to fix. Roosters are IMO also difficult to do right due to being the epitome of glass cannons. At 5SS they might be too good. I like them with Brewy and Zoraida. Rami is really bad and I've no idea why he wasn't errataed to be cheaper instead of Raphael (who was absolutely fine at 7SS and his only problem was Burt at the same price bracket which was fixed). Maybe they'll balance him some other way in the future. Gators being Insignificant makes them bad at the one GG18 Strat I'd otherwise consider taking them. They are also ridiculously squishy. I'll join the chorus saying that Bushwhackers are fine.
  8. I suggest Gremlins! Goes well while waiting for Backdraft. Plus, Mei Feng can use a couple of the Gremlins
  9. Mah, Zipp, and Zoraida would be my picks. They all have amazing repositioning abilities and those are at a premium in Ours. That said, I don't think that any of our Masters would be actually a bad pick as such. Ophelia is also good at moving around her own peeps and shooting enemies for lots of damage is often as good way of stopping them from scoring as Pushing them around. And Somer and Ulix have access to disposable bodies for doing dirty work as daniello remarked. And Wong's Swinecursed are really good for the Strat since they are mobile and very killy and 7SS is a good price point. And I do like the idea of using Tanuki with Brewmaster. But aside from Masters, what other models do people like using for Ours? Any specific picks aside from the ones already mentioned (Tanuki and Bushwhackers)?
  10. Pulp City has sortakinda similar disparity in that almost all "simple duels" to activate passive abilities require just a 2+ on a six-sided dice while active abilities against opposing models compare roll+stat. It's fun as a thought experiment, I think!
  11. Something that has been on my mind a lot lately as Faux seems to have very close to died here. Is it better elsewhere?
  12. Makes sense @solkan - thank you! I choose to believe that that's how my intuitive thought process went
  13. That's how we played it but I'm not exactly sure why.
  14. A humble Rotten Belle is also a pretty good deal and worth considering.
  15. Collodi has put A New Thread Condition on a Rogue Necromancy who is then targeted by Marcus' Alpha. What happens? Idle Hands: After damaging target non-Leader, it gains this Condition until the end of its next Activation: "A New Thread: When this model Activates, the opposing player immediately performs a (1) Action with this model. This counts as spending one of this model's AP for the Activation." And Alpha says "This model controls the target during this Activation."
  16. In the unlikely case that anyone is still looking for a full group ticket, please contact me. The second team from us will not be materializing (Heck, contact me if you're a lone merc looking for a team - even our first team is starting to look uncertain...)
  17. Dread Pirate for Sammy isn't bad. Mood Swings from Bayous is nasty and the extra mobility for Sammy is cool as well.
  18. To add to Clement's list, there's also two of the Banjonistas and probably someone I'm forgetting - beards aren't common but they aren't super rare either. And even if they were really rare, it still IMO doesn't make the mini stand out much.
  19. But yeah, I'm liking the sound of these a lot and the designs look aesthetically fine. I do think that Popcorn could look a bit more distinctive (now he looks basically like a Bayou Gremlin on top of a barrel) as he certainly sounds quite extraordinary. He does look rather receptive to conversions so maybe there's something that could be done but I'm not off the bat quite sure what. The rules sound very fun and like they would give Brewie the boost he needs. Looking forward to these most eagerly!
  20. But that would've made a Gremlin Merc be worse when hired outside of the Gremlins! Could you even imagine the furor it would've caused? Governments might've toppled! The weird part is that the Active player should never drop an even card as it doesn't affect the outcome. But I think that the whole thing is just way over complicated and is quite possibly the weirdest action in the whole game.
  21. It was a hopelessly complicated and cumbersome Action and desperately needed streamlining. The other theory is that, If I understood correctly, the old Swap had crazy synergy in the TT where teaming a Smuggler with a Katanaka Crime Boss/Lotus Eater could lead to massive card draw (possibly six cards from a single cast!). So the natural response to a Gremlin Merc with a problematic interaction in a different Faction: nerf the Gremlin model No matter, I do think that the Smuggler looks quite underwhelming being a weird utility piece that doesn't seem to quite know what it is doing and lacks durability. I'm not sure that they are actively bad as such, but I'm not sure when I would hire them, either. The Tactical Action is ludicrously card hungry and if it seems like it might be an inconvenience for the enemy (Reva?), it isn't exactly difficult to just kill the Smuggler.
  22. No answer to the Flip issue of Lucky Effigy?
  23. Agreed with maybe Yan Lo being sorta the exception among the TT. Maybe due to the disorganized nature of Ressers but he doesn't feel like such a double agent as the rest.
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