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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Could someone maybe post a summary of the new info since I really don't like listening to podcasts (not a fan of the format at all), pretty please.
  2. You have been literally showered with new models and stuff? Sounds supremely painful - I'm very sorry for you.
  3. In theory Special Forces could be used to add more models "safely" in that they could be used to make sure that unintended synergies are minimized (since you can't have models from two different special forces at the same time) but that would require very careful development that might not be possible. Campaign rules might be good but experience and getting new skills for models as complex as are used in Malifaux sounds like a bad idea simply because remembering the differences an experienced model has compared to a normal one would be an immense hassle if there's several experienced models on the table at the same time. Also, balancing it would be an utter nightmare. Finally, I don't think that it fits the fluff all that well considering the uniqueness of many models. So yeah, campaign rules would be welcome, but no experience system for individual models. More and better balanced strategies and schemes would be my number one wish, however.
  4. That's just ridiculously amazing! And a top notch paintjob to boot!
  5. Thank you so much for showing those Westwind Victorian Zombies - they are indeed utterly perfect for Mindless Zombies. As for the painting, I always love it when someone has a quirky, unique style and you certainly qualify. Very fun feel in your minis and the results look great! Your work has a certain, almost dream-like, quality that fits Malifaux IMO.
  6. I feel really sorry for the guy if he has bought those three Necromancies...
  7. Howabout using them in Destroy the Evidence to defend the evidence markers on your side of the board? They are cheap, resilient and can call in reinforcements - sounds like it might work?
  8. "Many people"? Really? "Aside from announcing"? Wut?
  9. Great work! Sue looks brilliant! The lighting is a tiny bit grainy near the end of the sleeve, but other than that the effect is impeccable! And the black from the front looks very, very nice (the back is impossible to say since there is some glare in the pic). I love the trim on Ronin's jacket, though the shading could've been a tad more defined. Now the jacket looks done in a different from the rest of the mini. Also, the colour of the short could've been a bit further from the colour of her skin, though that might just be the picture. The overall feel of the mini is great, though, and she has a fun expression. Librarian looks somehow very aquatic in those colours. Not saying that it's a bad thing, necessarily, mind. Her knife is awesome!
  10. How about sacrificing non-insignificant models would count? It would make all sorts of sense from a fluff perspective as well as from the rules perspective in what insignificant is meant to convey.
  11. Collodi? But I feel that Kirai's and Collette's power is different from Hamelin's and Dreamer's (and I suppose So'mer's) in that the former are a bit too powerful but the latter have/had interactions that are not good for the game and are really hard to balance through, for example, adding synergistic minions to other crews. I might call them more fundamental, in a way.
  12. Next time you dip, try to make extreme highlights before the actual dip. You see, the problem with the dip is that it doesn't take into account the direction of the light but mindlessly shades all the recesses the same. With extreme highlights for the direction of the light you can make a huge difference. And they don't need to be neat but can be done really quickly and messily. And you only need them for the places that you wish to accentuate with the illusion of directional light. So yeah, very quick but a huge, huge difference.
  13. The yellow-trousered Perdita looks amazing! I also really love the Austringer's face. Extremely well done.
  14. Thank you so much for the kind words! Next up is the first of my Witchling Stalkers. I made this for a speed painting competition, where we had 2x45 minutes to finish a mini. I went for a brown and grey scheme on him to highlight that he's not all that valued a thing. Sonnia and Witchling Handler will be featuring none of the brown, but more grey and red. While painting this, since I had a strict deadline, I couldn't find my white quick enough, so ended up with doing the highlight mix for the brown with yellow - and I rather like the effect. The blade looks a tad weird in the scabbard, I hope to get the rest of the Witchlings finished one of these days to show the blade better. Also, didn't quite have time to fix the highlights on the gun. What do you think?
  15. Very good stuff! You have a powerful vision and a bold style that I really appreciate. Those must look amazing on the gaming table. I think that the red Lilitu is my favourite.
  16. Aye, making Daydreams unhireable should limit Dreamer quite a bit. As a bonus, you don't need a real rules change since you can play that way by choice, so no true houseruling needed, just taking on a personal challenge. A good idea!
  17. Aye, I have gotten to the point where I tend to take photos first and varnish afterwards, since the photo always seems to show some problematic are that I've missed. It's certainly not bad, but you have progressed quite a bit as a painter between these two Ronin
  18. Very nice! I like the smoothness and the overall brightness of the piece. And even though there's lots of colours, they seem to go together rather well. The darkline on the boobs is a tad thick, though and their highlights look a bit weaker than the rest - the hands, for example, are much better darklined. Love the silky appearance of the hair. All in all, very nice. Be sure to post the rest once you get them done!
  19. Very nice work at such speed. I especially love the Onryo's silky coat/gown. Strong vision, bold colours and the result is absolutely great! Well done.
  20. Look great! The colours work really well together. I especially love the Young Nephilim. One thing you might consider still doing would be to make Lilith's sword more awesome since it's sort of a center piece for the whole force. But yeah, those are going to certainly draw attention to the game - good job!
  21. Thank you Foxshade for the encouraging comments! Really happy to read that! Here's my Lady Justice. This I indeed painted three years ago (sheesh, time flies) going for a limited palette with a central eyecatcher. The scabbard and the holsters are a bit greener in real life than in the picture, but yeah, here goes: Comments are super-welcome.
  22. The first minis I bought from Wyrd were the ones that were to become the Lady J boxset, but I bought them before Malifaux. I painted Lady J, but the Death Marshall's and Judge got sidelined by other projects. Now I decided to get some Guild going and bought the Sonnia starter and Guardian to boost my Death Marshalls for a fun little force. Not super competitive, but should be playable and somewhat fun. Plus, the force works nicely for either Master, so there's easy variety to be had. But yeah, this is the painting forum, so I should probably get to the pictures. Here's my first Death Marshall. I decided to go with lots of (off-)white for the DMs while the Witchlings will be grey and brown. Comments are super-welcome.
  23. Aren't they 48mm actually? (Not that it matters here, as they are obviously way too big, but I believe they aren't 54mm scale).
  24. Aye, they do, but babysitting Samael limits their uses quite a bit, so you'd better make Samael count. And that in turn needs suitable strategies and terrain. Samael is problematic design in that since he inflicts such incredibly insane damage, balancing him between sub-optimal and broken is really hard.
  25. Warden might help in that he can push the close combatants away from Samael. Guardian + Warden to help Samael doesn't sound too good, though but I suppose it depends on the strategy and the terrain.
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