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Nathan Caroland

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Everything posted by Nathan Caroland

  1. Distributors get the product this month and pass it along, and it has the stickers on it with the extra figure inside. When you're LGS gets it, or if it goes out of stock at their locations, we can't control. If your store wants one specifically, I suggest the contact their distributor, point to the promotion, tell them they want THIS box exactly, and then have the distributors order heavily enough to sort their store pre orders and demands. Best we can do folks. I can only control what we do on this end, not everyone else (though I'm working on it ... ). It's available world wide.
  2. There is always a Black Friday/Anniversary sale. This is just our way of keeping things with LGS's as well.
  3. When it's sorted it'll be announced. Otherwise, nothing to follow up with.
  4. Found out about this a bit late - sorry about that. Tommy is live-streaming his painting of the Dreamer now. He'll also be doing so tomorrow. I'll get updates to times then. https://www.twitch.tv/tommycastilloatelier UPDATE: Starts tomorrow at 7pm as well.
  5. Hey folks, Tommy has been working on some sketches and directions on this and they've been a real treat to watch how they evolve. Anyhow - got this in last night and Tommy says he's going to start getting ready for true painting of it all here shortly now that he has his ideas down and he'll be doing it on Twitch here in the near future (I'll let everyone know the days and times) for anyone interested in watching the process.
  6. Yeah, well that being said, a post will be coming through later today from Aaron and on the site. A fair few of you feel that putting it in a thin envelope is just fine - and then they arrive here torn and without the poker chips within them as they tear up in transit. I've allowed a half dozen that it has happened to this last week to go through, but NO MORE. It is up to you to make certain it is packaged well enough to get here. The postal system does NOT give a shit about your packages or envelopes, and they will get worn, wet, tossed around, caught in machines, dropped, stepped on, and then popped back into the system, and in that time, tore up and a 'sorry' sticker slapped on the side of it. I suggest a small box if you have a fair number of them. Otherwise, upgrade to a padded envelope as those are put together a bit better. I fully expect folks not to listen to me, but when folks start getting told next week 'sorry, nothing was inside the package' and get tore up about is and curse me, I'm going to point back to this and an official message put on the site and give you my best 'so sorry'.
  7. We're stealing the guilders and not sending you anything .. Or .. we're fairly freaky busy and they'll get sorted every few days. I know they were working on them this afternoon and likely tomorrow.
  8. Vassal is currently being updated and overhauled by Alex who will be sorting that over this month. when it's ready we'll announce and get it put up and y'all can tear through it and find whatever needs helping with on it to get fixed. Thanks.
  9. So I just spent the day with Tommy and Sammy Castillo and have to say those two are a serious hoot, kept us laughing all day and we enjoyed the whole of it. Looking forward to doing it again here in the near future. Got a seriously kick ass 'quickie sketch' (yeah, talented bastard ..) of Lady Justice which will be going up on the wall and we talked about the Dreamer, his background and all that has come before and what is to come and I can say that I'm rather excited to see what comes from Tommy over this. As a bonus, he'll be doing a series of posts, videos and Twitch casts (I think that's what they are called) as he progresses through sketches and onto the finished piece that you all can follow along with. More to be announced soon.
  10. Not before they are released officially.
  11. Check your spam then. All orders get a confirmation e-mail sent out, it's built into the system. If you didn't get it, it's been gobbled up by the internet trolls somewhere along the dark road ..
  12. Should be a card in there that said 'whoops' and explained it was being sent separately two to three days later after the main package. There were twelve folks that got held up due to missing pieces on the sprue and we air shipped in replacements but sent along the main package so that there wasn't a delay. All of them have been sent. If they didn't include that card in there, our apologies. Contact customer service otherwise if there is further issue and they'll sort you.
  13. http://www.wyrd-games.net/contact Always the best option.
  14. Contact drivethru then, they are the only folks that have access to sell or provide the PDFs. If it was through us for the Kickstarter back in the day, contact customer service, setup an account over there, and give it a few days and someone will get you sorted after they do some digging for records.
  15. Hell, I'd have to be riding a Shire or a Percheron not to break the poor fellas back these days, and they would just as likely drag my arse across the country as soon as allow my non graceful attempt at hopping up.
  16. While Dustin put a lot more effort into explaining it, it just comes down to 'smaller horse', slight woman.
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