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Ironsides rules help and model ideas


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I have a mis-interpretation of ironside's Quell the Riot rule. I've seen it played where she only gains adrenaline for each enemy model at the beginning of her activation, but i've also seen it interpreted as she gains an aura, and anytime during her activation she gains adrenaline for coming within 2" of an enemy.


Now i'm pretty sure it's only during the start of her activation and thus if she started with no enemies around her, then cannot gain any through her quell the riot ability, even if she ends up being within 2" at any point during her turn.


Second thing I wanted to bring up, is that I really wan't to get her on the table, but as she has no model, and it may be a while before she gets one. I'd love to see if anyone had any suggestions for a good stand in.


The requirements are pretty loose, it just needs to be the correct scale and somewhat steam punkish. It could be male or female or weird cyborg thing as long as it looks badass. Obviously it needs to have fist-like weapons and preferably a strong looking build. Does anyone have any good suggestions?


Also bonus points for a cool avatar stand in as well.

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Those would be great if Ironsides was a guy....


ETA: yes, I know that the OP doesn't care, but I do. There have to be some decent lady pitfighter models out there...

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Those would be great if Ironsides was a guy....


ETA: yes, I know that the OP doesn't care, but I do. There have to be some decent lady pitfighter models out there...

A female steampunk pugilist - pick two qualities and you can find a mini, pick all three and I'm afraid you need to wait for the officialWyrd mini. I know most minis ranges and spent quite a bit of time trying to find suitable ones and I'm pretty convinced that a female steampunk pugilist doesn't exist. The closest you can get is some fantasy football players but I would rather take one of my previous suggestions and accept that Toni is going to be a Tony until Wyrd releases the official mini.

Of course you could take a female steampunk mini, clip off the weapons and replace fists with mechanical fists from some other mini.

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Yeah it's only temporary until Wyrd releases the official model so I don't know if many people would have issues making her a man. I like some of the models that Math linked to. Did anyone else have any luck finding any more possible models? I looked hard myself, but it's surprisingly difficult finding a model who prefers using fists over guns and swords. 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm doing a gender bent Toni Crew. Both sides.


Lady Captain and Male Toni. I think I'm gonna doctor up a card for him too that swaps his name from "Toni Ironsides" to "English Ivan" And then throw on the "Miss" foot note, "This model counts as Ironsides in every way. (Every way....)"


English Ivan:



Female Captain:



I trimmed the sword away and gave her the maul from the wyrd weapon pack so she has a relic hammer. 


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I'm doing a gender bent Toni Crew. Both sides.


Lady Captain and Male Toni. I think I'm gonna doctor up a card for him too that swaps his name from "Toni Ironsides" to "English Ivan" And then throw on the "Miss" foot note, "This model counts as Ironsides in every way. (Every way....)"


English Ivan:



Female Captain:



I trimmed the sword away and gave her the maul from the wyrd weapon pack so she has a relic hammer. 



gah that's a very expensive miniature to be trimming hehehe... I wanted to use this as a female Von Schill, then I saw the price tag and said, sex change operations are too expensive, Von Schill can remain masculine :)

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So is the aura on at all times during her activation, then goes away after her activation. So she'd be able to move around collecting adreneline?




At the start of this model's
Activation it gains the following Condition until
the end of the game for each enemy model
within a2: "Adrenaline +1:
The Aura happens at the beginning of her activation, at that time it counts the number of models. 
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I agree with you, but I was very into doing a captain in a crew, and it looks good enough for me to use for forever. I still need mages and mouse, and I don't think I'll be playing her (him?) in any official tournaments, so I'll proxy the rest of the models, and call it good. I guess until the box comes out and I can't help myself. :P



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With the help of a member of our Gaming Club i (or better he) found stand-ins for a complete Crew.


I got:


http://studiomcvey.highwire.com/product/smm35--jetgirl as Tony herself

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/d5b8d0e3013b8b2e346e0d8174a7c5ec.jpg as the Captain

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/index.php/katalog/artikelinfo/34241-1-show-steampunk_aykroyd_paranormal_investigator_lim_resin_ver.html as Mouse

http://www.wargamerscave.com/Pics/Warmachine/Cygnar/black-13th-gun-mage-strike-team.png as my Oxfordian Mages

http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/img_big/25d3af47a1ac716c9461163a184add6d.jpg as Union Miner


the looks of the Crew are ment to be on the line of Airship-Pirates and i will try to paint them Monochrom with some Blue Highlights. If i'll ever get them finished i try to take some pictures

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Wow! Some great looking figs here. Tania Tanker looks exactly like she fits the bill, minus the huge weapon and all. 


My thoughts exactly,looking at her though it doesn't look like the weapons need to be put on the model, they appear to just hang from her arm so it seems like the perfect fit. I looked on the Raging Heroes site and it appears as though she is going to be within the 1st Wave of their range due out fairly soon.  

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