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Lucius against Pandora! How to win?


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Hi guys!


I have tomorrow an arranged match against Pandora, I will our lovest secretary, Lucius Matheson.


¿Any idea how to win that crazy witch? My thoughts go throw 2 Sergeants, Captain, 2 Rifleman, and im thinking in Austringers and Pathfinder with clockwork traps disturbing since deployment. Also i have Tannen (attack with Ca so incorporeal not apply),Graves and Candy, and can use Doppelganger (iniciative is mine!)too.


My main problems will be all the WP-duel stuff, the incorporeal and the heavy hitters that can bring (Lelu and Lilitu)


Any idea would be great. Thanks :)

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How to win?


Winning has nothing to do with Dora especially if you're playing Lucius.  Get strat and scheme points, take things that play to your strengths (being able to do interacts pretty much everywhere and out of activation), force their crew to spread out.  Also take Legalese since it shuts down a lot of schemes and makes you immune to most of Pandora's crew.

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Secret Assets lost a lot of oomph when they added a TN that needed a suit.  Lucius burns so many cards and spends so many SS getting the right suits anyways that one more is the straw that broke the camels back especially with such mediocre damage.  If I have a Ram high enough to hit something I can tell a minion to focus and hit something which nets a lot more damage on average.


I loved it early in the Beta, but lately I've been leaving it at home because I never have the suit and even if I did I use it for other things, so it's really just top-decking for a Ram which doesn't make sense for 2pts.  Being a (0) action is the only reason it deserves consideration, but I'd rather buy more minions or have more SS to add suits with.

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I got schooled by Pandora just last week. It was sort of a teaching game but Pandora basically spanked my crew. I had a pretty standard Lucius list, since I wanted to give it a go and see how it went:



-Surprisingly Loyal

-Hidden Assets

-Useless Duplications

6 Pool




3 Guild Guard


It was only 35 stones, because again, it was teaching. Also, the schemes were fairly killy, and I think Lucius excels at higher points levels where he has more things to order about. Here's a few things I learned. It was my first time against Pandora.


-The Scribe is useless, because almost her entire crew targets Wp, and just about the only thing he is good for is that +1 Df.

-The Lawyer was okay, but I think a Guild Sergeant would have been better, for the Wp boost. His + to Horror Duels is great for Commanding Presence, but the Sergeant does the same on a wider level, since Horror Duels are Wp duels.

-Something with a little more punch would have been helpful. The Guild Guard, when used purely to fight, waste a lot of cards but still don't do a lot, when they have to get through Terrifying, Manipulative and high Df stats. I literally could not hit Kade once throughout the entire game.

For reference, my opponent took approximately this:


-The Box Opens

2-3 Pool


-Fears Given Form

-Nexus of Power



2 Sorrows

The crew practically played itself against me. Thinking I'm going to have to step up Lucius' game. He definitely excels at scheme marker based schemes over killy ones, but it depends on the crew.

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If you have to deal with Pandora herself, go for the sorrows. They're basically 5ss upgrades to her damage, and although they don't do much on their own the damage builds up if you fail a WP duel near several of them.


Austringers are always useful, especially since their long range keeps them outside of Pandora's death bubble.

I find the scribe is pretty much an always take, as if needs be he has 4 wounds, and so can be used twice for Devil's deal and thus immediately makes his points back.

But yeah, focus on the schemes and strategies against Pandora, doubly so since you're Lucius.

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My plans for taking out Pandora involve attacking her when your opponent has used up most of his high cards and then get it so on damage you can cheat in a severe or red joker.


Decapitate triggers are also good. Never go up against Pandora if you know your opponent will be able to cheat higher than you. Also blast damage will do her in.

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Indirect damage is the bane of a Pandora crew, as well as Ca actions as it can get around the high defence and incorporeal that's their main defences. Also, for us on taking oiut aomew of her support minions early. Especially the Poltergeist, if she is bringing that it have to die quick.

Then focus on schemes and strategies, preferably something that will force her to spread out as the crew is based on overlapping auras.

Alternatively, take the new Dampening Field upgrade from this weeks beta and be immune to auras and in effect Pandora/most of her crew.

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If you didn't want to cheese-ball your opponent one option which might annoy a little but not as much as dampening field would be playing her own crew against her.


Take Tannen and move him about with Lucius so retain manipulative (tannen is a pain in the @r$e if you use him right) you could also take Candy because she can hit them with their own attacks and most of her crew have moderate wp (plus she can heal your troops).


Take atleast one beckoner if you get schemes where mobility is important for the lure plus Lucius' movement tricks, then you just need some shooters to out range her crew where possible, looking towards the austringer and riflemen (with their upgraded pistol range).


If you want to go in close don't under estimate witchling stalkers, the burning will come in handy to finish off incorporea targets, their wp isn't too bad, they can remove conditions such as "mood swing" and nobody likes me" I also wouldn't count out the path finder and the warden but that might just be my preference.


I suppose to be able to really pin down a list we'd need to know how many stones you're playing and what you expect your opponent to field, then you just tweak as applicable for strategy and schemes.

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Do most of these apply for the Dreamer as well?  I just faced Dreamer with a 20 SS advantage, and still barely won.  Part of that was that he surprised me with an upgrade that made his models flying, but honestly, I couldn't hit him to save my life.   I only killed 1 stiched something, and a couple alps, which were summoned back easily.  

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Do most of these apply for the Dreamer as well?  I just faced Dreamer with a 20 SS advantage, and still barely won.  Part of that was that he surprised me with an upgrade that made his models flying, but honestly, I couldn't hit him to save my life.   I only killed 1 stiched something, and a couple alps, which were summoned back easily.  


But.. You won? If you want to hit the Dreamer you have to get him out of the Nightmare bubble as he can direct everything to his Nightmares, it's a good defensive trigger but you can make it up with schemes (Make them suffer, I'm looking at you). 

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