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Nephilim Box a must get for lilith players


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I am mainly a 10t player but the change to jacobs crew left me with a bunch of models I love how they are painted up but I cant play them. I was thinking of picking up Lilith so i could use them and Tots would be great on Jacob if I play him NB. Just not sure I want to drop 40 bucks on models just so grow is an option. I am not sure about mid range but I dont think I would pay the ss for mature.

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Is it a must get just because you have Lilith? nope. Is it a must get if you don't already have the models and want to grow things? yes. Is it a really nice box? also yes.

here's a recent game I had with Lilith, prior to this game I debated a second Nephilim Box (and a second Terror Tot box):


If you're gonna do it, you need the models, but 2 boxes of Nephilim should be enough. It makes the Nephilim a deceptively expensive crew if you feel like using the grow mechanic since each Nephilim box clocks in at about the cost of the starter boxes and you'll likely need some tots as well, but when you grow 3 tots to matures and one to a young in a single game you'll be glad you had some spare models lying around. That being said, even if you have the old, models I'd highly recommend upgrading. The new young are a little fiddly, but substantially better looking as is the mature, so if you can swing the cash you won't be disappointed.

Edited by Mastershake
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Heck, pick up the box for the mature even if you're not playing Lilith, that dude is a BEAST! Seriously, try him out with pandora in place of teddy, play him with Jakob alongside Huggy, try him with the Wave 2 masters; the thing is just a straight-up beat stick. If you are in need of a high SS, very mobile, dude-who-tears-dudes-in-half pick up the Nephilim box. Plus the sculpt is really sick on all three in the box.

That said, no it's not a must get, just a probably should get. Alternatively you could grab a Nekima as you generally want at least one big bad-a:crows:crows beatstick to run with Lilith. But even then it's worth having a mature to use along WITH 'Kima.

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And the mature neph is huuuge!

Counterpoint - the youngs are smaller than 30mm based models. Great sculpts on those, but the same fool who keeps designing weightless 3d renders struck again with the young that's balanced on a thin piece of spine that's going to break the moment you put it on the table. He's at least easy to mount on a rock or tombstone.

I was fairly disappointed with the soft detail on the mature in comparison to the youngs. I may end up using my metal versions of this instead.

Its worth owning models to represent young and mature, particularly if you're running a grow list (which expands its options with the Wave 2 Nekima and Black Blood Shaman).

Edited by ehren37
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Counterpoint - the youngs are smaller than 30mm based models. Great sculpts on those, but the same fool who keeps designing weightless 3d renders struck again with the young that's balanced on a thin piece of spine that's going to break the moment you put it on the table. He's at least easy to mount on a rock or tombstone.

While I'm usually not one to defend Wyrd's modelling, after putting together two of the Nephilim boxes, playing with and transporting, the Young Nephilim are fine. I thought there might be assembly issues, but the models are so light it really didn't materialize. I'm not a fan of tiny connection points to the base, but I haven't had issues assembling them or keeping them assembled and they do actually have connection points to the base unlike that one asinine Illuminated that's floating in mid air (seriously WTF do they expect you to do with that guy). Also, after playing Warmachine/Hordes for so long, I wholeheartedly endorse any model designer that chooses to err on the side of caution for base size. The number of Privateer Press models that can't be put into melee is frankly stupid (and they have 120mm base models with this problem).

The Young look great and despite strictly adhering to the Wyrd fetish for fiddly parts and tiny surface areas for base attachment work mostly due their lighter plastic construction.

I was fairly disappointed with the soft detail on the mature in comparison to the youngs. I may end up using my metal versions of this instead.

While I'll agree in general on the Mature, the old Mature Nephilim are so freaking goofy looking that I'm happy to have a new sculpt even if it isn't quite as good as the young (although I certainly wouldn't have minded some alternate pose parts either considering the guy doesn't have a rare characteristic or anything).

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If you end up playing Lilith for any length of time, I suspect you will naturally feel the need to grab her larger Nephilim options. That said, you will probably never stop using Tater Tots. They are incredibly versatile in the Nephilim crew, with Pounce enhancement for the crews many pushes, Growth, Sprint, Flay allowing them to punch way above weight class, and Black Blood for the Pustule, they are always going to be great.

Plus they have my favorite defensive ability ever, nobody ever wants to commit a 7 stone minion to deal with a stupid little Tot, so they largely run around unmolested winning you the game.

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