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So, how about that Body of Evidence, eh?


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I just recently received my package from the black friday/monday/whatever sale (Viks, McMourn, and Miss T+Rules), and I've just started to assemble them.

The new sets are fairly nice, and it's great that they are grouped by model now instead of the number/letter indication that had when I got my Ten Thunders (My only previous Malifaux minis), but I have to say, I've gotten to assembling Sebastian and.. what the hell?!

He appears to be completely missing his left hand, and I can't tell what is going on? At first I assumed it was like an Evil-Dead Ash thing, where his stump went into the saw, and it was part of him.. or maybe the "Stump" was some sorta deformed mutant hand.. but looking at it, it doesn't really appear to be the case, I mean, it ends in a flat surface (That very much looks like it was meant to attach to something?). It also doesn't line up when the arms are on to attach the stump to the saw, so I guess that's out of the picture, Oh right! Picture! I'll just look at the reference and see what it should look likkeee aannnnddddddd....

..IT'S JUST A STUMP?! I don't even understand?! In the picture on the back of the box, it is put on just.. without connecting to anything, just as a.. durpy little stump?

Has anyone else assembled this model? Any experience (Or maybe story that I'm missing? Is Sebastian one handed?) I briefly thought the hand the small Chihuahua has could be his, but it's not the correct hand if that's the case..

Kinda buggin' me that it's ending so abruptly, and seemingly unfinished. Should I.. dig around my bitz box for a small hand? Or like.. did I accidentally ruin the piece when I took it out?

I'm not exactly sure what's goin' on.

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Assembly instructions

Looks like the left hand holding the backhandle of the saw got lost during the digital sculpting process / the arm moved up a bit and doesn't connect to the saw anymore.

In the artwork the hand ist there holding the saw. Hard to see because he wears gloves and the hand is turned inwards to grip the sawhandle.

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Assembly instructions

Looks like the left hand holding the backhandle of the saw got lost during the digital sculpting process / the arm moved up a bit and doesn't connect to the saw anymore.

In the artwork the hand ist there holding the saw. Hard to see because he wears gloves and the hand is turned inwards to grip the sawhandle.

So it was.. intended to be part of the model.. and just left out? :Sad_Puppet2:

Well that's unfortunate. I also just HAD to completely get rid of the "Rivets&Bar" on the side of the Flesh Golem's leg since the gaps were.. filled in completely! But that's not as upsetting, because after I gut that off the leg is still intact, and I can just use my pinning wire to make a set of pins coming out of his leg that will look nice.

But the missing hand..? That's.. quite disappointing..

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I had to frankenstein a bit of plastic sprue onto metal Cassie who was miscast with a stump. As she's wearing long gloves, the transition is less glaring than it would have been with no glove.

Seeing just the lone Canine Remain makes me want Wyrd to release a Dogs of Malifaux box set that we can use as Canine Remains and / or Guild Hounds. Even with the metals, that's only four metal Canine Remains sculpts, one plastic one, two metal Guild Hounds, presumably two more plastic Guild Hounds, and Luna.

After the Dogs of Malifaux, they could release other critters, like Pigs, Birds, Rats, etc.

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He isn't missing a hand he's just wearing some sort of sleeve sort of like a straight jacket. IMHO

The rendering process was not able to distinguish the back of the glove from the shirt. The QA person missed it as well.... unless of course the stump is "intentional"

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It looks like they're making a "guy carrying a large circular saw" joke. Every wood shop teacher in sketch comedy history, right? I don't mind it, but I don't think it's up to their usual skill of execution -- Seb's pose and the size of the saw suggest there should be a second hand to help take the weight. Just a detail though. Ship it.

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It looks intentional, he has a stump in the renders and the art work.

I'm not so sure. In the art work that wrist area isn't really clear enough to see what's going off at all. I think it's as people have suspected and the rendering process hasn't distinguished the distinct body parts.

If it had been decided that he has only one hand due to a cutting accident (which is fluffy, don't get me wrong), why wouldn't it be mentioned in the fluff itself? Sebastian has featured in recent stories but I don't recall any mention of a stump? He *is* going to struggle to wield that saw with only one hand, unless he swings it around wildly like a dervish - something else that would probably have been referenced in recent fluff if it was how he fought surely?

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My Sebastian model was also clearly missing his left hand, the pieces did not fit correctly. I had to use a bit of the sprue to create a makeshift hand for it to come together.

Aside from that the new models are gorgeous (though Jebus Cripes are the parts for the Zombie Chihuahua miniscule).

Hecks yeah. When I tried to glue in the tail, it fell out of my hands, and I didn't even look for it.

Luckily, I found it on the couch, but man, that is a tiny piece.

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I'm not so sure. In the art work that wrist area isn't really clear enough to see what's going off at all. I think it's as people have suspected and the rendering process hasn't distinguished the distinct body parts.

If it had been decided that he has only one hand due to a cutting accident (which is fluffy, don't get me wrong), why wouldn't it be mentioned in the fluff itself? Sebastian has featured in recent stories but I don't recall any mention of a stump? He *is* going to struggle to wield that saw with only one hand, unless he swings it around wildly like a dervish - something else that would probably have been referenced in recent fluff if it was how he fought surely?

The front Art of the Mcmourning box shows him without a hand. The back of the cement saw is only held by one hand.

There is also a bigger picture in the book. If i recall.

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The art on the Mcmourning box and in the rulebook shows the back of his gloved left hand. If you look closely, the artwork and the render on the box are different in the area where the left hand is supposed to be holding the buzzsaw. What this means, I don't know. It would help if we heard from Nathan.

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