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Models that Wyrd should have made instead.


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Why Wyrd ? Why did you make a model of rabbit toothed big hat cripple Francisco instead of the badass Artwork from the Rulebook ?


Also why has there never been a model of this absolutely awesome artwork ?


The first and only Teddy that looks cute and absolutely horrifying at the same time.

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I actually dig Francisco's pose. Very dynamic. But the sombrero looks like something out of a McDonald's commercial.

The new Nino looks post-apocalyptic. I don't like him.

I really like Perdita's badass pose although I didn't know she's supposed to be left-handed. What I don't like, is that I can't see her face. Also, she looks like an end-twenty, early-thirty woman, not like some young woman in her early twenties. Another thing I don't like: her breasts float. She clearly doesn't wear any corsage, and it looks unnatural. I have no problem with her showing cleavage (she always was a sexy cowgirl) but not like that.

After all, I like some things about the new Ortegas but I am glad I got the old metal box before I learned that new plastics are in the making.

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Does anyone have a link to Francisco's new art. I might have completely missed it.

The one from the rulebook and the arsenal deck is different from that on the Perdita box, which was the same of the wave 1 beta.

And it's not only the hat, but also his pose and crazy expression. The one in the rulebook was much more calmed, more serious, and I liked that. But it's not a big deal to me, anyway.

Edited by Curropepe
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These things are always going to be about personal taste. I don't like the new perdita box either - Santiago is o.k. but the rest are just bad (IMO). I have the original metal set, which I've always liked and will be sticking with. However, I've heard a lot of people say they love these new models and ultimately they're here to stay, so moaning about it won't help anyone!

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To be honest I am more surprised it is not the model on the art rather than annoyed. I have the old metal box which I really like so not won't probably buy the new box anyway. But I knew there was always going to be people liking and disliking it as it is personal preference

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Francisco needs to wear the hat though, to establish himself at El Mayor. It's definitely an odd choice, but I think it's one of those choices to make him stand out. Samael Hopkins also got a change from the book, with him firing instead of standing.

I would also like to give a shout-out to Santiago. That guy definitely looks intimidating. And wide. All the other Ortegas seems to be all compact.

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