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Is make them suffer a new scheme in the current rulebook or sdomething fanbased?

I'm not entirely sure about what do you want to ask with your question, but if the BRAND NEW title in the description made you confused then it is only there to note that this scheme was completely rewritten after the last open beta version.

Anyway, I just scanned through the strategies/schemes myself and gave the info to Yosh to update his program. So it is highly likely that I missed something. If you catch anything, please note here so that Yosh can correct it in the application. Thanks!

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I'm not entirely sure about what do you want to ask with your question, but if the BRAND NEW title in the description made you confused then it is only there to note that this scheme was completely rewritten after the last open beta version.

Anyway, I just scanned through the strategies/schemes myself and gave the info to Yosh to update his program. So it is highly likely that I missed something. If you catch anything, please note here so that Yosh can correct it in the application. Thanks!

Ah ok, I didn't have the rulebook so I probably have to wait until I get the rulebook for all the official schemes and in the meantime use this app for my schemes. Thanks for this and keep up the good work.

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Firstly, thanks Yosh. A very useful resource :)

I had this situation come up earlier and grabbed a screen shot. Shouldn't the 11 have selected Murder Prot as a scheme instead of Spring the Trap?


I kept flipping combinations and was getting Spring the Trap appearing on both 10s and 11s.

Hearts = Rams, Clubs = Tomes, Spades = Crows, Diamonds = Masks

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I've noticed this behavior a few times too today... it seems to occasionally pick the scheme that's one lower then it should be.

edit: I think I just figured it out. The first scheme card always seems to report 1 low. (so flipping a 5 reports the scheme for 4). This gets extra strange if the cards come out like 7,6. See pic.


Please fix! I'm totally hooked on this thing!

Edited by Clement
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sorry, i couldn't sleep like this. SOMETHING IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET... and i must fix it.

So, i've checked the mentioned bugs. It looks like it caused by the same reason: i've forgot to update some parts of the code when i made fixes (order of the schemes has been changed since the beta, duh)

Now it's up and running. Have fun lazyfaux-ing ;)

SpiralngCadavr: i've made this for my phone, less colors = more power on that loosie piece of c..p.

If you suggest a color, i can make a version of lazyfaux just for you :P


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
One that came up in a game I played using Lazyfaux was Cursed Object. Lazyfaux says something about using scheme markers, while the Rulebook points to interacting with target enemies to give them the cursed object condition.

This is from Lazyfaux:

Cursed Object details <== click Here

*** BRAND NEW *** All non-Peon models in this Crew may target a non-Peon enemy model within 1" with a (1) Interact Action to give the target the following Condition for the rest of the game: "Cursed Object: This model may take a (1) Interact Action to perform a TN 12 Wk duel. If successful, remove this Condition from this model. No other Action may remove this Condition."

This Scheme starts the game unrevealed. The first time an enemy model gains the Cursed Object Condition, reveal this Scheme. At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may end the Cursed Object Condition on one enemy model to gain 1 VP.

So I don't get your problem. Are you using the v2 link given at the OP?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is from Lazyfaux:

So I don't get your problem. Are you using the v2 link given at the OP?

Just typed lazy faux into browser, first time using, apparently had beta rules showing when I did this about two weeks ago. Maybe it's fixed now.

Someone was asking for errors, so I posted. If fixed now, then no problem.

EDIT: Went back through browser history, noticed I somehow got to the V1 version of lazy faux:


It may be worthwhile to remove access to this older version so confusion doesn't happen, as did with me.

Edited by Cats Laughing
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