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Spoiler- the next gremlin master?


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I wouldn't read too much into it since they included the mercenary trio of Burt, Wong and Gracie.

All in all it makes a ton of sense since it wasn't just gremlin bosses that were getting together but all Gremlins. Seeing as the only named Gremlins that are in the fluff are the LaCroix kin (present), Somer and Peaches (also present) Lenny (wasn't mentioned), Brewmaster (present), Bayou gremlins (present) and Burt, Wong and Gracie (all also present). Zorida is uniting the clans of the Gremlins and Burt, Wong and Gracie are a mini clan of mercenaries. Now I'm not saying that he wont be a master since we know at least Ulix is coming, but by that logic, Wong will also be a master. So our Gremlin master list would be

Somer - Ophelia - Ulix - Burt - Wong - Zorida. Still leave room for one more master.

I would be disappointed if that was the case.

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You forgot the Brewmaster in your list there, rgarbonzo.

Personally I don't think Burt as a Master would be out of the question (w. Wong as a Henchman, which certainly seems to fit). The "Swamp Thang" story certainly seems to suggest as much and if it's true, that leaves us with one as yet unknown Gremlin Master.

I'm still hoping for a Mexican Wrestler Gremlin, myself. ;)

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Dang you're right how the heck did I forget the Brewmaster? Okay I'll hafta take my Poison damage to continue.

There good to go!

Stupid opening day of college football being all distracting and what not!

Anyway back to it if we are speculating on masters for Gremlins where does McTavish wind up? I can see him as a dual faction enforcer. I guess Burt could run a crew but that would make me sad since I only ever got in 1 game with him and Wong. Stupid Beta! *grin* So I guess that this would be speculation

Ulix - maybe Burt (I'm torn on this) - new gremlin - Zorida - Ophelia - Brewmaster - Somer.

I would like to see some new clans rise up or maybe old ones come back. Hedfields anyone?

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