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Australia it's 31th May from 12 hours already(M2Ebeta countdown)


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Unfortunately the 31st is still like 7 hours away for them. And I suspect we'll see it late on the 31st. Basically I'm guessing 35 hours from now, if it shows up before midnight I'll just be pleasantly surprised.

Blizzard has left me well prepared for expecting the worst on these kinds of things. :-P

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(however, complaining is scientifically proven to slow down the posting of playtest rules)

So does flattery or other forms of praise speed up the process? Because if so...

You are an incredibly sensitive man, who inspires joy-joy feelings in all those around you.

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I think the most distressing thing for me is that I don't know which page I should be mashing F5 on. Wyrd-Games.net's homepage? The root Forum page? Malifaux.com's download page?

I'm so confused, and only have so many hands!

The forums are a pretty safe place.

I assume they'll be here, and even if they aren't, some intrepid soul will link them swiftly.

And it'll be easy to tell once they've come out. Look for a burst of threads and posts on the matter, followed by more threads praising the update, others lamenting the update, others lamenting the people lamenting the update, rage quits, bursts of simply ecstatic joy and love... basically when the forums lose their collective minds in the span of about twenty minutes.

Battlestar Galactica style; this has all happened before, and it will happen again. :-P

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it'll be easy to tell once they've come out. Look for a burst of threads and posts on the matter, followed by more threads praising the update, others lamenting the update, others lamenting the people lamenting the update, rage quits, bursts of simply ecstatic joy and love... basically when the forums lose their collective minds in the span of about twenty minutes.

I'm getting the popcorn ready and waiting for this to all unfold. No matter what the rules are, I expect a good show at the least.

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I guess that depends on the going definition of "mid day" we end up seeing put to use (and assumes there aren't any last minute delays). I'm hoping for sometime in the next 3-5 hours, but yes, I'm not expecting it in less than 11. Anytime before 2am EST will be considered a bonus, as per Eric's post.

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Malifaux has all but died where I am.

We need 2.0 to revive it or those of us who got into it late are going to have to toss in our hats. It's a sad situation, but I suppose the game probably needed this update awhile ago. I'll take it when I can get it and hopefully it does the trick.

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