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Malifaux Crews ... Gotta Catch Em All!!!


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Hey everyone.

Just a quick question: Does anyone else suffer from compulsive buying syndrome in Malifaux? Becuase its a very serious (and bloody expensive!!!) condition lol.

A month ago I had put the final touches on my Kirai and Seamus crews (my first two crews), and was convinced that this would be my last purchase for at least a year.

But then a friend who had bought Von Schill's boxset but never bothered to open it was selling it off, so I was like, "Sure I'll take it". But of course I'll need a strong arm won't I? Oh and Hans too because I like themes.

Then I had an unopened box of Ortega's lying around and played a game two weeks ago with them for the first time in I don't know how long and fell in love with them all over again ... so of course I needed Pale Rider, a couple of Guild Hounds and Abuela to round out the crew didn't I?

Now I'm thinking to myself, I have enough Resser models that I could easily take Nicodem, and all I need would be the Master himself ... and his Avatar ... and Mortimer ... and Rafkin ... and this is getting f'ing expensive!!!

Now I swear that I am breaking out in cold sweats everytime I look at Lucas McCabe because not only do the models look awesome, but I have the Guild Hounds that people seem to recommend with him, so that's like practically saving money right there!!! (Except it actually isn't).

Then of course, Lady J is so fun and thematic as well and I'll have a bunch of Guild models anyway ... and so it goes on lol.

Does anyone else have this problem? I think we need some sort of support group, "My name is D-A-C and I'm a Malifauxholic".

Or maybe we should petition Wyrd to stop making their model range so deliciously addictive (I'm convinced the new plastics are actually made entirely from sugar!!!).

Anyway, long story short, are there any other Malifauxholics out there who convince themselves that a particular model will be their last purchase ... then start a whole new crew or even faction lol?

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Hi, my name is bfrench and I'm a Malifauxholic.

You're not alone. My first crew was Kaeris which quickly expanded and then added Ramos. . .it has since developed into owning guild, neverborn and arcanists. I've come across some great eBay deals and it's hard to turn down. I found that limiting myself until I got everything painted is probably the best way to curb the habit. Also, I have to remind myself that it is doubtful that I will get good running every crew that I own, so whats the point of adding one more if it's just going to sit in a box or be painted sitting on a shelf. My wife and I also made a monthly budget which gives us $100 apiece of blow money. Makes you realize how expensive models are when you're debating if you want to spend it and you have a more limited resource.

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  • 5 months later...

No you are not alone. I started with Lynch, thinking this would be enough, then I started thinking, "hey I want to play this game with a few friends who doesn't have crews, I'll get another one.. Yan Lo you shall be my second master", well, he's not playable in the 2.0 yet. So I have the perfect justification to get another master, "Seamus get over here! Might as well take that alt Nicodem", few days later "I might need a master that's a bit more straightforward, Lady Justice I choose you" and now I am craving after McMourning because hey I have most of the minions already! Then Dreamer, because his idea is great. Then I think I might be done.. *grin*

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I am also another one! Hahaha.

And since recently hearing that they were going to be moving to plastic minis, I've been on a rampage to try and buy up all the minis I want in metal before they're out.

(Gotta be honest, I have no love for plastic minis....I'm not even really sure why!)

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You seven are not alone.

...I ordered my first Wyrd minis somewhere before last Christmas...

Before those have even arrived I ordered some more.

And before any of those arrived, someone from my city (khm "Oh, I know how you feel! :D " knows who I'm talking about) have sold me a box of Viktorias because I thought they were cool.

This was just a beginning.

The original Idea was to get three crews which could use some of the others crews models and one of the crews would be easy to paint (Ophelia) so I can play official games, the other should have a fun and crazy playstyle which confuses my opponent (Zoraida) and the third one should have best looking miniatures I will enjoy to paint after I've become much better at painting the first two crews (Marcus).

Well the problem was I had to get Viktorias because I wanted to have some cowboys and I disliked the Guild. Before long I had to have a crew that no one in my comunity will ever play (Leveticus) and so I took a substantial part of collection from the same guy with Malifauxoholism that sold me Vikkies and he also added four riders of Apocalypse to top everything (those weren't cheap).

Before I was done collecting everything that Zoraida could use I've discovered I have a perfectly functioning crew to play Lilith and I've only missed the master.

So that's that. I'll try to lay low for the next year and get only Molly as a new master.

I'll probably get me some plastic and buy a lot of cards and rulebooks...

Question is: "How to get Ototo without getting a full Misaki box?", because I have to keep Zoraida happy.

Edited by Linus Mcmold
because I had to have more
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Question is: "How to get Ototo without getting a full Misaki box?", because I have to keep Zoraida happy.

Zoraida will not be happy with Ototo (in 1.5 at least) because he has Animosity to her. I forget if that changed for M2E though :P

~Lil Kalki

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Zoraida will not be happy with Ototo (in 1.5 at least) because he has Animosity to her. I forget if that changed for M2E though :P

~Lil Kalki

It has

Same boat here guys, about this time last year I happened to spot the Showgirl crew in a local shop so picked it up to paint (had been die-hard Warhammer player for roughly 20 years before that but hated painting), mentioned it to an old mate who happened to be a henchman, he gave me a demo with his crews and I fell in love with the game but he advised not to learn with Colette.

...so went back to the shop and picked up McMourning...and Seamus and aPandora (again, just to paint).

Then through ebay and some trades I've ended up with Kirai, Yan-Lo, Molly, Mei Feng, Marcus, Kearis, Ramos, Hoffman, Perdita, Dead Justice, Vics, Levi, Somer, Ophelia, Von Schill, Pandora, Lilith, Collodi and Jacob

...and hoping to get at least Brewmaster during Gencon

I might have a problem :Confused_Puppet:

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Hahahah. I see this is quite addicting.. I was wondering about Colette as a painting exercise (right) and the more I look into models, read pullmyfinger or look at model pictures makes me just more and more, it wasn't like this with any other game :o

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Addiction? No idea what you are talking about

[code] [TABLE] [TR] [TD="class: xl65"]Faction[/TD] [TD="class: xl64, width: 64"]Models[/TD] [TD="class: xl64, width: 76"]Soulstones[/TD] [TD="class: xl64, width: 22"][/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Untouched[/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Preparing[/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Ready[/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Primed[/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Part painted[/TD] [TD="class: xl88, width: 48"]Completed[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl72"]Guild[/TD] [TD="class: xl70"]57[/TD] [TD="class: xl68"]249[/TD] [TD="class: xl85"][/TD] [TD="class: xl70"]5[/TD] [TD="class: xl67"]6[/TD] [TD="class: xl67"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl67"]26[/TD] [TD="class: xl67"]3[/TD] [TD="class: xl68"]17[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl73"]Resurrectionists[/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]2[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]6[/TD] [TD="class: xl86"][/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]2[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl74"]Arcanists[/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]56[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]232[/TD] [TD="class: xl86"][/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]2[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]2[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]5[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]41[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]5[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl75"]Neverborn[/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]17[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]62[/TD] [TD="class: xl86"][/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]8[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]7[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]2[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl76"]Outcasts[/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]19[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]100[/TD] [TD="class: xl86"][/TD] [TD="class: xl71"]5[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]1[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]13[/TD] [TD="class: xl66"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl69"]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl77"]10 Thunders[/TD] [TD="class: xl78"]12[/TD] [TD="class: xl79"]48[/TD] [TD="class: xl86"][/TD] [TD="class: xl78"]12[/TD] [TD="class: xl80"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl80"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl80"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl80"]0[/TD] [TD="class: xl79"]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: xl81"]All Factions[/TD] [TD="class: xl82"]163[/TD] [TD="class: xl83"]697[/TD] [TD="class: xl87"][/TD] [TD="class: xl82"]32[/TD] [TD="class: xl84"]8[/TD] [TD="class: xl84"]6[/TD] [TD="class: xl84"]89[/TD] [TD="class: xl84"]8[/TD] [TD="class: xl83"]20[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/code]

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As a Henchman, I feel that it's my duty to have at least one of every model in all the Factions, the better to be able to demo anything.

Or at least, that's what I tell my wife... :1_Happy_Puppet1:


Nono, you have to have TWO masters from every faction. For variety.

...My SO believes me even less Im afraid...

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I've decided I'm gonna start by owning all of the plastic guild models. That will then give me a crew from ressers, ten thunders and neverborn, plus I'll get a Ramos box so they can share the constructs between Ramos and Hoffman.

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I thought that I had my plan all set. Though I have models from all the factions, I was going to concentrate on just Neverborn for my GenCon purchases.

... then I started seeing all the other new models. I have a feeling that my bank account isn't going to like me very much after visiting their booth.

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See, even though I started on neverborn, the henchman in me said "cover all your bases!". Luckily for me (or so I believed), the Ten Thunders covered said bases quite nicely. And then M2E. And because I was working with 2 factions in 1.5, the rationalizer in my head told me to get 2 new factions for M2E. So now I'll be getting bogged down with Rezzers and Outcasts... For the game! :D

~Lil Kalki

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Nono, you have to have TWO masters from every faction. For variety.

...My SO believes me even less Im afraid...

Well, to be fair, the new plastic Crews aren't out... yet. So those will probably no. 2 of almost every master.

And to be honest, my wife doesn't mind the money I spend on hobbies; the next purchase she's looking at is a $2000 bike, so I'm pretty good for awhile! *happy*


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It's worse when you impulse stuff buy then bung them in a drawer and forget about them.

Although it's a nice surprise when you're looking for something and discover stuff you forgot you've bought! Happy days!!

The same happened to me today when I found some effigies and Weaver Widow and I promptly assembled them.

And yes... I just ordered Pandoras avatar through ebay since I have a couple of minis for her and I was thinking I will need Teddy and Indsidious Madness for Zoraida, so why not get Pandora when I have other minis to go with her. I just hope that plastic Baby Kade will be avaliable outside of her box (because I have my sights on Alt Pandora as well). So I thought I won't be needing her whole box since I can't use Sorrows with Zoraida very well and I get Candy inside the Avatar box.

Edited by Linus Mcmold
because I needed Candy
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How do you play with your crews? Do you have a specific favourite or change up every game (looking at mr. 700 soulstones)? :D

To be honest I just keep buying stuff. I started by collecting Guild so always pick the master I want to use at each game. I also played a few months with Marcus and he is the reason I actually have neverborn and rezzers models. My since I got an arcanist collection I decided to expand into the faction as well.

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Hello, my name is Johnny and I'm also a Malifauxholic.

We'd entered Malifaux by buying the first two books for friends for Christmas. I read them avidly and tried to decide on crews. So I picked up the Dreamer's crewbox. Added Teddy to his crew with the full intention of running multiple Teddies as a train of pure fluffy destruction.

Well, the Dreamer is fun, but he's not entirely beginner friendly, so I picked up Lilith's fairly straight forward crew, the Young Nephilim, a second Mature, and her Cherub and the Primordial Magic as totems. While I was at the shop, I also did the math of how much the Vikies models would be individually versus buying the whole box. Save something like $9 to just buy the box, they're all mercs, so I can use them with nearly any crew. Sold. Went back later for two packs of Ronin for a spam list of them. [They held up quite nicely against our Colette player, at least on a table with no terrain, running no strats or schemes, just trying to murder each other.]

Things start getting fuzzy after that. I needed a bag to carry them in, and Battlefoam delivered with the Malifaux Bag, only available in brown at the time. I know I found a deal on ebay for a second Malifaux Bag, Book 1, Colette's crew, a second Dreamer crew (which I sold), a set of Victorian bases, and a set of Cemetery bases. Also found a deal on a Levi crew.

My girlfriend wanted McMourning, so I got that for her as her first crew. Of the group we played with, that covered all of the bases for Ressers except Nicodem, so I picked up his crew and pulled a Miss Pack. :D

Somewhere along the line, I dipped into Arcanists with Ramos. [Colette & Co. were sitting idle and unpainted until my girlfriend painted them. They still sit mostly idle.] I added Kaeris to Ramos' arsenal. A buddy owed me money, so I had him pay it back with a purchase of Marcus' crew, his avatar, his alt, and his totem. [Painted most of them in quite a hurry compared to my other crews.]

Hard to place when Sonnia entered the ranks, but for the longest she was my only Guild crew. Then along came Dead Justice. I've recently acquired a Hoffman crew.

Had been steadily buying up book 4 models as they were released (now owning all that book 4 has to offer), when Wyrd started the NE LCB auction. Bought a few things each week to enter the raffle, to include Seamus & Molly's crews. McCabe hadn't made it to the shop and / or I hadn't made it there to pick it up in January, so buying him in February counted towards the raffle as well.

...As it stands now, and I really should use Mako's spreadsheet to add it all up, I have very nearly completed most factions:

Gremlins, check.

Ten Thunders, check.

Neverborn, I need the Hooded Rider and Collodi's crew (which is actually a pending purchase).

For Ressers, I just need the Avatars.

Outcasts, I need Levi's Avatar. I don't have, nor do I particularly want anything to do with Master Hamelin, his crew, or his avatar.

With Arcanists, I don't have Rasputina's crew, but she's one of the ones I'm looking forward to the new sculpts, especially that 50mm monster of an Ice Golem. I also need the Mechanical Rider.

Guild, I need Perdita & Family, her Avatar, Lucius & Co., Guild Hounds, and Pale Rider.

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