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The Miners and Steamfitters Union Strikes!


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I did some touch ups on the Freikorps Trapper that I speed painted for a tournament late last year. Also the cog is magnetised so I can put this model on a base with a different basing theme to fit in better with a certain crew. Since it's a mercenary.




But there are some new reinforcements to my M&SU crews too!


Here's a counts as model I made for Johana, using TTB multipart model with slightly shortened legs (yeah they still look long!) and a custom made hammer from a brass rod carefully drilled through her hand, and a hammer head from a warhammer kit. This mercenary is magnetised too :) Just like the Trapper.





And here's a fire gamin I painted last week.




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I did some touch ups on the Freikorps Trapper that I speed painted for a tournament late last year. Also the cog is magnetised so I can put this model on a base with a different basing theme to fit in better with a certain crew. Since it's a mercenary.


Cool idea. Also, is bubblegum pink Freikorps officially a thing now?  :)

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It is a little pinkish, but certainly no bubblegum.


Cool idea with the gear... tried that sort of thing once but my model kept on falling off the base so I gave up...


Also, epic Johanna - there's something a little weird about her eyes (or maybe it's the camera angle?), but otherwise that's got a ton of attitude and very nice color choices.

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  • 1 month later...

You should totally add a label "TNT" onto that box :D

But really nicely done - love how you've emphasized certain areas with your lighting making for a really dynamic paintjob on such a small and static mini. The conversion is also lovely.

The only thing I'm not completely sure about is the flame - it looks somehow a bit weird. It's probably the white part which kinda makes it look like beer foam that has somehow caught fire. I think that you nailed flame better on your excellent Fire Gamin if that is of any help.

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  • 1 month later...

I never thought of magnetizing bases - I mean for switching out bases. That's an interesting idea.   I do so hate them getting stuck to tape measures though (magnets for holding them to a tray.  I hate it so much I ripped the magnets off the bases).I just got a rail golum and am going to have to try that LED effect. I'm not afraid of a little electronics work!


Thanks again for more great work!

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