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Coppelius and Dark Debts


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he can hand out healing flips to other neverborn models - this can be useful for both Huggy who tends to be in the thick of things, supplementing his other healing abilities, and to Jakob who often needs a bodyguard.

He is a great board control model, as well as being pretty mobile. Dark debts based crew tend to be good at holding ground and dragging enemy models towards them - Coppelius works best when confronting small groups of enemy models so he can hand out more paralysation.

while there is no direct synergy, there are lots of reason to include him in such a crew if you feel you can afford the stones to do so.

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he can hand out healing flips to other neverborn models - this can be useful for both Huggy who tends to be in the thick of things, supplementing his other healing abilities, and to Jakob who often needs a bodyguard.

Keep in mind that Coppelius cannot heal any Neverborn models, he can only heal other nightmares.

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Given that he can only heal other nightmares with his counters, other thing to pick up if you can would be a pack of Alps. They'd probably provide even less synergy specifically with Dark Debts and they're certainly not strong models on their own. But given how quickly Coppelius gathers the eyeball counters, they're freebies you'll be able to pop out to give you more board control/activations if nothing else.

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Some things to consider, Coppelius normally has a 14" threat due to his move twice and melee range. But if you have the HD give him perma brilliance and you are willing to use the Source spell once and a while you can give him an extra 2" when you want. Being able to float about 14" and still hit a model 2" away and paralyze them is nice. It means he can use his Unhinged on a model from 17" away. Makes it hard to keep that Wp4 model you don't want paralyzed away from him.

I have found that I have gotten good use from the Source spell in games, namely thanks to the HD giving the model I need speed up first or second turn Brilliance. Having a Wk4 models turn into a Wk5 first turn can mean alot. More so if they are already kind of quick thanks to Nimble or other speed boosts like Von Shill, Tocu, or Terror Tots. Making Von Shill able to move 12" and still take a shot, or just move 18" is mean. Tuco can do 18" as well if you get his spell off. Terror Tots with sprint, the Source, and Brilliance? Fast.

Other Coppelius uses, hmm. He is a model your opponent cannot ignore generally. His ability to pass out paralyze can be crippling. That is pretty clear right off the bat. But he also has Poison 2 on those claws, which make his low damage spread look more impressive if he only gets one hit on the target. Moderate Damage and the poison is enough to kill 4wd models, nice use of his trigger against stuff like Terror Tots.

Another interesting element he adds to the crew is furthering the whole Morale duel. Normally his whole Terrifying, Deeply Disturbed, Hallucination and Night Stalker is limited to living groups as norm. But if HD does get killed and you manage to bring him back, by having Coppelius near by you can make that Morale duel from the re-emerging HD that much scarier as it is a morale duel that strips immunity to Moral duels. An interesting option if you have drained their hand and can set it up.

On top of this Coppelius, if he can get eyeballs for himself, can be fairly survivable even on his own. Two healing flips often average 4 wounds, not a ton but enough that you have forced them to expel more effort slaying him. Also it can hurt the person that killed him for 4wds when he does get taken down.

I feel that if you include Coppelius in a Lynch crew, it is less about what the crew can give Coppelius and more what Coppelius brings to the table with his abilities and possible distractions. Perhaps not a model to bring every time to the table but one to consider when your opponent is not expecting it.

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Coppelius loves the Insidious madness. Who, btw, is great for objective grabbing and wrecking wp duels as well as the ability to sacrifice him to reflip initiative with a +flip.

Also more tentacles.

I've been trying to use the Madness to keep Tannen alive, but I just can't get the positioning right. To keep Tannen out the aura and the enemy in is too tricky.

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