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Storm of Shadows remaining models to pine for.


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So, with January's releases being posted*, and Yan Lo's box pending in February, that leaves only ten more models from Storm of Shadows to be released between March and GenCon, less once we know what else is releasing with Yan Lo in February. [I think they may have been listed on another thread somewhere.]

The short list is:

Guild Pathfinder and Clockwork Traps

Toshiro, the Daimyo and Yin, the Penangalan, for Rezzers

Ama No Zako; Freikorps Strongarm Suit; Vanessa, Treasure Hunter for Outcasts


Bert Jebsen, Gracie, and Wong, for Gremlins [Because like it or not, they're the real sixth faction Ten Thunders are the seventh.]

* http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?38009-January-Releases

So what surprises does Wyrd have in store for us to tide us over until GenCon?

I know there was talk about fluff being published outside of the yearly book. The Through the Breach Kickstarter is going strong, but we likely won't see the end results until GenCon. Puppet Wars is getting an overhaul with new rules going along with its transition to plastics: Unstitched.

Maybe we'll see older crews transition to plastics as well?


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The short list is:

Guild Pathfinder and Clockwork Traps March

Toshiro, the Daimyo March and Yin, the Penangalan March, for Rezzers

Ama No ZakoFebruary; Freikorps Strongarm Suit January (again not list on the Wyrd release schedule); Vanessa, Treasure Hunter March for Outcasts


Bert JebsenJanuary (but not in the Wyrd release schedule.), Gracie, and Wong February, for Gremlins [Because like it or not, they're the real sixth faction Ten Thunders are the seventh.]

* http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?38009-January-Releases


I have no speculations. But according to thewarstore.com the release dates are in red in your quote.

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I have no speculations. But according to thewarstore.com the release dates are in red in your quote.

Thank you, Rameses. Very helpful.

I need to make sure I update my order with my LGS to include the Strongarm Suit. I've used an Executioner as a proxy for him, and he's very good at staying alive while making other models very dead. He wasn't as good against 'Tina with 7 Overpowers from her and two of her minions, as he doesn't have the regular Freikorps armor that ignores blasts, etc., but he certainly helped mop up Hoff's Constructs and Somer's greenskins in a three player game. [Nothing scarier than one robot looking guy beating up the other robot guys then chasing after your puny gremlins.]

I'm not sure if he has a home in 25ss lists, but he certainly pluses up a Freikorps list up to 35ss nicely.

---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

There was talk of some sort of story packs before the last GenCon. I'd love to see something come of those.

Yeah, story packs would be nice. They sound so interesting.

I'd say making them the size of Rules Manuals and putting them out quarterly would be great. Full sized novels / collections of short stories might be even better. There are plenty of untold tales of Malifaux.

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

I have no speculations. But according to thewarstore.com the release dates are in red in your quote.

Any word on Avatar Hoffman?

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Well there's definitely a sizable gap in the release schedule for *something*, although what that something is, I've no idea.

Wyrd's current known or planned projects are;

- Malifaux Book 5 (presumed release at Gencon)

- Through the Breach RPG (September release)

- Puppet Wars 2 (unknown release?)

- Malifaux Story encounter sets (unknown release?)

So we're basically looking at Puppet wars and the Story Sets to fill out the months between March and Gencon (August). So that's at least 4 months of releases to fill. At a guess Puppet wars might fill a single month, so unless Wyrd plans to put out at least 3 Story sets before Gencon (and that would still equate to a light release schedule), I can only assume they have something else planned for release.

Personally, my guess is that they're planning to start re-releasing old starter sets and models in plastic. I don't think they've outright stated this as their intention, but it's a logical conclusion considering they initially moved to plastic because of the rising cost of metal.

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I have no speculations. But according to thewarstore.com the release dates are in red in your quote.

Since the official Wyrd information doesn't have the strongarm suit or Burt released this month, I would suggest those dates are taken with a pinch of salt.

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  • 1 month later...

Down to eight.

The short list just got shorter:

Guild Pathfinder and Clockwork Traps

Toshiro, the Daimyo and Yin, the Penangalan, for Rezzers

Ama No Zako and Vanessa, Treasure Hunter for Outcasts


Gracie and Wong, for Gremlins [Because like it or not, they're the real sixth faction Ten Thunders are the seventh.]

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And according to The War Store, half of those are out in March, and the rest in April (barring delays of course).

Wonder if we'll see stuff in May, June and/or July (such as the Story/Special Forces packs that were mentioned prior to Gencon last year and then little (if anything) has been said since), or if there'll be a slight reprieve prior to Gencon 2013 (for our wallets, that is).

Interesting, I'd never looked all that closely, but aside from the inexplicable "(7)" next to the Guild Pathfinder, it actually notes that there are 4 traps within the box. Sort of an odd number; as I recall the Pathfinders are Rare 2, the Traps are Rare 3, and with either the Pathfinder or McCabe that number jumps to Rare 6, so one box gives you just more than you need normally, or just under what you need with one of them present, but two boxes sets you up with extras.

Probably just go with one box personally, as I'm not sure I'm impressed enough to commit the points in our usual 25-35 point games to have 2 PF's and 5-6 traps, but interesting all the same.

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I'd gotten myself some nice little proxy bits for the traps, but haven't bothered to give them a test drive yet. Maybe some time this weekend I'll preview them on my table to get a feel for 'em.

With that being said, I'm kinda wondering why McCabe wouldn't be able to use them, like the netgun, only while mounted, if they're going to pop out as 30mm models, tiny or otherwise. Turn 1, run along dropping off some traps to slow the enemy's advance. Then, on later turns if he ever dismounts, loot the dead for more, allowing him to eventually reach rare 6 with them, not even needing the pathfinders around.

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isn't there still an alt kaeris due form last years campaign as well at some point?

I'm sure there are still plenty of Limited and / or Nightmare edition models for us to drool over (and I certainly would like this elusive plastic Kaeris that I have yet to see pics of), but I'm referring to just the models from the book that have yet to be released between now and GenCon, along with maybe Hoffman's avatar, once all the kinks are worked out of it.

Good news regarding the seeming sparseness of model releases between now and GenCon is that I've actually started to make a small dent painting my crews and may actually be able to keep my resolution of painting everything I have prior to GenCon.

Bad news is that I finally picked up Seamus and Molly's crews as part of the back catalog of crews I didn't yet have. Seiezan and I were both trying to see if we could pull a Miss Pack, there were two Seamus boxes left at JAC Games, and I needed an entry for the Chompy raffle for that week (since Yan Lo should be this week's entry for me). No such luck for either of us, though.

[More rambling] It's Malifaux tourney night up at JAC, but the crews I want to run aren't quite finished yet (although I've made gains with Misaki and the rest of the rock ninjas and archers), so I'm sitting this one out. May stop up there later to see if Yan Lo came in (along with Bert and the Strongarm Suit) and to pick up more washes / shades to paint with (nearly out of liquid talent).

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