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Rulebook Question

Evil Homer

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Malifaux 1.5 contains at least all of the rules that are in the Rules Manual (the smaller book), plus the v2 versions of all the model stats, plus some changes (edits for smoother reading) to the fluff, and I believe some errata? I can never remember that last point.

But you shouldn't need 1.5 if you only need the rules, as the RM covers that. If you need stats for models as well... then I suggest getting 1.5.

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What Alf said. Also, any changes to the model stats from book 1 should be available on the Downloads page. The mini rulebook is still the most current version of the rules and should match what is found in 1.5, though there are some errata and faq documents on the main Malifaux site you will want.

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What Alf said. Also, any changes to the model stats from book 1 should be available on the Downloads page. The mini rulebook is still the most current version of the rules and should match what is found in 1.5, though there are some errata and faq documents on the main Malifaux site you will want.

The V.2 cards on the download page have not been updated with the changes in the 1.5 edition of the book.

Also there are some changes to the core rules that differ between the two books, the 1.5 edition is the most current version of the rules. You will still however need to download the FAQ/ Errata/ Model Clarifications on the Malifaux.com website aswell as the ones that are stickied to the top of the Rules Forum.

Some of the fluff has been expanded as well in the new book, mainly in the individual model descriptions.

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Also there are some changes to the core rules that differ between the two books, the 1.5 edition is the most current version of the rules.

So, finding myself in the need of purchase a rulebook, you would suggest me to get 1.5, not the pocket one?

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So, finding myself in the need of purchase a rulebook, you would suggest me to get 1.5, not the pocket one?

I would recommend the 1.5 edition as it will have the newest core rules but...

I am getting the 1.5 myself, instead of the pocket rulebook, because I want to have the most current version of the rules on the table.

You will still need to download the FAQ/ Errata/ Model Clarifications (and unfortunately a few of the threads stickied at the top of the Rules Thread that haven't migrated over yet) in addition to the main book. You dont need the V2 versions of the cards though as all those changes have been integrated into the new book.

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So, finding myself in the need of purchase a rulebook, you would suggest me to get 1.5, not the pocket one?

Yes get the 1.5 first if you want corectly worded up to date rules, background story and you want to look at all the cards for book 1 models.

However the small book is still great for taking to your club/store with you and is only incorrect on a relatively small percentage of rule wordings, so is still useful in regards to general game play and you shouldn’t find it confusing as long as you are generaly aware of which rules have been errated. Ive started to go through mine with small sticky notes :)

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Plus, I have to STOP looking other factions/masters/crews miniatures, or I will end up purchasing half of them, at least... ^^;

That is usually how it all starts. I began with two crew boxes and now have well more than I care to admit to (across all the factions). It's like Pokemon, I "gotta catch'em all!"

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The Main rules (seen in the rules manual and The Malifaux book 1.5) should eb what you need to play the game.

If you are using an avatar model then you should be able to get by using the rules on the cards with the figure, but a more comprehensive rules explaination is in Twisting fate.

If you are using a 10 Thunder crew (olr a dual faction master) and want to use their master specific scheme or faction specific scheme then you will want Storm of Shadows (also contains the Mounted rules fo Lucas McCabe).

Rising powers, Twisting fate and Storm of shadows also contain the rules for the models. This is not required for play, as the rules will come with the stat card when you buy the model, but it can be useful for looking at what new models you want, or what your opponent can do. On RAre occasions the rules are updated from the book before the Card is released, to check for these you can use the card updates on the main Malifaux page.

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