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Christmas in December - A very very themey Rasputina crew


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Hey all,

My local group have all recently decided to do a slow grow, as only two of us actually had painted crews. I decided on Rasputina, as it allowed me to do a project that I'd thought of a few years ago and this thread reminded me of: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36316-Christmas-themed-Arcanists

That's right. I'm doing a Christmas Crew :D

Here's the progress made sofar.

- The scratch-built Ice Constructs


- The base-coloured crew (to do: washes, oils, highlights, the whole damn extra layer of detail really)


- A close-up of "Mrs Claus"


- And lastly, 3 of my 6 Ice Pillars, courtesy of the dollar store down the road:


Yes I went there :D

Anyway, here's the plan going forward:

- Paint up my Blessed of December in green (the Grinch)

- Paint up a Copplestone Casting Penguin (my "Pendigo" ^_^ )

- Swap out the head of a Silent One for an elf, then add a greenstuff hat.

- Give Snow a hat; second Silent One.

- Cut of one of Storm's horns, and give him a red bulb nose.

- No idea what to do for either the Acolyte or Essence of Power; suggestions?

- A friend of mine mentioned that the Arcane Effigy could be holding a Naughty or Nice list... ;)

Anyway that's all from me for now. Just wanted to share that :) more pics as I progress.



---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ----------

Oh and while I'm here: an idea that some mates and I came up with during our last painting night was a little movie homage Convict Gunslinger...



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Thanks for the support all :) I was a bit worried that it would be considered too light-hearted for Malifaux, so very glad to be proved wrong :) note that I probably won't be able to do much until Tuesday, a I ran out of Dullcoat and I wanted to shade the snowmen with pigments. I can probably tidy up Raspy however. At the very least I can put the Blessed together.

I seriously hope you're taking this to Cancon!

Not sure to be honest.... I definitely wanted to bring Miss DuBois, and it just makes sense that Ramos would be her chaperone (read: I am willing to be kicked in the nadgers and bring along a Mobile Toolkit for the big game). But Raspy's crew is a lot of fun to paint up at the moment so I do want to bring her along too :) decisions!

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Hey peoples!

I haven't had a chance to take better pics yet sadly. HOWEVER! I did get a game on Friday night vs my mate's Von Schill as part of our Slow Grow. Von Schill being Von Schill (ie a prick) I got my ass handed to me in short order. However, it was handed to me on my terms; I'm learning to love Ice Pillars :D

Anyway, I got to take some pics in-game that show off how the crew's going. I've done some shading with blue pigment powder and a white wash, so sofar so good.



EDIT: The trees, as mentioned earlier, are ice pillars cast by Raspy to block both Von Schill (who was advancing down a flank with a mad gleam in his eye) and, more importantly, the trapper in the high tower over yonder. I figured that, since it was a mutual Slaughter, I'd rather funnel the crew down one small side to minimise their impact. Didn't work as they're immune to :pulse , but it was worth a shot.

Edited by Borzag
Moar detail.
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This is cute. Plan on x-massing it up on any other crews? How about a 'Ho ho ho' Seamus with a Bag O' 'Presents'?

Tempting, but no. Raspy (and only Alt Raspy at that) was the only one that really jumped out at me with a holiday theme, and it went a little nuts from there. Having said that, Halloween Collodi.... ;)

Anyway. No updates as I'm currently on the other side of the country (and Australia is a BIG country). I'll try to have something by this coming Tuesday (fingers crossed).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, long time no see :)

Today was hobby day with the boys, and since my beads had arrived (I'll explain in a minute) I decided to do some basing work.

My main tools were:

- Liquitex texture paste:


And, courtesy of an Etsy seller, some candy cane beads:


Here's a shot of the bases with the paste added (mixed with white paint):


Once this was dry, I added blue pigment and drybrushed white, and tidied up the edges.

Here's the completed snowmen:



And since this was going to take time, I started work on my Blessed of December:


The blessed actually has a Bone skin and Khaki hair base colour scheme, with Reaper's Black Green Ink over the top. It didn't quite come out how I wanted it, but still pretty happy with it overall. Now to go and grab my SnowStorm and Silent One, and I'm almost done :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all!

First of all, a very happy new year to all of you! My apologies that I didn't get to update much, but for Christmas I spent the time in sunny (read: stinkin' hot) Brisbane, with family & friends. As such I've only been back in (inexplicably ALSO stinkin' hot) Sydney for a week or so.

Anyway, I managed to get more done with the crew :) so here's the progress!

First off, a family shot framed by the snow pillars:


And below some detail shots (for want of a better word). First up is Mrs Claus:


And two of her helpers:



(You're a mean one... Ms Grinch....)


And a size comparison shot...


Given that I guesstimated the size of Big Brother Snowman, he's pretty much on the money. So I'm glad that worked.

That's all from me for now!




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