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Jakob wins the UK GT - Ten Thuders Hoooo!


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So I thought I'd do some reports/thoughts/etc from the UK GT that I partook in at the weekend, and somehow managed to win using Jakob as a TT master...

I'll update this as and when I get a chance, also if someone wants a specific game done first that's cool too, but yeah, I'll get it down as soon as I can!

I took with me all 3 of the TT masters, it was announce masters, then select crews. All of the TT models currently released, plus a whole host of minions!

Game 1 - Shared Treasure Hunt vs Zoraida 30ss

My crew; Jakob, Huggy, Torakage, Kang, TT Archer, Beckoner, 7ss

Vs; Zoraida, Tuco, Lelu, Lilitu, Coppelious

My schemes were Hold out and Bodyguard, vs Hold out and Bodyguard.

5-1 win to me.

Game 2 - Shared Slaughter vs Zoraida 35ss

My crew; Jakob, Huggy, Torakage, TT Archer, 2 Beckoners, Kang, 7ss

Vs; Zoraida, Teddy, 2 Wicked Dolls, 2 Stitched togethers, Doppelganger

Schemes were Infilitrate Malifaux and...er...something, vs Assassinate and Kidnap.

7-1 win to me.

Game 3 - Shared Claim Jump vs Zoraida 40ss (I hadn't played Z for about a year before day 1 of this GT...)

My crew; Jakob, Huggy, Torakage, TT Archer, Kang, Von Schill (Hadn't used VS in about a year), Beckoner, 7ss

Vs: Zoraida, Collodi, 4 Marionettes, All 5 Effigies, Wicked Doll

Schemes were Saving Face (Or the other TT scheme...) and Stake a Claim, vs Grudge and Z's scheme

6-0 win to me.

Game 4 - Shared Destroy the Evidence vs Ramos 30ss

My crew; Jakob, Huggy, Von Schill (Sorry), Torakage, Beckoner, Rail Worker, 6ss

Vs; Ramos, Avatar, Mech Rider, 2 Fire Gamin, Guardain

Schemes were Breakthrough and Stake a Claim vs Assassinate and Breakthrough

5-1 win to me.

Game 5 - Shared Recon vs Hoffman 40ss

My crew; Jakob, Huggy, Von Schill (I'm a bad man OK??), 2 Rail Workers, Torakage, Beckoner, Ten Thunders Brother, 6ss

Vs; Hoffman, Mobile Toolkit, Performer and Mannequin, Guardian, Warden, Peacekeeper, 2 Watchers

Schemes were Bodyguard (Von Schill) and Eye for an Eye, vs Bodyguard and Breakthrough

6-3 win to me.

Will update more on each game when I get a chance!

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Know anyone with a podcast?

You should get in touch with the Bayou Broadcast guy... I hear he talks about Malifaux and even releases episodes sometimes!

I think he goes by Dumb Luck on the forums.


On the post, I would be interested to know why you chose Jakob over Misaki or Mei for the different strategies/opponents.

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You should get in touch with the Bayou Broadcast guy... I hear he talks about Malifaux and even releases episodes sometimes!

I think he goes by Dumb Luck on the forums.


On the post, I would be interested to know why you chose Jakob over Misaki or Mei for the different strategies/opponents.

Personal opinion: Craig knew Jakob better having had more practise.

Having played Craig the night before the event myself (neverborn jakob vs. tt jakob) I don't see a strategy couldn't do well as ten thunders. The extra tricks from the torakage alone are worth going TT with him!

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Congrats Craig!

Good to see you can still win without relying on a crutch like Marcus and his Malifaux Raptors. Maybe you're not so bad at this game after all. ;)

It's interesting to see your choice of minions for each game. Your staples seem to have been the Beckoners and a Torakage, with Kang or Von Schill being the muscle, a 10-T Brother/Archer as needed and Rail Workers if you anticipated facing armour.

Questions I have:

Was mobility an issue for the crew? I suspect the Torakage and Beckoners went a long way in getting your models in the right place, but it's no Marcus crew. ;)

What are your thoughts on the Archer and Rail Worker? I personally like both but there have been a few people dissing them on occasion.

So Kang is your 10-T beater of choice, huh? Do you rate Ototo or Mr Graves as worthwhile alternatives in that particular role? Especially Graves, who should benefit from some nice synergy with the Hungry Hippo.

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Cheers Rath :)

Quick answers cosI'm on my phone;

No mobility issues for me. Tora and beckoner makes for great movement tricks. Jakob can potentially go 16 inches in his activation. Jakob hooo!

Archers have been very on off for me. Some games superb, others terrible. But when they work they're beautiful. Beckoners and Toras get them out of combat nicely. Rail workers are superb vs armour, especially with Toras to allow them to implacable assault. And companion with TT bro.

Kang is better than the other two IMO. Graves is poor, used him a fair bit. Not actually used otto but on paper kang is better.

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(mumble) I still like Mr. Graves (mutter)

I guess he's ok with neverborn, it's not like you have any other decent 7ss minions.

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

@rancor. Yes. I adore movement tricks. Want to try more tora, TTbro + X companion chains. See nothing else I'd want toput in. If my opponent goes aggressive I can get Huggy a potential 10 inches further on before huggy activates. Plenty of options to dish out brilliance, charge, etc.

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Will start with that one tomorrow. Half tempted to just record and upload instead of type. What would people prefer?

Whichever way you are most comfortable with. I suspect you could get more detailed talking about it and it might be easier.

Also, if you were planning on covering this in podcast anyway, thats cool too. I was just particularly interested in that matchup because I like Jakob a lot, and I am also very interested in hearing more about Hoffman and his new friends. :)

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@tadaka I am not convinced you are in the minority. I would go so far as to say even if we are in the minority currently, it won't be long before thats not the case.

I find that its good to bring one or two other models to spread brilliance, but that past those there is not a huge need for brilliant models. I bring 2 Beckoners for him, and then look to the rest of the 10T models for the remainder of my crew. Huggy's basic abilities plus Jakob's ability to manipulate his hand work great with non-brilliant crews. I have not yet faced an issue where I could not bring Huggy back off one of my opponents models dieing while brilliant.

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