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The Iron Quill: Post-Gencon Blues


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Sorry Edonil (and anyone else if you were the nutters looking forward to a submission from me) but you are gonna have to strike me off the list for this round...

Life and a serious lack of creativity have conspired to leave me with no chance of getting anything ready in time for the 21st..


Hey Mako, i joined the DNF club...is there a badge?

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Sorry Edonil (and anyone else if you were the nutters looking forward to a submission from me) but you are gonna have to strike me off the list for this round...

Life and a serious lack of creativity have conspired to leave me with no chance of getting anything ready in time for the 21st..


Hey Mako, i joined the DNF club...is there a badge?

:( I'm sorry Abs.

And Mako, that is libel and slander! It was supposed to be a tattoo, not a brand.

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OK. I had an idea and was going to start writing today (I'm a procrastinator) so I thought I'd start reading book 4 last night to help get in the mood. Whats the second story in the book? A story about an evil orphanage - the same idea I was going to use :Sad_Puppet2:

Grrr... now I don't really want to use it. Gotta look through my idea log and see if anything else really pops out at me. Don't have much time left though. Gotta get writing!

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Argh! what is this ink and parchment abomination I see before me?

Never did have very good handwriting.. and that's just my notes.

Might be tough, but I'll give it a go. If I'm lucky, and I can find a usb, I can just type the story on my own computer then transfer it when I'm at the library next (no internetz at home). Got to come up with a story first though...

This is for all you DNF'ers!

D.N.F. = Don't Need Fleep

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