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Viruk's paintlog


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One of her legs hangs in the air like that. I guess I could have altered it slightly but in the end decided I like it like that and left it ;)

In the meantime I started working on the plastic puppet version of LJ. I didn't really know what to do with her base. In the ended I used some liquid GS and applied it to the base to create texture of material and cut three lines in it. I rolled some GS and cut seams from it. I'm pretty happy with the effect. Here's a sneak peek (sorry for the crappy quality)...


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man i really gotta get to puppet painting. I only have finished 6 out of the 44 in the box.

i like the base. another popular idea is to glue a button to the base, and use one of the buttonholes as the hole to glue one of the "feet" to. i have seen people play them with raw unpainted buttons, painted up to match master colors, or just painted to get rid of the plastic gloss a raw button has.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the results are in and this time round one of my two entries was voted second in The Trick or the Treat category.


Death Marshals are the models that got me interested in Malifaux in the first place. The original metal miniatures were the first I painted for the game. I loved the new plastic versions the moment I saw the artwork. I think they fit in with the Halloween theme of the Rotten Harvest very well. Half alive, half undead. In the service of "humanity" but using methods in their work that can be described as anything but humane. They are specially trained to help with the Ressurectionist threat but are used freely whenever Guild's business needs to betaken care of.

I used the "classic" color scheme. I like it a lot and I also thought it would nicely contrast with the greenish flames. The flames were finished off with a glow in the dark medium.

While I really like the dynamism of these sculpts, there's one thing that bothers me. The kneeling one is completely out of scale. He's much larger, which could be OK on its own. However, his coffin and Peacebringer are also way too big compared to the other two.

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I seem to remember something Eric was saying about him being intentionally too large? But, yeah, that doesn't really explain the oversized armament.

Yeah kinda breaks that explanation.

Anyway, Viruk you are an amazing painter! I wasnt a big fan of these models until now.

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Another one easy to recognize on the entries, you need to stop using glow in the dark paints otherwise I will always know which one is yours :D. Great job on those. Curiously enough the metal DM were also the models that got me into the game in the first place :D

Same here, Death Marshal's for me as well.

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Thank you for all the positive feedback, you're too kind :1_Happy_Puppet1:

I almost forgot about my other entry. She didn't do that well in the competition as this entry didn't place in the top 3 in the "Witches and Warlocks" category but I was still quite pleased with the effect.


If you want to read some of my rambling about this piece, check out my blog.

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