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Viruk's paintlog


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That horse is brilliant! Really, really love the work on the sinews (is that the correct word?). And you somehow managed to make the ridonculously big sword look great, too. All in all, I find that sculpt way too over the top but your paintjob has toned it down in just the right way - simply amazing.

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That horse is brilliant! Really, really love the work on the sinews (is that the correct word?). And you somehow managed to make the ridonculously big sword look great, too. All in all, I find that sculpt way too over the top but your paintjob has toned it down in just the right way - simply amazing.

totally agree here! Great work that makes an "meh" mini awesome!

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Forgot to add pics of this little bugger last time I wrote.


Also, I painted up another Wastrel - I call him Bill, just because he reminds me of a certain character from a movie a watched a while ago.


As always, more pics on the blog.

I also got my Black Friday order so the precious moment when my Malifaux painting backlog was down to fewer than 10 lasted only a short time. Still, the new minis look fantastic and I'm sure I'll enjoy working on them.

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is that the metal horsey or the newer plastic one? my BF order also arrived today and I just got the old metal rider... and the Carver... plus the green translucent Pandora which is kinda freaky.. but in a good way.

anyway, I'm rambling. Love your paintjobs (as usual :) )... oh, and all three of the buggers look like they come from some gangs of NY :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

That Hamelin is incredible! Gotta love the weathering on the coat and the insane gleam in his eyes. You did the best work on the eyes that I have ever seen. It just fits the character so well. I love Hamelin because of his Dog Nix! I'm a Dog kinda person so Hamelin and McMourning are favorites :). We need many , many more doggie scuplts !!

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I love, love, love that Hamelin model! I'm getting ready to paint some sewer bases and I wonder if you'd be kind enough to share how you made the icky sewer water look so good? I see you used the Nurgle Rot but is it just mixed with the Still Water and painted straight onto the undercoat, or did you paint the water first?

Fantastic work though! :D

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