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So I'm interested to see how popular each avatar is, so anyone who is experianced with a master, let us know how often you like to play the avatar, is it a every game avatar, a situational avatar, or a never going to see use avatar, let us know.

A few I know of.

ARamos is playable when ever you take ramos

Atina can see some use, if the enamy has assasinate or something, and there a mostly melee crew

Aleviticus will bearly be used as liviticus is so deadly as he is, and you really want3-4 riders to make him work, witch is counter to his normal crew comp

So we have been doing this thread for about a week so I thought I'd gather the feelings of the comunity at the top of the thread hear so in faction order


Hoff, not really that strong, not bad either just isn't enough of an upgrade to pay for

Lady j, not that strong, situational at best.

Perdita not worth the points, you lose a lot of what made her work, nice modle though

Sonnia, always take


Nicoderm, always take

sheamus, not bad, and often worth taking but not an auto include

Kiria, worth taking every game even if you don't manifest

Mcmourning, pritty good, and you can manifest quickly, often worth taking


Tina, not super strong, but oft worth taking as a contingency

Marcus, no

Rammos, every time

Collet, I don't actualy know

Never born

Dreamer, some say srong otheres don't like the lack of his old broken form, up to you

Lilith, worth taking not an easy manifest

Zoraider, worth taking but less mobile so make sure your in a good place

Pandora, imobial and killable by targeting candy, big disadvantages but she becomes an super turret, take acording to strat


Vicks, hard manifest and a little suicidle but an absolute death machine, optional

Sommer, can be good always fun, works with gun line or pig spam

Leveticus, don't take it unless you make a crew to work with it, even then its iffy, you lose a good early game if you make a horseman crew, and a good later if you don't have horsemen

Hamlin, good, as long as your in a good position it will go well for you

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aKirai I took when I had shared contain Power, besides that it's only really for fun I feel. Losing the summoning and spirit swirling is too much of a cost for another beat stick. Mcmourning is an awesome model and his manifesting pretty much seals the game so far in my experience

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aKirai I took when I had shared contain Power, besides that it's only really for fun I feel. Losing the summoning and spirit swirling is too much of a cost for another beat stick. Mcmourning is an awesome model and his manifesting pretty much seals the game so far in my experience

Seamus always brings it and as for Kirai, it's more autoinclude each time I play. Just today I had a horrible game against sonnia where I ended with only a shikome, 2 night terrors, lost love and kirai on the table and there was no point whatsoever to not just avatar and try to wreck some $$$$$$$$. Thanks to that I gave Sonnia the parting strike and made a complete 180º of the match since I was completing both my schemes and my opponent only did a hidden scheme, was unable to complete another and I had his slaughter strategy under control thanks to the avatar's kills. We left the game since he had to come to me if he wanted to break my advantage and I had more than enough activations to decide how things would pan out and frankly, between the damage bump aKirai got recently and the stupid amount of attacks she can make in a turn, she just doesn't have a problem utterly destroying a non tanky minion per activation.

Never ever underestimate the ability to change a playstyle of a master, specially when it goes from a passive supportish role to an agressive role.

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Never ever underestimate the ability to change a playstyle of a master, specially when it goes from a passive supportish role to an agressive role.

This. I love aZoraida as she gives an incredibly flexible master another big tool (nuking the enemy with direct damage). She isn't necessarily better than Zoraida, but she plays different, and that gives me options,

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For my Avatars I tend to agree with Nilus, if I'm taking sonnia I will take the every time, for justice I generally take it, except in sone strategies like contain power and slaughter when i need the killing power of normal Justice, I've taken aPerdita once so far, she did ok, manefested but then got bogged down and eaten by a zombie hoard, ill probably just take her in the odd game here and there, I will probably take aHoffman most times once he is released, just as that end game melee option when your drawn to metal models are dead.

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I used to take Zoraida every game i played, as she has the same obey potential, just has a chance of doing it twice, and she has damage potential against non master models from silly range's :) Get her close and she can take on masters. But For something like objective gathering, treasure hunt, claim jump, anything you need to stay in place for or take a 2 interact action for and her repulsive + a stone is great for causing problems if you can set yourself up.

So in most cases Little Z? (avatar) upgrade is not always a bonus to use, but a good option to have, and so far i have always manifested her, and done well with her:)

Not had chance for using any other avatars yet though, but i shall im sure be testing some more shortly:)

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Masters I use and how often I Avatar

Seamus = All the Time

Zoraida = All the Time

Leveticus = Only if I am playing with Collodi and the Dead Rider/Grave Spirit combo (35 SS game)

Vicks = Some times

Somer = Some times

Perdita = Never

Dreamer = When Sportsmanship doesn't matter

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Sorry what's the dead rider comb thingy

Thats just it, you get Collodi to have access to the Grave Spirit Totem. Then simply link the Totem to the Dead Rider. You now have a Dead Rider with Armor 2

It's a small combo that goes a long way, the only problem is that the Grave Spirit can't cast any of Collodi spells without Cheating or being really lucky.

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I've been using a lot of Avatar Pandora lately, especially with Claim Jump. She's quite interesting to use with Candy being able to heal Dora via Bond and using her as LoS is a unique combo.

AZoraida is awesome too. Such cycling potential with your deck it's absurd!

ALilith I'm toying with, as with ADreamer. Just haven't gotten around to wrapping my head around them!

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I've been using a lot of Avatar Pandora lately, especially with Claim Jump. She's quite interesting to use with Candy being able to heal Dora via Bond and using her as LoS is a unique combo.

AZoraida is awesome too. Such cycling potential with your deck it's absurd!

ALilith I'm toying with, as with ADreamer. Just haven't gotten around to wrapping my head around them!

The problem with aDora for a lot of Vets is the drastic change from great mobility to none. I understand that Candy can cast her spells, but essentially by having Candy you now have a weak link. Losing Fading Memory is pretty huge for Pandora and lots of vets see this loss as crippling.

I play against Pandora enough that when she Avatars I actually feel relief that I can get away from her and that I can target Candy to kill aDora instead.

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I am not a Guild player but I have a single small Guild crew. I plan to fill out this crew (with a Witchling Handler and Fire Gamin) JUST so I can play Sonnia's Avatar. It's all I want from the Guild. So yeah, rather popular I think.

Kirai I kind of wrote off. She was just not quite there. I've been out of the game for a bit and the revert on her damage spread actually makes me want to put her on the table. I think she is fun, I just couldn't justify it. Oh and the (much needed) Shikome cuddle makes her more viable IMO.

I have moved to Neverborn and haven't delved much into the Avatars. I am getting Zoraida's avatar this week though. She just looks like so much fun. I played Pandora for the first time today and felt dirty making McMourning slit his own throat. I know Avatar is seen as a downgrade which actually tempts me into it. I just don't think I want to play her much otherwise...

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The problem with aDora for a lot of Vets is the drastic change from great mobility to none. I understand that Candy can cast her spells, but essentially by having Candy you now have a weak link. Losing Fading Memory is pretty huge for Pandora and lots of vets see this loss as crippling.

I play against Pandora enough that when she Avatars I actually feel relief that I can get away from her and that I can target Candy to kill aDora instead.

I can see what you mean. But having a model with Use Soulstone on a claim jump 4 or 5 turns into a game that can't be moved and also having a model that simultaneously activates who can heal her without being within a certain amount of range is equally just as good to me.

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I can see what you mean. But having a model with Use Soulstone on a claim jump 4 or 5 turns into a game that can't be moved and also having a model that simultaneously activates who can heal her without being within a certain amount of range is equally just as good to me.

That's just it though, the only Strategy that I have heard Pandora players say her Avatar is viable is Claim Jump. And even then they would prefer the SS.

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ASomer: List dependent really. Gunline, every now and then. Might as well in bigger games, you have the room. Pig list needs it. (in before Omenbringer)

I dont know if he Needs to be in a pure pig list or even a "Pig Boomerang" list all the time. Granted he is good there because of the support models (Hog Whisperer or Slop Hauler plus Skeeters) that will already be there to buff him up, but most of his support abilities are for Gremlins and not pigs.

My main complaint though is that to keep those Skeeters (which really put him on par with the other Avatars) he has to dump control cards during manifestation (in addition to the AP cost) which means the crew will be very low on resources for the turn (and pretty much requires an early turn manifestation for the Avatar of Indulgence).

He is good but definately not an auto-include every time (which was by design). Som'er was and is plenty competitive with all the various tactics (Alpha Stank, Pig Boomerang, Gremlin Gunline, Bacon Bombing Assasination Run, etc) without manifesting and the 2 SS savings by not Attaching an Avatar is huge for a Master that doesn't have a cache.

When I do take him though it is usually in a balanced list vice "Gremlin Gunline", "Alpha Stank" or "Pig Boomerang". This way I get maximum benefit for those 2 SS.

I would say though that he is great fun to play and that alone is a big factor in when he gets fielded (now to finish painting him so I dont feel embarassed pulling him out).

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The only reason why I say ASomer is a must for a pig list is that the list has the hitting power of a wet sponge without him. And discarding for the totems isn't that bad. You start off with one, meaning you only ditch two cards. Get the others in through Larva which if you're near ASomer, you'll be drawing more cards back for anyway.

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As a primarily Guild player, I've done a little reading, and have noticed that the general consensus seems to be that aSonnia is incredible, aJustice is workable, aPerdita is an awesome model (but that what she gains has a lot to overcome in what she loses) and that aHoffman is kinda crap (hyperbole).

Their $20-35 pricetag (from my usual seller) makes a not-insignificant barrier to entry for something that might prove to be actively detrimental (at least for the more situational avatars). Now, I'm not saying I expected them to be pure 'upgrades' over the base form. I'm glad that they represent a variety of shifts to emphasize a variety of facets of the game; some alter a master's playstyle from one (say, support) to another (say, beat stick), but for the time being I can't see myself getting any unless I found a good deal. Maybe one, at least to get some experience in with the mechanic (focusing on meeting the criteria, learning to time it coming out, etc).

Also, I think between 7 players so far we only have 1 avatar (and I don't think that's even seen table time yet), so there's also a general emphasis on learning and really grasping the base mechanics before we collectively branch out into other facets just yet.

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