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What paints do you use?


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Does anyone have any preference for a make of paint?

I know Citadel paints are probably the most ubiquitous but what are P3 or Vallejo paints like? Like most things, I have heard good and bad reviews on them, comparison to GW paints.

Anything else you recommend. I know there are various acrylic paints makes out there. Does it have to be "model paint" or will other acrylics do?

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I use P3 and Reaper Master Series. They are both awesome and I recommend them. Citadel was good until they went and changed their whole line and now none of the colors totally match it counterparts. I also like valejo as well, but I use P3 alot, its cheap and works well enough for me. And Reaper MS is just great, alittle more expensive but well worth it imo.

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I use a lot of Vallejo, with the odd P3 thrown in when I can't get the colour I want. I'd personally recommend Vallejo over P3, but I'd recommend trying them out for yourself much more! They differ in the way they thin, the way they cover, how they behave on the brush, and so on. So it really comes down to personal taste, there's no one right answer.

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I use GW paints at the moment with the odd vallejo in there, basically cos i bought the full paint range that comes in the cary case a few years back when i only played GW games. I'm just trying to get rid of them and replace them with Vallejo, no point chucking them away cos that just a waste of paint and money, i've been meaning to try out the P3 paints. But i'll keep with the GW washes though.

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Eh. I use Citadel paints and find they work quite well for me. I have a handful of vallejo colors, and love them, but the ease of being able to just grab the Citadel paint off the shelf and purchase it then and there is what sells me on those. I don't think the Citadel paints are at all bad, just the containers are less friendly at keeping paint from drying.

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P3 paints. I think they are pretty good overall, one major downside being that they are in flip top bottles.

I also have some reaper inks and vallejo game colors. I think if I could rewind time I would forego buying any Privateer Press models, jump right into Malifaux and buy the Vallejo game color set lol. Dropper bottles are so nice.

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For generic tabletop gaming purposes, Folk Art or Apple Barrel paints will suit your needs just fine.

If you want to improve your technique and have a wider selection of colors available to you, use gaming paints - Vallejo, GW, P3, Reaper MS (especially the high density). They are specially formulated for smooth application on small surfaces and have a higher pigment density that anything you can pick up at Walmart or Joanns. They can also be diluted and used for washes. Cheap craft paints have large bits of pigment in them, which will show up when diluted. Craft paint metallics have larger flakes as well and are often not smooth when painted on a 32mm miniature.

Edited by Brushmistress
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I use P3 for my reds, the foundry for my muted greens, Valego for most colours and citadel for blues.

I use whatever provides me with the best colour, all in all I would say if there is a colour that you find a little rubbish from citadel then buy a paint from another mompant and test that one out and play it by ear there on in, that's what I did.

Hope that helps.

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I use P3 for my reds, the foundry for my muted greens, Valego for most colours and citadel for blues.

I use whatever provides me with the best colour, all in all I would say if there is a colour that you find a little rubbish from citadel then buy a paint from another mompant and test that one out and play it by ear there on in, that's what I did.

Hope that helps.

Foundry makes the P3 line, which may be why you like them :P

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I have used Vallejo and GW foundation paints and washes, but most recently I had purchased the Army Painter warpaints starter set and I am really pleased with these. Plus, I think they have the best dropper bottle design (there is a sort of drain hole, so paint doesn't form a plug). I have not bought any of the individual paints from this line yet, but plan to as I need new colors.

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Your search-fu needs practice, Weed Hopper *wink*:



For current paints I buy mostly Vallejo and Reaper, but I will probably be replacing my basic colors with Army Painter Warpaints as I go. I still have old Coat d'Arms era Citadel paints and Ral Partha paints too.

Since they've been mentioned, the cheap craft store paints are great for terrain and other larger scale projects.

Also, consider a bottle of Liquitex Soft Body Payne's Grey like this as it can be used to make a very nice all-purpose wash if you get impatient or need to paint a lot of minis a la WFB or Kings of War.

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I use Folk Arts for a lot of the unique colors and metallics. They have an awesome green, Sage, that is great for surgical clothing. I really like P3 for the droppers and want to try Reaper for the same reason. I use a bit of both and turn to Folk Arts when when I don't want to mix a color I plan on using a lot of for a crew.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of my paints come from games workshop since its just down the road from me, I find it quicker to pop out side to pick a paint or two up. But I also use Vallejo more and more replacing the GW stuff as I go keeping the wash's as ive not found a better wash.

word of warning the recent Coat d'Arms paints seam to be very watery and dont apply very well.

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This is hard for me, but I've heard that admitting your problems is the first step to recovery...

Hello, my name is Athan, and I am a...a Testor Enamel paint user.

At first it was ignorance that got me using. I really didnt know any better. I just saw these cool looking figures that I wanted to use in my RPG game. I had used Testors when younger for model cars, so figured they were the way to go.

But as I grew older, and researched the topic it became clear that my painting behaviour was just... wrong.

I've tried model Acrylics, but I fear it's too late for me. I have a painting case full of those damn little glass vials, and they seem to work for me, man... I just... I just dont think I can stop now.

Maybe one day I'll be able to quit this horrible addiction... but for now, the pull is too strong.

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I use primarily GW (until they run out, that is) with the replacements being P3 or Vallejo. I make my own washes using Liquitex paints (Payne's Grey, Burnt Umber, and Burnt Sienna) except for my last lonely little pot of Ogryn Flesh, of which I will never be able to get another. :(

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