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Guess ill break my first post even though i have been reading these boards for a couple months now. Along with playing for a tad longer. This is my first miniature game been wanting to get into it along time ago just didnt have time or money. Now that I am a little older i can make it happen. Learned about the game from a friend that plays at work he got me to read the story and fell in love. He then let me play his lady J crew and it was pretty much over. Except I moved on to the Rezzers (McMourn) and went crazy with buying his crew. Still working on getting them all painted but i have played with them primed out a couple times now. Last I am already looking into buying Seamus cause I am hooked now.

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Hello :)

I'm a new Malifaux (Rezzer) player in the Western PA area. I've got Seamus, Nicodem and Kirai crews (I like buying models), and am very excited for Yan Lo in February. I've yet to win a game (or kill a model) in the 8ish games I've played but I've got hope yet :P

The learning curve after coming from 40k is a bit steeper then anticipated but I'm sure I'll get it. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I hope to see you around.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, new player in the Chicagoland area. I shouldn't really say player, as I haven't played the game yet! :1_Happy_Puppet2: I have watched lots of youtube videos, and I just watched a game being played at a local tournament, which really helped a lot to understand some of the mechanics involved.

I just got the rules, a Lady Justice starter box, along with an Executioner and the Scales of Justice. Of course, I have been spoiled assembling plastic models all of this time that the learning curve on pewter has been "interesting" for me. :1_Happy_Puppet1:

At any rate, thought I would introduce myself and I look forward to jumping in with both feet on this awesome game.

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Hello all,

New player in the Maryland area, and I was just introduced to Malifaux by some cousins today. They suggested that I come here to find information. I've not been involved in any miniatures game before, and was interested in finding somewhere that I might be able to play when I get back home.

Also, I looked through all the factions, and I like the look of the Neverborn, and the Ten Thunders the best, but the sheer number of models is a bit daunting. Any advice on where to start?

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I am DavicusPrime, an old gamer looking outside the GW reservation for new and interesting games. So far I'm enjoying Malifaux in as far as I've been able to go (modeling and reading rules). The low cost of entry is unheard of and the number of models is so small it's taking some getting used to. But I'm sure I'll be able to readjust. I think I've already bought more than I can use in a single game but it gives me options.

The Steampunk element of the game is what caught my attention. So it should be no surprise that Ramos is my first choice of Master.

See ya all around the forum as I get deeper in.


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Hi there,

I have been lurking this forum for a while and decided to get myself registered now. I haven´t played a single game yet, but was captured by the fluff of the game. Got myself a number of miniatures already and will post some pictures as soon as I have something to show you (and after having figured out how to post fotos in a forum such as this... not too familiar with this).

Looking forward to meet you on the forum and maybe real life for chat and games.

Kind regards,


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Hey Everyone,

My name is Kipp. I from Southern California. I have been toying with the idea of getting into Malifaux for some time. I love the fluff and the models. I didn't have many gamer friends out in my area until recently so I was just content to read the books and the boards. I found some people to play with and I picked up a few crews to play with. I have Seamus and his box painted up and the Viks and Lilith assembled. I am looking to get Nicodem and Ramos next.

I am hoping to run a few demos at my LGS once I have a couple of crews ready.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Been reading this forum for quite awhile. Been playing Malifaux since it was first released. Our LSG is trying to bring players back into the Malifaux game so I am taking it upon myself to garner more attraction. We had over 20 people playing at one point but most all drifted off. I own just about everything and have played almost all the Masters except a couple. There's only currently a couple of us still playing at least at the local store.

Anyways, I been meaning to join the Forum for a bit and I figured it was about time. I love the Forums here and the player base.



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Hello all;

My name is Len, and I got interested in Malifaux via the wonder of the internet, and through discussion with a friend, who with, I was (and still do) play 28mm WW2 wargames.

I've picked up two starter boxes, Guild and Outcasts, and am looking forward to my FIRST game.

He and I, and of course a few others belong to a small gaming club in northern Ontario, Canada. Most are focused on Flames of War, but I am confident that once a few of them see a game of Malifaux in action...they will be converted.

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Hello every one :)

I play Malifaux for 1 year but i regist just now ;) at start sorry for my bad english :( I hope you will understand what i writte ;). I have Leveticus band and I'm from Poland. Before i start play Malifaux i play WFB , W40k and Horde ;) I'm gamer since 2007.

I hope I will be a Henchman ;) and diffuse thet great game in my contry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,

I am Matt and I am new to Malifaux but LOVE it so far. I currently have Zoraida and her starter with the addition of the Voodoo Doll. I like the fluff of this game very much and the gameplay is more engaging than any other tabletop I have tried.post-11784-13911926499747_thumb.jpg

My Zoraida - unfinished, going with the Voodoo Hag look =)

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Hey all,

Names Nick and I'm from the London, recently got back into boardgaming via a D&D game and X-Wing miniatures, I stumbled across Malifaux on youtube and glad I did.

Fantastic looking minis I must say and they'll no doubt take me back to the eye straining days of painting and I've not done that for yeeeeeeeeears.

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Hey all

Name is Rob ... from Birmingham, UK

I have only played one game of Malifaux sadly

But I have got the two gremlin box sets (Som'er Teeth & Ophelia)

Got drawn to them not for their playing style - which I don't know what it is yet

But because they look cool and I have recently loved painting green

My local Henchman has noticed that people he has introduced to the game ...

... is if they lik the look of crew they enjoy playing them

I will post some pictures up ... once I get around to making and painting my gremlins

Hope you all had a great Christmas ... and have a great new year!!!

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Howdy Mark here in Connecticut U.S. Started playing a few months ago and have discovered a love of painting and wargaming. I now own Lilith, Pandora, The Dreamer, Lady Justice, Sonnia Criid, The Ortega's, and Somer Teeth with all the Lacroix's as well. For now I'm settling in and painting all the models and play when I can. Cheers.

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I'm Jason and live in Logan, Utah in the States and Im 43. I'll be starting with the Lady J box because I love the looks of the Death Marshals. Just had my first game tonight and am still a bit lost, so PM places to go for a crib sheet, or if you've got a solid starter dude game aid, or anything that you think would help a n00b, please let me know.

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Hi there,

Feels like an AA meeting ;)

My name is Patrick and I am addicted to collecting metal...

Have played very little Malifaux (2 games) but love the minis and have already got together a Lillith starter crew together and painted. No idea what I am doing yet but going to head over to MK in March and get several beatings to teach me the basics :)

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Greetings and salutations,

Steve here, known by Dunni to most my friends. Parent of a twenty year old miniatures gamer, and five years old twins who I am subverting to the cause. I've been into gaming for 20+ years, still an average painter. I'm starting a game group with a buddy of mine at the local comic shop, and the strategies and story of Malifaux made it our priority! We also steal games at my house (20 years acquires a lot of gamer crap and what not, according to my wife). Currently running the Viktorias, but painting Kirai so we have extra crews to do some gamer demos in February. Drop a line if you find yourself coming through the beach at Ventura, CA.

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hello everyone,

I'm Evan and I am fairly new to the hobby. I have been minatures gaming for about a year or so now. Just discovered Malifaux a couple months ago. I fell head-over-heals for the world, feel, and the models of Malifaux.

I am the friend that Dunni mentioned. We are starting to build up a Malifaux gaming group at our local store in Ventura, CA. I have picked up both gremlin starter boxes (Ophelia and Som'er) and the Lady Justice set.

If you are in the area, let's try and make something happen. If you don't have a crew, you can use one of mine.

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I'm Josh, I recently moved to the DC area and around the same time got into Malifaux. Looking for more people to play with in the DC metro area, as so much of the Malifaux in this neck of the woods is awkwardly far away by train. If anyone in the area is looking for a game, drop me a line.

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Hello all,

I'm Kai from UK, primarily a board gamer but have been gently lured across to miniature gaming after Super Dungeon Explore and Sedition Wars : Battle for Alibaster.

I have ordered a Malifaux 2plyr starting set up but have yet to play (or indeed receive my order as it was placed today!), the theme drew me in instantly, the fate deck mechanic hooked me even more and the setting and miniatures sealed the deal!

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