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About Rydl

  • Birthday 09/21/1990

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  1. In 1 turn i have 1 more pass action and he can try cast Collodi spell's
  2. Hi all, I play for a while with my Leve but in the immediate future i will make normal tournaments. So i need more Outcasts band no only Leveticus *drool* Ok right now i have: Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer Collodi [8ss] Grave Spirit [1ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Desolation Engine [12ss] Lazarus [8ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Rusty Alyce [8ss] Steampunk Abomination [3ss] Steampunk Abomination [3ss] Steampunk Abomination [3ss] Steampunk Abomination [3ss] Wicked Doll [3ss] Wicked Doll [3ss] Wicked Doll [3ss] Wife Wife Wife My band for 35 SS is: Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer -- 8 Pool Collodi [8ss] Grave Spirit [1ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Lazarus [8ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Is thet Jack Daw thet good to take him over Lazarus ?? And more important I thing abaut 2 more crews Viks and Hemi who will by like thet : Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Viktoria -- 6 Pool Desperate Mercenary [2ss] Desperate Mercenary [2ss] Freikorps Strongarm Suit [8ss] Ronin [5ss] Ronin [5ss] Vanessa, Treasure Hunter [7ss] Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Hamelin the Plagued -- 8 Pool Malifaux Rat [2ss] Malifaux Rat [2ss] Malifaux Rat [2ss] Nix, the Bull Terrier [7ss] Rat Catcher [5ss] The Stolen [3ss] The Stolen [3ss] The Stolen [3ss] But for me thet Hamelin band look's strangely Thet 3 band's will b enough to fight vs pandora/lilith ? Or what shoud i hange what is more effective on tournament's ?
  3. Hello, I will like to invite all off you to first Malifaux tournament in Łódź (Polend?). I will make more game shows and tournament in new year More info abaut this one on this side http://forum.stagraf.pl/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=579(all in Polish but if you can and will like to play and you don't now polish pleas writte to me )
  4. Ok thet is help ful and anothet question to thet so i have slow in next turn y ?
  5. Ok thet help a lot Ok and another question I have Leveticus in game and Hollow Wife. Leveticus die so i use eternally shackled and i summon him next to Wife then sacrificed she. And my question is : Wife have ability named Shackles thet let her b summoned to leveticus at end of the closing phase if she was kiled or sacrificed during the turn. So if Leveticus die and up in close phase next tu wife i sacrificed she and she to up in thet turn ?? (at end of turn they 2 are up and fresh or wife is dead ?)
  6. Hi, I have 1 question thet don't gimme a peace :Hiding_Puppet: When i build my creaw i pay 12SS for 4 Steampunk Abomination. And my qestion is if i like to use Desolation Engine shoud i pay anothet 12 SS ? What example : Leveticus 4x Abomination 12SS Desolation Engine 0 I play on 12SS and i can use Desolation or Leveticus 4x Abomination 12SS Desolation Engine 12SS And i play on 24SS ??
  7. Hello every one I play Malifaux for 1 year but i regist just now at start sorry for my bad english I hope you will understand what i writte . I have Leveticus band and I'm from Poland. Before i start play Malifaux i play WFB , W40k and Horde I'm gamer since 2007. I hope I will be a Henchman and diffuse thet great game in my contry.
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