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Why I'm Quitting Malifaux... and other such nonsense


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Since I posted my Rezzer collection up for sale, I've had a number of people message me and ask me why I'm 'quitting'. I've also had a number of discussions with those people that aren't in the UK that I regularly speak to over Skype/PM/etc about why I'm quitting, and about why other solid Malifauxers such as Magicpockets and Spiku are 'quitting' too so I thought it'd be interesting to wax a little on the topic.

First, though, I want to clear something up and get it straight:

I love this game.

I love the mechanics. I love the flavour. I love the low total cost. I love only having to carry around a few models to play.

I met my girlfriend, soulmate, and soon to be mother of my child, at a Malifaux tournament.

I owe Malifaux a lot and I've had a great time playing it, and met a lot of awesome people doing so (all the way up to my last tournament, the UK team GT, where I was lucky enough to meet Mike Marshall, Conrad Gonsalves, and John Mickleburgh).

That said, there are obviously things that make me want to stop playing. I want to be clear again though; if playing Malifaux was as easy as logging on to my PC at home and having a game, and playing tournaments could be done in my house, I'd like nothing more than to keep doing it. But that's not the case. Tournaments cost money. They take time, in planning and travel. The total cost of ownership of a casual player playing at a gaming club is pretty low; the cost to a tournament player is comparatively pretty high in both money and time (and I run a startup company, so time is at a premium).

I think these things could be overcome, also, if the game were better. Now, I dont want to turn this into an argument over which elements of the game are good or bad and how to fix them - we have plenty of threads for that already. The overriding problem is that Wyrd are a company with an identity crisis. They dont know whether their game is meant to be casual or serious. The game is badly written for competition, but they really want to push into the competitive arena and arent willing to make the changes to do so for fear of breaking the immersion and fun factor. The fluff is amazing, but is ruined to a large extent by thematic crews being unplayable on the tabletop. Even the most fun oriented player in the world won't have an enjoyable playing experience running Rasputina, an Ice Golem , Ice Gamin and a Wendigo.

It's this last point that I find to be the greatest shame in Malifaux and with this community. Whenever there is talk of balance from an 'elitist' player, the community reacts by shouting that player down, as if making bad models playable would somehow impact the casual and fun scene. Although people say it often, I find it very hard to believe there is a single person in the world who would not rather be playing with a fair chance of winning rather than being forced to lose the theme of his list to not get savagely beaten by his friends. It's really saddening to never see some of the cooler, thematic models in the game on the table. I use Rasputina often as an example of this because she was the first 'awesome looking box set' purchase I ever made, right after I bought Perdita for my original crew, and my Ice Golem and Gamins have sat on a shelf ever since and Rasputina's been forced to run around with constructs and mercenaries rather than her icy friends.

I also think another great shame is the lack of Wyrd engaging in reasonable time frames with the needs of the game. As an example, we can take the issue of Stitched and Does not Die. This issue has existed for a very long time. It would have been an easy fix long ago, that would have saved many a ruined play experience, to fix this; but instead we waited an age. There is absolutely no excuse for this - for a start, it shouldn't slip through playtesting in the first place (though anyone in the know knows that Malifaux was not particularly thoroughly playtested and in many cases, models were released with zero playtesting purely for fluff reasons), but moreover, it shouldn't be allowed to continue to ruin the game. Again, things like this are easily fixable. Claiming that 'we had to extensively test this fix before making it' doesn't really wash either; it may do with people who auto-thank any post by a Wyrd employee, but come on guys, you know that you could have made that change - and many others - without the extended wait.

Malifaux is in dire need of an overhaul. The sheer number of rules holes, loopholes, negative play experience inducing abilities (sup Drain Souls) and other such nonsense is quite staggering. Rumours of Book 1.5 were that it would be a rules update and an update to the stats of the models in Book 1 to bring them in line with Book 2/3 levels, so the actual release was a massive disappointment. Now we know we're getting Book 4 at Gencon, but after the failure of Book 3 to make a real impact, where is the hope for this - and then when do we have to hope for 2nd edition to come out? And do we have to sacrifice lambs and goats in the hope it'll actually improve the game?

That's what it all boils down to for a lot of people, I think; the faith and goodwill have gone. For some, it may not have gone, but it's certainly starting to wane. Wyrd have had a lot of time (and a lot of our money) to make things right. When serving any customer, you have a limited pool of goodwill that slowly empties when you make mistakes. It can be refilled or topped up with awesome things, and Wyrd's pool is frequently topped up by their game having such amazing flavour and fluff. Unfortunately when you start taking the game a *little* more seriously - lets say, serious enough to spend some time on forums - you start to see through the good and into the not so good, and your goodwill pool springs a leak. When you start playing at a competitive level and realise that they have no interest in you, the goodwill pool spill makes BP look innocent.

So that's why I'm quitting Malifaux, and that's why I think a lot of people are quitting or taking breaks. The game is inherently flawed, the fun is wearing off and the trust and goodwill are all used up. Were I a student again, or had more free time, I'd undoubtedly continue to play but frankly, I feel like I've had the wool pulled over my eyes for a long time and given Wyrd enough of my blind faith. I'm still going to keep some models, because a lot of my friends play this game, but mostly because they're a hassle to sell. After all, the community is tiny - and it's not growing at any decent rate - but nothing is wrong, all is rosy, and I'm just a troll, right? :)

Lots of Love


Edited by Calmdown
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Best of luck with your future endeavors.

I'm just a newcomer to the game, and can respect that 'the old guard' as it were will eventually come to decide that even things seen as tiny flaws can compound to become dealbreaking parts of the experience.

It's a shame to see such a thing come to pass, but any hobby should be done for enjoyment of one's leisure time, and if you're no longer finding that spark or passion, then you should definitely move onto something else, short term, long term, or indefinitely. It doesn't have to be permenant (though it may well be), I've played Magic on and off for over a decade and a half, with occasional multi-year gaps between games or even buying a card. Sets are released, blocks came and went, and when I returned things had changed and everything was exciting and new again.

Or, conversely, it could end up like a show you enjoyed a couple of seasons of, but eventually the plots became stale, the chemistry between the leads faded and they replaced or killed off most of the characters you enjoyed, so you bid it adieu and at least have memories of some kickass early episodes.

So cheers and good luck. I haven't had a chance yet to peruse the giant cluster-shenanigans of a thread that this seems to tie to, but I doubt you're a troll. Simply someone passionate about the game that seems to have a differing viewpoint.

That said, I've seen it quoted that Malifaux has grown to be in Xth place in terms of overall wargame numbers. You mentioned that those numbers have stagnated, but whenever I go googling for them, I can never find hard sales figures or anything but guesstimates. Care to share your source?

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I agree with what you are saying, but I think also that thematic forces in all games are inherently weak...Look at PP and their theme lists, or GW if you went for a fluffy list you would get blown to pieces by the latest meta for that week. Also I know this will get stick but who would competitively play with a 'theme' force...we all know that you optimise the crew for synergy and filth....the only theme that works is Hamelin and that is because you may start with rats etc but they will soon be dead.

But don't get me wrong you are right with most of what you are saying, they have had plenty of time to fix things like bury and Dreamer/LCB and the fix is good but it shouldn't have needed to be made if caught during 'playtesting'.

Also, yes you are a troll but we all love you for it!


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Pretty much sums up my view, but a lot politer than I would have put it. I think Wyrd have really dropped the ball putting $$$ before the game and it's players.

For my 2p worth, I'm retiring for an unspecified time although (like Ian I presume) I will dust of the minis for the odd tournament just for the social side. Hell, if it wasn't for the people involved in the Malifaux scene I think this would have come a lot sooner.

You mentioned that those numbers have stagnated, but whenever I go googling for them, I can never find hard sales figures or anything but guesstimates. Care to share your source?

Not sure on Ian's source but I know our LGS (bearing in mind we're one of the largest local Malifaux communities behind Harrogate afaik) has stopped stocking it because (rough quote) "there are no new players. Every game gets a burst of new players and then stagnantes with the core carrying it on. Malifaux is over"

I still see new players, but I find I'm missing a lot more old players on here and at events.

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Not sure on Ian's source but I know our LGS (bearing in mind we're one of the largest local Malifaux communities behind Harrogate afaik) has stopped stocking it because (rough quote) "there are no new players. Every game gets a burst of new players and then stagnantes with the core carrying it on. Malifaux is over"

My LGS in Liverpool stocked the shelves with Malifaux just before I moved here 3 months ago, when I was bigging up the game on Facebook and a few of their locals had already found it. This burst of 10 or so players turned into 4 over the course of a couple of months and only one of them turned up to a tournament I ran locally. When I asked why, they told me it was because one guy had picked up Collodi and as they'd played more and more games it had become apparent that their other crews (Sonnia, Perdita, Seamus, Rasputina and Ramos I know were 5 main masters) couldn't win against him. Of the 4 players who remained three of them were playing Collodi, Kirai, and Pandora. They've all now since stopped playing mostly too because of lack of opponents. They decided to play Dystopian Wars instead. People quitting your game to play Dystopian Wars is a pretty massive indictment :)

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...why I'm quitting...

June 28th... 7 Days ago, you post your "balance manifesto" on the 1000000 changes you would like to see that spawns one of the most active threads in a long time. A Wyrd employee posts within the thread and goes so far as to say that many of the same issues are being internally debated.

Now, within that one week, you start selling off a bunch of models and write your "quitting manifesto".

Difficult to understand the point...

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June 28th... 7 Days ago, you post your "balance manifesto" on the 1000000 changes you would like to see that spawns one of the most active threads in a long time. A Wyrd employee posts within the thread and goes so far as to say that many of the same issues are being internally debated.

Now, within that one week, you start selling off a bunch of models and write your "quitting manifesto".

Difficult to understand the point...

I can see where you'd be confused :)

I'd actually already made the decision to quit, but I was signed up to a tournament that I didn't want to miss. Most of the guys there already knew I was planning to quit, too. The reason for the balance post was because it was something I'd wanted to do for a very long time and, as tournaments tend to do, the weekend of gaming gave me a little bit of fire to do it. Although, as I said to Nix/Bill on Skype afterwards, you guys did a great job in that thread of reminding me of everything that I dislike about the game and the community in short order :)

Anyway, the decision to quit never changed. I just wanted to get that spreadsheet out of my system, as much for my own satisfaction as anything. I wasn't even sure I was going to post it, but I figured I might as well since I'd written it :)

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Anyway, the decision to quit never changed. I just wanted to get that spreadsheet out of my system, as much for my own satisfaction as anything. I wasn't even sure I was going to post it, but I figured I might as well since I'd written it :)

Well, quitting or not, and Red Joker discussions aside, I am glad you chose to post that before your departure as I think some interesting things did come in the thread. (Even if there was quite a bit of noise too)

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Although, as I said to Nix/Bill on Skype afterwards, you guys did a great job in that thread of reminding me of everything that I dislike about the game and the community in short order :)

Wow, with a little editing I could use that quote to be the Fun-Killer!


On a serious note, I will get to the UK one of these days (one of these days I can find a reason to budget the trip via work) and I hope I can pry you out of your Quitting state for a game or three (and beer or three or more).

If not I might have to buy Magic cards or something.. thats what your moving too, right? Or a balanced game like 40K? (damn there is no LOL smilie)

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Sorry to hear you're leaving-- lots of valid points there, though.

I hope that, even if you're leaving, you keep ahold of your Mali collection until the eventual 2nd edition (I too believe Malifaux is strongly in need of a 2nd ed, and just hope they don't take the fun out of it), would be nice to see you around again in a while...

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I generally don't like to post in threads that aren't mine. It was different for Dead Heat which caused my return for retirement because I thought it a lot of fun, a step in the right direction, and another place where I could try and assist with the community, though even there I kept almost exclusively to my own thread until a few days ago. I historically quit the forums due to bullying; even when I was just posting in threads from people asking for advice, or in rules questions threads. Though even after retiring from the forums I maintained sending private messages to almost anyone who posted a thread about Gremlins just to help them out.

Sorry, anyway, the reason I'm posting here is because my name was mentioned, and it is indeed true I am quitting. But I have to assure people that it is not for the same reasons per se. While there exists some truth in the expressed views of Wyrd, and certainly some of these views contribute to why I committed a lot of time and effort in supporting the game and even why I was willing to put my legal career on hold in application to work for Wyrd to resolve some of the design issues, this post is not a fair representation of why I have had cause to leave; though I would mirror the expressions that I too love this game. I have enjoyed the fluff, the core mechanics, the tournaments, the friends I have made, supporting the community, the affections and kind words people can spread even amongst all the detritus, hubris and hate.

My leaving coinciding with Magicpockets and Calmdown's is largely coincidence, and from actions beyond my control. I do not feel it fair to discuss the reasons why I have had to make my decision to withdraw support for Wyrd, but I would at least like to assure some of the concerned voices that have approached me given how committed a supporter I had been prior, that there exists is no life problems or crises forcing my hand.

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say it ain't so Calmdown, say it ain't so. :'(

In all seriousness, despite your sometimes aggressive web presence, I think a lot of your comments have been good for the game. Do I agree with everything in your initial post. No, but I do think you make some very valid points. I'm sorry you are leaving a game you love so much but glad to hear you are not getting rid of all your models.

Good luck on your future endeavors and an early congrats on becoming a father.

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I hope to see you all on the forums and playing again someday. This is my first mini warhame and i am sticking to it. Your posts have been helpful and i have read some great tactics from you CD spiku and magicpockets. Congrats ona new life in the world and hopefully will see you if there are changes to the game and tourney scene.

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I find it interesting that, except for a notable exception or two, this sentiment anecdotally seems to be strongest in the UK. Coincidence or is there a reason for this?

I know, right?

I could totally see France retreating from the game, but England?


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I find it interesting that, except for a notable exception or two, this sentiment anecdotally seems to be strongest in the UK. Coincidence or is there a reason for this?

I think the fact we have very few (if any) cheering fanboys over here any more, even some of the people most supportive of Wyrd in the past have commented publicly or privately about their dissatisfaction with the game now (I'll leave the private ones to chip in themselves - you know who you are *wink*). There seems to be a much stronger "we love Wyrd" contingent across the pond, and let's not forget despite the UK's apparent position in the world, you have more people in California that we have in our entire country - so a simultaneous exodus form what is actually a small community will appear disproportionally "big".

Plus, there is of course a cultural difference between the UK and the USA in how we approach/tolerate things - we see the world through different perspectives (and I'm not saying one is better than the other as I LOVE certain aspects of the American outlook - just pointing something out we often overlook this day in age)

Edited by magicpockets
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Might be worth remembering that France is our oldest ally and we probably wouldn't be a country if they hadn't decided to kick England while they where down during the Revolution.

Nonsense! Remembering that would do absolutely no good for my point!

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Now now. Dont you americans pretend you know anything about countries outside of America. ;-)

What? There are other countries?

Magicpockets best point was the one about cultural differences and how people react....as far as I know Malifaux could be horrible but I wouldn't know it because my head is in the sand.

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