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Female Resser Master


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Let me start by saying Kirai is great........ but she is not a true Resser. Molly could be great, but she has very little in the way of crew options.

Am I the only one who thinks we need a new Resser Master, a female Resser Master?

What would be her theme? I think she should have access to all of the same minions as the Nico, Seamus, and the Dr., but what would be her fluff?

Frankenstein's Bride?

Horror movie Nurse?

Black Widow poisoner?

Lizzie Borden?

Evil little girl who has tea parties with corpses ( could be the ying to The Dreamer's yang)?

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Why do you say that Kirai is not a true resser? The asian vengeful ghost story is just as valid an undead/horror archetype as the Necromancer (Nicodem), the Frankenstein (McMourning), and the Supernatural Serial Killer (Seamus).

I would love to see another Henchman / Master for the ressers that is Female...But you really would need to find a niche that isn't being filled.

That said...I would love to see an Elizabeth Bathory inspired Resurrectionist model of any type...

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I think thematically, Kirai fits very well into the faction.

Obviously I have issues with her in the sphere of balance, but that doesn't affect the lore aspect whatsoever.

For the less thematic and more gameplay oriented female Resurrectionist, we have Molly.

Who is an equally fantastic Lore character that really just falls short because she's a Support Henchmen who doesn't have all too much to Support.

So if we add more toys for her, I think we'll have a very well set Female category of the faction.

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The Blood Countess. Good call, Gensuke626.

Or , how about a nanny who control kid's? Let her take Necropunks, crooligans, baby kade, candy, terror tots, etc. Who was not freaked by Children of the Corn and Pet Cemetary?

Still, I agree with Sandwich, too. Maybe if they gave Molly Ht 1 access or some kind of "little guys" theme, she would be the true Resser.

Why I say Kirai is not a true Resser is because she does not control flesh, she raises ghosts. Ressers are sci-fi, Kirai is fantasy. If we knew what we were doing, ressurection is possible, there is little to no evidence of ghosts (sorry, guys, wish there was......) The Ressers were seeking forbidden knowledge and melding Earth science with Malifaux science....... Kirai is not. Molly is closer to a Female Resser Master and I really hope they expand her Support models: new or old.

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I think that while Kirai is certainly a Resurrectionist, her heavy synergy with Spirits leaves her with just about no synergy with Undead models that your classic Rezzers rely on. I think what is needed is a "middle ground" Rezzer who wants to take Undead but does not rely solely on Corpse Counters/Body Parts, so doesn't mind taking Spirits. Seamus is almost there, but not quite occupying this space IMHO. And fluffwise, we need a strong female bodysnatcher who is neither a cheesecake pinup nor a character who lists "Uncontrollable Crying" as a talent.

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And fluffwise, we need a strong female bodysnatcher who is neither a cheesecake pinup nor a character who lists "Uncontrollable Crying" as a talent.

Heh, I was playing Molly against my daughter (using my Rasputina) recently, and when I used Uncontrolled Crying the first time, she said "Uncontrollable crying? (me: Yeah she becomes Pitiful again) That's kinda sexist..." Then she proceeded to rip apart Molly's crew.

She thought the Necrotic Machine was really cool looking, just before she destroyed it.

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I was once playing Kirai vs Collette at work (long story, it was after hours). There was an exchange of something like, "...Uncontrollable Crying, Kirai is pitiful..." and "blah blah Southern Charm" and " blah blah Dance Together"... My office mate came over and looked at the table and said "are you guys playing Barbie wars?"

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I do love Kirai and what she bring to the Resurrectionist. She is the reason I went Resurrectionist in the first place, but she is kind of an odd ball with the others. That said, I can't think of any other 'real' female type Resurrectionist and I watch horror on a regularly. Some things that comes to mind is a insane female killer who maybe increases other minions powers but doesn't really bring them back. Maybe a crazy cannibal family with the mother as the master, but that is kind of Otega theme there. Could go the satanic cult leader who could control undead and maybe throw some Neverborn in there. A lady vampire also works, can't go wrong with a lady vampire. That is about what I have to offer.

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 AM ----------

I'd rather see a series of gender-bender alt sculpts where the existing masters are reimagined as the opposite sex. I think it would be a fun set.

Can't say I am looking forward to male Lillith and Pandora.

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Why I say Kirai is not a true Resser is because she does not control flesh, she raises ghosts. Ressers are sci-fi, Kirai is fantasy. If we knew what we were doing, ressurection is possible, there is little to no evidence of ghosts (sorry, guys, wish there was......) The Ressers were seeking forbidden knowledge and melding Earth science with Malifaux science....... Kirai is not. Molly is closer to a Female Resser Master and I really hope they expand her Support models: new or old.

I don't see the ressurectionist faction as a whole as Sci-fi. Seamus is definitely Fantasy as his method of raising the dead has nothing to do with chemicals or Necrotic pumps or anything that Nicodem and McMourning talked about in that one story.

Nicodem as well strikes me as more Fantasy necromancer than sci-fi necromancer. He basically points at things and says "You. Stand Up." The only one who strikes me as "Sci-Fi" is McMourning because he uses SCIENCE!

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Can't say I am looking forward to male Lillith and Pandora.

I think Cain (Lillith) could be done as a hypermasculine fellow with a greatsword and perhaps a prominent codpiece, giving a little balance to the sometimes sexualized female figures. Dorian (Pandora) would be fun as Oscar Wilde, kind of tying the Victorian theme in while making reference to the psychological Pandora's box addressed in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Probably a bit of a reach, but why not?

Edited by the imp
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Molly is closer to a Female Resser Master and I really hope they expand her Support models: new or old.

Listen to Gamers Lounge episode 54 Eric J interview at around 19 mins.

Molly is getting some new toys :)

Anyway thats what I voted for, because thats what we are getting :)

Also think the current Master mix is fine and we don't need another Female Master.

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I'd rather see a series of gender-bender alt sculpts where the existing masters are reimagined as the opposite sex. I think it would be a fun set.

That is an awesome idea!

---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 AM ----------

Listen to Gamers Lounge episode 54 Eric J interview at around 19 mins.

Molly is getting some new toys :)

Anyway thats what I voted for, because thats what we are getting :)

Also think the current Master mix is fine and we don't need another Female Master.

Thanks for the heads up! I hope she gets a beatstick or a some heavy artillery. She needs some Wd/Dg dealers.

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So far, Wyrd has established and maintained an awesome gender balance of figures.

Guild: 3 female in book one, added 2 male in book two.

Resser: 3 male in book one, added 2 female in book two.

Arcanist: 2 male 1 female in book one, added 2 female in book two.

Neverborn: 3 female in book one, added 2 male in book two.

Outcast: 2 male 1 female in book one, added 2 male 1 female in book two.

Total: 10 male Masters, 10 female Masters. 3 male Henchmen, 3 female Henchmen.

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The big problem is stereotypes.

I don't mean this in a remotely negative way, I mean it with regards to theme:

Frankenstein was a man. Jack the ripper was a man. Undertakers are a vastly male dominated profession. Japanese folklaw tells of vengeful female spirits, and to my knowledge, never men. (This statement may be wrong in its essence, but proves my point on stereotypes.)

Malefaux deals in clichés. Therefore every nurse is a woman, every professor is a man. If I had to envision a female scientist, it would be the stern german female variety, and would thusly fit more snugly into the guild I think.

I think the resurrectionists female count is represented well enough. Not everyone gets to be the master afterall. There are several "henchmen-esque" models kicking about to represent fairer side of the species. Sybelle and Bete may not ever be in charge of the show, but they're certainly characters who show up and do something, rather than being zombie #103.

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Jswiers, I totally disagree with you. While Malifaux does deal in genre conventions, it deliberately breaks a lot of tropes. The stern judge and the scheming bureaucrat are generally male roles, but in Malifaux, they're Lady Justice and Sonnia Criid. Likewise the jaded mercenary, the rampaging barbarian warlord, the crusading reporter, and the gunslinger come to clean up town. One of the things that I love about Malifaux is that there are so many strong female characters.

I don't see any reason why there couldn't be a female Resser master. A driven scientist would work. So would a Morticia Addams type of femme fatale. Or an elevated Bete Noire. Or a horrible vitrioleuse, which were popular in 19th century French urban legends.

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While Malifaux does deal in genre conventions, it deliberately breaks a lot of tropes. The stern judge and the scheming bureaucrat are generally male roles, but in Malifaux, they're Lady Justice and Sonnia Criid.

When I hear bureaucrat, I think of Lucius.

When I see lady justice, I think of Joss Whedon, if I'm honest. Fighty woman in corset.

Sonnia, I have no idea about. I think witch pretending to be witchhunter whenever I see her, but I don't think that's what she's meant to be...

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I don't think it is malifaux fault, more the horror genre itself. Very few horror type killers are female. Necromancers (like Nicodem) are normally pictured as older men, mad sciencist (like McMourning) are also normally male, and serial killers (like Seamus) are almost always male also. It is just what comes to mind when think of those types of horror images. Change any of those to female and the image changes.

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I would stick with giving Molly more toys

I was thinking of starting a Molly crew but as the options are so slim I left it, glad to hear that she may be getting some more stuff in the new book so I may have to look again later in the year.

I think the thoughts about gender stereotypes is an interesting one and yes Malifaux does stick very much to the cliches we are used to but yes it does also tend to mix things up a bit.

I do like the idea of alternate gender-swap sculpts, that could in theory tick both boxes of giving something different whilst sticking to thier original vision.

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