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I'd really like to write or edit a story for Wyrd's fourth book.

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So here's my case, hear me out.

My name is CJ Dean, I'm 21 and currently unemployed. I've had a passion for literature since I was very, very young, made particularly fascinating by the fact that I'm actually dyslexic and have a very hilarious way of reading things. The speed at which I comprehend words in a written work is actually higher than average but that is besides the point.

Malifaux, as a universe, interests me deeply. Moreso than any other work of Fiction out there, except maybe Firefly or the Metal Gear Solid video game series. It's been quite a pleasure reading through each and every one of the three books released, and, knowing that eventually a fourth book will be produced, I'd really like to be a part of the people who helps to further the plot.

I make this plea NOT because I want compensation OR because I want my own personal ideas to shape the existing story of Malifaux, but because I desperately want to be a professional Script / Speech writer and I currently have NO official credentials, which makes getting my foot in any door quite impossible.

Honestly, I don't give a damn about any kind of monetary compensation, contracts stating that you absolutely must allow me to work on future books, or anything that would in any way cause a problem for you guys at Wyrd. All I want to do is write or edit a story that's put in the fourth book with a little itty bitty segment at the end of the book saying I wrote that story. (Or, you know, edited one or two.)

It doesn't matter if you give a specific plot web that tells me exactly who does what, what is named what, and I just have to fill in the blanks with my word-mojo or just give me a story or two to Spell Check / Grammar Check. I just really want to get out into the professional writing community and it'd be outright fantastic to start with a company that produces a game I personally enjoy.

What I want to stress is that I have absolutely NO professional writing credentials, and NO professional recommendations. For my references, I'm just going to use what I've already posted on this website and I can e-mail a couple Short Stories that have no basis with Malifaux if that's asked of me.

I will gladly sign any No-release Contracts that state you can sue my pants off if I give out any tidbits early, (which, for the record I wouldn't do even if I didn't sign a contract, because I'm currently enjoy a clean and fantastic name for myself). I expect 0 compensation for any contributions I make and I have NO interest in dictating the direction of the story I write unless I am explicitly told by whomever my superior may be to make up my own story.

I don't need any special recognition for any work I do other than a little spot in the Credits for the story(ies) I've written / edited.

If my writing style is not up to snuff, you can feel free to tell me. It won't upset me and I won't pursue this particular outlet of getting my name out there any further.

Thank you for your time.



1.) A short story introducing a custom character, attempting to remain close to the writing style of Wyrd Elemental(?). http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?20895-Ruthless-Mercenary&highlight=ruthless+mercenary

2.) Another short story introducing another custom character, switching the style to a more "Period" writing style. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?27794-Inyuktuk-Tribesman&highlight=inyuktuk

3.) This time using an archaic horror inspired short piece. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?18997-Plague-Doctor&highlight=Plague+Doctor

4.) A fairly outdated Tactica, but I suppose it shows my compassion for Malifaux.

-While absolutely unimportant, I'd like to point out that my Tactica is what provided the Template for ALL future Tacticas produced by other people. I'm also only bringing this up because I really want to write a story for you guys.


5. A Hamelin Tactica following the same vein as the Seamus Tactica.


Final Notes

- I'll meet ANY deadlines you set.

- I'll write and/or edit as many stories as you'd like.

- I will adapt to whatever writing style you prefer most.

- I'll continue to play Malifaux regardless of what comes from this post.

- I posted this on the Forum specifically so people could follow those links and give me honest (read: harsh) feedback on what I've written.

- I have non-Malifaux related stories that I can e-mail to any Wyrd employee interested.

- I am currently working on a pretty savvy novel.

- Wyrd if you ARE interested in helping me out, please respond in a private message and I'll supply an E-mail address that we can communicate through.

- Thank you again for your time. :)

Edited by Sandwich
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Well first things first, from one text masoner to another, you might want to get some space inbetween them paragraphs, makes for easier reading ;)

Secondly... good luck! =D

My initial thought reading this is that you are being naive, mostly through the blocks of writing (which suggests poor editing) and posting it on the forum rather than keeping the two items (asking Wyrd for a job and getting public criticism for your work) seperate.

However, I imagine that people in our position have little alternative than to adopt a "passionate" tone and simply grow a pair of Soulstones and ask for what we want (apparently mine are still growing). I honestly can't say whether Wyrd will bat you away or look kindly on your enthusiasm. Either way you might want to talk to the writers, such as Nerdelemental and Sholto, as they could provide tips and possible recommendations.

I haven't looked at your work yet (if I ever will), but I suggest you keep at it and learn to be self critical. The second best bit of advice I received (from Sholto) was that the story is the only thing that matters, everything else (the plot) is just padding. The best advice comes from Family Guy -Brian's novel - which is storytelling 101 in all its animated glory =]

Good luck.

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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No problem, I get that with bullet points and lists, keep having to edit.

I'll try and get round to reading your work, along with everyone else's over in the Writing Matters forum, but I've just handed in my final dissertation (very little creative writing going on there) and my eyes are still exhausted from all the reading and sleepless nights ;)

Speaking of sleepless nights, it's 5.00am over here, dammit =D

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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This is no way official, but as someone who has been in your position I thought I might add my 2c.

I came to Malifaux with a history of writing 40k fan-fic and getting close-but-no-cigar in the Black Library contests. I also had some minor bits and pieces published in print. Friends asked me if I would start doing Malifaux fan-fic, and I said, no. I just liked the game. I didn't want to write stories unless I really felt that compelling need to (you know, the one you get in the shower/ on the bus/ during a run when a brilliant idea comes to you and all you want is to jot it down and get going). So I played Malifaux and had a blast and didn't think anything more about it. Then one day Mr Compelling Need came along and all of a sudden I had written a story based in Malifaux. And then another. And I posted them up on the forum here, and things went from there.

My point (and I do have one) is that the best way to get a job doing something is to show you can do it (show, don't tell - old writer's joke, there!), and that you enjoy it. Often, this means doing it for free the first few times, but then that shouldn't matter because you enjoy it anyway.

My advice would be to write a short story from beginning to end and post it up complete on the Wyrd forum. Take any comments or crit you get, and do it again. With any luck Wyrd might take notice :)

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I'd also like to add that, if you're interested in being an editor, then you should perhaps critique other people's work both on the forum and beyond. The key is to show that you can deliver concise, well thought out and polite constructive criticism that shows a good grasp of the medium (even if you can't quite grasp a story of your own). Writing takes a lot more energy than people realise, hence why that jolt of inspiration along with steady, almost ritualistic writing sessions (much like exercise) is the key to success. However, with editing you can merely read other people's work (which any self respecting writer would do, you know.. for "inspiration" winkwink) and show Wyrd that they might receive a more valid response than "gee whiz that's awesome mister!" if they were to show you an official piece before it hits print.

Oh and if you ever wanted to be a script writer *chuckles* I'd say "Stop. Turn back. No joy to be found here." *deadpan*

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First of all, wyrd thrives off of the initiative of those people who just really have a passion and want to get involved, and we always have our eye out for it. However, second, like the writing lessons we all got very early on, we respond to the basic "show don't tell" and usually being shown over and over until we can't help but take notice of what's being shown.

That is the best roadmap I can offer. :)

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I think it is great that staff is actually involved with these kinds of threads. Often companies disregard such threads and shrug them off. More proof that Wyrd is actually a 'down to earth' gaming company.

To the OP I wish the best of success. If it is your passion write up stuff and toss it around amongst the community members and see how they like it or dislike it. Maybe something awesome will happen for you, in the end? :)

Also a minor suggestion: How about short story contests. Community members write up a short story with some sort of predetermined content, e.g. an epic battle between two masters, etc... and maybe offer up a chance for younguns like the OP to have their work posted (after editing and changes) in one of the upcoming books?

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Its great to hear such advice from Sholto, and to see both Nathan and Eric involved in this thread too.

Many of you may have read some of my work on here (shameless plug..link in sig), and hopefully liked it. I would love to write short stories for Wyrd but I know it is hardly likely to happen in my case. I will admit i've not emailed the guys in charge, or put myself out there, but for now I am happy to keep writing my stories when I can and if something comes by chance, so be it.

But good luck to the OP, I hope i will someday be reading your work in a future rulebook!

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Its great to hear such advice from Sholto, and to see both Nathan and Eric involved in this thread too. But most of all it's great to see Panda being just so awesome, as always, I mean what a guy!

Thank you Absolution Black, very kind =]

I myself should really get round to reading and writing more. I also think having competitions big and small would be a great idea to cultivate future writers.

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I spoke to Wyrd a few months back about arranging some writerly events on the Writers Forum. Time pressures meant I never got that off the ground, but I might be able to pick it back up and see if anyone is interested. It would probably run on a weekly basis, and give everyone involved a chance to expand their writing skills, meet writing challenges and improve their critique of their own and others' work - while still actually being, you know, fun :) Will stick up a post in that forum to see if I get any takers.

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Our eyes are always open for new talent.

We have more ideas [for every department] than we have staff to make them happen. I've had several projects more or less green-lighted but cannot do them plus everything else I'm already struggling to get done.

Firing an email to Nathan with writing submissions is a good call to get his attention. Maybe me, too, but I assume Nathan'd forward me anything that needed attention. I'm getting worried about his work-load, too, these days. We'll talk about this topic internally soon. (Too stressed!)

Putting pieces up in the writer's forum is probably the best litmus test for you. Every writer must get used to the idea that his or her work will need to get edited, tweaked, and criticized. We move so briskly that there's really little time for the old high school 'peer edit' where you need to find two good elements of the story per every criticism or some such format. :) We just get to the "this needs to chage....this right here doesn't make sense...this contradict's the main storyline so the whole thing needs to get scrapped...."

Brutal stuff.

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