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Is there such a thing as a "dirty list" for Guild?


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All Guild are naturally Filthy, as they often in the sand and muck of either the slums or the Outlands fighting undead and getting necrotic spray or black blood all over there uniforms. Not to mention sand every where... Oh wait we were talking about broken mechanics, no guild much like ressers have no broken rules interactions or unfun play style which means they are unlikely to get the readjustments that you are seeing else where to rid those mechanics from the game. Just enjoy what is an extremely solid and fun faction.

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I personally think Witchling stalkers are too strong for 4 SS, So much anti magic, the :pulse and the 3 min damage (after crit strick). I would consider OK if they just lost the crit strike.

But overall the guild has strong single models, but thier lack of synergies between them (alons with outcast mercs) make them lower on the list of dirty tricks

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But outside of guild guard and witchling stalkers the rest of our models are fairly priced, for example, the exorcist is a fine model for the points and pretty damn slow. The trade-offs on our good models are typically fairly balancing. That being said, yes, we have some of the most awesome single models but can bring fairly few of them.

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:( sad day. Oh well my other main crew is the Dreamer so I can get my fill of filth there if I ever so choose lol

That's a pretty weird statement, less filth is viewed by most people as something good. Mind sharing your thoughts?

Now, if everything was broken, we'd have a perfectly balanced game though!

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Aside from the mentioned Lucious Slingshot there is also the Lucious/ Drill Sergeant/ Austringer list (which is considered pretty filthy). With up to three :ranged 12 strikes that ignore LOS and cover, at CB 9 with a :+fate flip to the strike. That combo also has a pretty decent threat range of 20" on it since it can be done from up to 8" away from Lucious himself and 4" away from the Drill Sergeant (allowing him to be in companion range of Lucious and in buffing range of the Guild Austringer at the same time).

Now if there was only a way to get around those annoying defensive abilites like Irresistible, Harmless, or Pitiful (oh wait there totally is with Lady Justice and her spell Blind Justice).

Well at least things like Armor, Bullet Proof, Object. Hard to Wound and Spirit still offer some protection.

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I have to admit it's not that I wanted to find and use a filth list, it's just that I always end up going against filth lists whenever I play, I've played the Pandora filth list not that long ago and others as well. I was just wondering if there was anything like that for us guild players. Truthfully I'm very happy that we don't have anything like that. And as to the Witchlings being underpriced I don't agree. They don't have anywhere high enough of a walk/charge. They can easily be out maneuvered by almost anything and really are just great in CC. Their shooting is only ok, low CB

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Aside from the mentioned Lucious Slingshot there is also the Lucious/ Drill Sergeant/ Austringer list (which is considered pretty filthy).

Really? Apart from being a tad boring I find it very fragile and unreliable against any crew with average or better mobility (free disengages only go so far) or durability (a minimum damage of 1 totally sucks, and you need your 8+ cards to cast your extra shots wth Lucius).

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Guild technically do not have a "filth" list but they do have the ability to field generalist crews that do well on most of the strategies.

My general crew is:

2 Austringers

3 Death Marshal

1 Desperate Merc / Watcher

1 Suitable Totem (Student of Conflict or Enslaved Nephilim)

Thing is I run Lady Justice or Perdita, so this crew suits either of them fine. Hoffman and Lucius' crews are much different.

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Really? Apart from being a tad boring I find it very fragile and unreliable against any crew with average or better mobility (free disengages only go so far) or durability (a minimum damage of 1 totally sucks, and you need your 8+ cards to cast your extra shots wth Lucius).

I have found it quite the opposite actually, with 2 Guild Austringer's performing Strikes at 24" (ignoring LOS and Cover) they can usually put the presure on first turn. Additionally, their CB is high enough that they will be performing straight flips more often than not against average Df models, so can usually cheat up the damage flip. Once the Drill Sergeant and Lucious activate and buff it further, beating your opponent by 6+ is fairly easy (and even Lilith and Perdita have to worry about getting hit). Needing the 8+ for Issue Command might seem difficult but occurs almost 50% of the time (actually 46% with or without Cheating).

Once engaged it does shut down the Ranged strikes until they are disengaged, but most models that are fast enough to get to them from outside of 12" are also fairly fragile. Additionally, there will be other models available to protect the strike force (Lucious, a Drill Sergeant, and 2 Guild Austringer will leave 7 SS for hiring other models if he isn't leading the crew or 21 SS if he is).

Lastly, the entire group can activate simultaneously (via Deliver Orders and Companion) putting 5-7 strikes on any threat models at up to 12" regardless of LOS or Cover before they threaten them.

In terms of some of the other "filth" that is/was out there, it may seem less than stellar but it is fairly tough to face.

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I have to admit it's not that I wanted to find and use a filth list, it's just that I always end up going against filth lists whenever I play, I've played the Pandora filth list not that long ago and others as well. I was just wondering if there was anything like that for us guild players.
Since your relatively new to the forums I would swing over to the Announcements page on this forum and make sure your up to date on all of the errata. Im just bringing it up because in one of your earlier posts you mentioned playing the dreamer and his "normal" play style just got a big over haul. Also the Pandora Filth list was broken with the Nekemia errata (Broken as in it no longer works, not over powered).

And as to the Witchlings being under priced I don't agree.

My 2ss Desperate Stalkers disagree with you =)

Edited by Twisted Metal
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