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Cthulthu Themed Crew


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I'd have thought the Dreamer would have made a better Cthulu crew (mostly from a modelling point of view). I'll have to do some reading when I get home to check the fluff (ie the Cthulu mythos) and see what else can be used.

Nah, man. Avatar Pandora is by far more Cthulhu-esque. What, with the part where it breaks down your sanity and is a tentacled horror erupting from below.


Just sayin'.

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Well, if it's a tentacle themed crew, Pandora is the way to go.

But if it's a Lovecraft mythos themed crew, I think the dreamer definitely is. Lovecraft's writing was very often about dreams/dreamscapes and many/most of his stories were inspired by dreams.

Of course, a Lovecraft themed Dreamer crew will just look a lot like...a dreamer crew. :D

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I'd say Pandora would fit best. My understanding about Lovecraftian Horror is that it's all about terrifying concepts, creatures and god-like beings, all of whom the mere knowledge of would utterly crush a man's sanity. At least rules-wise, this is Pandora through and through.

I'm not familiar enough withe the mythos to offer model suggestions, but I imagine replacing key models with tentacle beasts and deranged cultists would be the order of the day.

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Using undead would be a poor portrayal of the mythos. With the exception of a few zombies, there are no undead in the mythos. And the few beings that seem like the living dead would not have a decent model to use; ghouls being the exception as you could use Canine Remains. And Seamus wouldn't make for a decent Pickman. The two don't have the same mental unbalances.

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Rather than exclusively Cthulhu Mythos, perhaps what you want is a Lovecraft theme. Such as Herbert West Re-animator with Nicodemus as Dr. Clapham-Lee leading his horde of monstrosities to claim Herbert Wests life.

Rasputina leading the Cult of the Old Ones rather than Cult of December.

How about Hamelin as the cause behind the Rats in the Walls.

You could even have fun with Marcus and his ability to hire anything with the Beast characteristic.

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I used the Dreamer. I use Hasslefree's "Sarah" as a Dreamer proxy and Reaper's Eldritch Demon for a Chompy proxy. I have an Insidious Madness and a Black Cat Bases Large Spawn for a proxy of a second one. (It barely fit on the 30mm base, but the Medium Spawn just looked too small.) Plus, Coppelius is already pretty Lovecraftian. I'm still working on proxies for some of the other models for my Dreamer crew (I was thinking about Small Spawn or The Thing From the Sewer for Alps), but I haven't decided what to do just yet. (Yes, I'm plugging Black Cat Bases line of Cthulhu minis as proxies. No, I don't play a proxy unless I already have the 'correct' model for the unit. That way, I have the proxy models for casual games, and the real models for tournaments.)

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These are all really good idea's! Fortunately i convinced my brother to buy Chompy when i first started playing. So i can try him. But the whole insanity loss and tentacles of Pandora's avatar seem almost inspired by Lovecraft. Perhaps i should try a Brawl game with both and make that my Lovecraft Crew?

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Love this idea and fully support it! And honestly, if it were me. I'd base the entire crew off of, "Do I want lovecraft/Cthulhu themed monsters? Or the basic idea behind Cthulhu?"

If its the first. Go dreamer, take some... odd choices in Waldgeists (Hounds of... Tilandros, was it?) Silurids (Deep Ones) And the obvious coppelius and insidious madness. If you'r feeling creative, use a bad juju and resculpt it for Dagon. A never dying being fits with the theme well...

But, on the other hand. Keep in mind Lovecrafts whole basic backbone to EVERY story (Dream cycle, Cthulhu Mythos) Was that we are small, weak and blind. The full reality of the world would overload us with sheer terror and destroy us. Plus, I still hold true that Cthulhu is an abstract god of artistry/music and insanity (all artists are insane to a point anyway, and they were the first to experiance Cthulhu's uprising. But thats just my thoughts.) And pandora would do that much much better. Change the Sorrow's to the Star Spawn (think mindflayers) maybe even use LCB with some resculpting as Pandora. rename some abilites (Instead of The Box Opens or wahtever it is, maybe... The Stars Align? [Thats what allowed Cthulhu to rise again])

Still keep with the same kind of models for a crew as the dreamer. But Lovecraft, Dagon, Cthulhu, Nyrathlotep, Azathoth etc. Are all about the "humanity is a speck, and should they learn their true place, they'd lose their mind at the horror)

Sorry for ranting, but in short. If you want the horror... LCB and Dreamer I guess works. But there's only terror there.

My votes for Pandora with some new models and name tweeks for the whole Fear+Insanity+Toying with emotions bit.

My two cents!

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Not sure if I missed somebody else mentioning it, but I know that I was really wanting to convert a model for Brown Jenkin so I could have Zoraida as the witch from that story and use Brown Jenkin as the Voodoo doll... maybe use a big satyr lookin dude instead of bad juju or something...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to threadnomance, but inspired by this idea I'm putting together a lovecraftian themed crew.

Dreamer, with hasslefree's sarah as the dreamer and reaper's eldritch demon as LCB.

But, anyone have any good ideas of what to use as alps? I'm thinking citadel skaven clan rats, with cthuluish tentacles added to the face, but not sure. Any ideas?

Coppelius is lovecraftian enough, so is insideous madness. What about daydreams, and stitched togethers?

And bases. Stuck as for base ideas :P

Thanks in advance,


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