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They seem to be carefully keeping away from the subject of religion in the fluff. However, I don't think anyone is going to mind if you put a church on the board.

They do mention, in the fluff for the Exorcist, that Earthside superstitions are effective in combating the various Malifaux threats, which would seem to imply some kind of religious organisation.

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I would assume so as it allows you to use a lot of historical Scenery & bits but the religions of old Malifaux would not be those of even an alternate earth. The Fluff also hints at it & practices like the burial of corpses etc certainly hints at parallels to real world religions of the Abrihamic triat in the Parallel earth of Malifaux.

I think the trick is not to force it into any ones face but still remember that most non Christians like myself ( a Zarathustrian) find political attempts not to offend us some where between amusing & rediculius depending on the situation. I do object to being asked for my christian name but only because I find the responses frankly hillarius :evil:.

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Indeed it does but it was a fading power both politicaly and absalutly up to the breach & continued to fade after it closed in magical terms even if it held onto the political power the first opening of the breach had given it.

It is also well worth noting that religions like most human institutions adapt to political realities, so being anti a politicly powerful guild would be unwise on the grand scale.

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You would be surprised at the folks that get upset. We've been bawled out for the use of Lilith, Nephilim and a few other things.

From get go I've made it a conscious decision that religion is not showcased in the characters or literature. Yes it there, we just don't cover it.

Some folks aren't bothered in the least, others don't even have it on their radar, then there are the folks who will put you to the flame for even thinking a wrong thought. I just prefer not to step on folks feelings on the matter or involve Wyrd in it in any manner.

Want that old padre with the haunted chapel on the outskirts of Town 47, otherwise known as Perdition, have at it! You just won't see us writing about it. :)

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If I've learned anything in my half century of living, which includes quite a bit of miniature gaming its this; You can not please everyone. Or as Abe Lincoln said, "You can't please all the people all the time."

So don't try.

Play what you like, how you like... A church on the table doesn't profess or proselytize, it simply shows what is on every other block in any big metro area in North America...

Eric J

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Wait, so my 25-part long serial starring Padre Hector and his investigations of the haunted chapel of Perdition is scrapped?!

I swear you and Nerdelemental love torturing us dont you all?

PS crossing fingers Padre Hector is actually an Outcast Gremlin master that leads a civilized crew of Gremlins.

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Really, I feel Malifaux is missing out not having a priest, preacher or reverend characters; as it's a staple of the western genre that Malifaux is partially derived from-and a gremlin padre would be hilarious.

I understand and respect Wyrd's decision though, even if it means my crew of ninja rabbis must remain a dream.

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Really, I feel Malifaux is missing out not having a priest, preacher or reverend characters; as it's a staple of the western genre that Malifaux is partially derived from-and a gremlin padre would be hilarious.

I have worked on and off on exactly that for the last two years. I figured he would be a great antithesis to Some'r.

Had a whole crew built up (of sober god fearing gremlins, based around the citizens of a little town named Lago :wink), the one that is closest to complete is my Homebrew Gremlin Debutante (linked).

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