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Henchmen upgrades : Resurectionist

Sliver Chocobo

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I think the only one that has a slight chance is Sybelle and even then, she has even less character than Molly.

All the sidekicks, bar Molly, don't show the backbone to be leaders.

The Ikiryro comes very close, I can see it gaining more and more power until it can exist with Kira summoning her.

Sebastian's fluff pretty make him more than he apears

I would like Mortimer to go up in world same as Sybelle, Bête is interesting, more fluff on her is needed also her pic on the back of Twisting fates, Foreshadowing?

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Sebastian, Mortimer, Datsu-Ba.

This gives each Ressurectionist Master a thematically linked Henchmen. Sebastian and Mortimer have both, IMO, been given enough personality to warrant Henchmen status--especially Sebastian (after book 3).

Datsu-Ba, I admit, is largely because it's the closest thing Kirai has to someone like that. Although, I could also see Ubume for her Henchman.

I, notably, feel that Bete Noir should -not- get an upgrade to Henchmen since it takes away from her thematic. The only way I could see it work would be if you had a swarm of cheap "Innocent" models that are basically objective grabbers, and they place better models (in theme with Bete / Kirai) when they die. Perhaps do it Dreamer-style where the whole crew starts off the table, and each one is linked to a "Malifaux Citizen," and they are brought in when it dies.

Edited by SoulG
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I think Datsu-ba has the most actual chance of being a Henchman, though we have not heard much about her. She seems to be an Shinigami, Death Spirit so probably has been around a long long time and has her own reasons to be following Kirai. Unlike Sebastian who though clever is really tied up looking after McMourning. I can't see Sybelle being a Henchman, Molly is the only Belle that has shown any sign of self-consciousness.

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I see some potential in Rafkin, Sebastian and Mortimer. All 3 have already been described as assistants to Masters and there are areas where they could introduce some original twist on Resurrectionists theme.

Sybelle, just like all the other Seamus work is faulty - she doesn't have her own peronality. Seriously, Molly's the only woman Seamus ever had any luck with and she has already ditched him for other Rezzers.

Some of the propositions, IMHO, shouldn't even be on the list:

Ikiriyo - it's Kirai's own living spirit. It is not independent but rather projected by her outside her body. In game she may be "summoning" it, but that's just mechanic. It is not separable from Kirai.

Dead Rider - Riders are already defined to be something else than Henchmen and more than minions.

Bête Noire to me is too much of an outsider - a spirit drawn to the faction (what it does), but appearing and disappearing out of her own free will. A cool minion to use, but not connected enough for a Henchman. But that's subjective.

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You are missing the point.

Ikiryo isn't something not listening to her. It is her. That's what the word means - it is her vengeful will manifesting itself. Her spirit leaving her body to kill her enemies. It may be doing things she wouldn't consciously condone or even want, but it can never become a separate being.

It is what her ghost will be once she dies, to put it another way around.

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It's what the word "Ikiryo" itself means.

The ring may be something which activated or amplified her latent powers, but I don't think the fluff is going to go against the meaning of the words here, especially as the designers seem to have spent considerable time researching the background used as inspiration for her crew.

Obviously one can always create a cat with mouse's head and say it's what Minotaurs look like in his game, but what for?

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I was just thinking, just as interesting as thinking about who could be upgraded to a henchman, what about what kinds of special forces that could go along with them?

with datsue-ba playing with the death spirit background; could have a bunch of really cool spirits, I was thinking unforgiven souls or something. Maybe the spirits of convicts and criminals trapped on malifaux because of their deeds in life

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I don't think we need one. Instead just some more horrors and go from there. Mortimer could go that way. But I don't see the point. Molly is the only one who has gone and made a niche(?) for her self. Mort is the other but he would be too similier to Nico.

Maybe a henchman that CAN'T summon? and has a high henchman#.

Ressers seam to be a faction that would benefit from a new player, a new character rather than upgrading some one.

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If we get a new Resurrectionist henchman, it has to be able to summon, that's just the staple of the faction.

I could for sure get behind Sebastian, especially because he wouldn't need a new special forces, considering McM made the Rogue Necromancy.

Mortimer would need a new thematic Special Forces, and Madame Sybelle is just too set already as a mindless zombie mistress.

And Seamus already has his fluff Henchman.

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I voted Bette & Rafkin.

Bette: Shes very mysterious so they can fill in a bunch of info to make her a henchman. Plus I like the feel of a stealthy slippery murder machine crew thats a bit frail. Kind of like a resser version of Colletes crew but more killy less dancy.

Rafkin: Again he's not fully fleshes out so hes very open ended. But I see him as a recycling list. Something dies & he can bring it back as something less because he isn't as skilled as the main ressers. (Flesh construct >>> Punk >>> Autopsy >>> Mindless) I mean this shouldn't be easy / automatic but maybe for every undead model that dies within 6" of him he flips a fate card (Maybe non-cheatable?). If its a 11-13 he recycles it into ____. Obviously this is just a very rough outline

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  • 2 weeks later...

I myself would like to see Datsue-Ba be a henchmen. She could lead a group of evil souls to fight for redemption and make soulstones to boost her/ minion's combat prowess. Her lantern is fueled by souls deemed bad why not bring out those souls out to fight for her? Also has not been stated why Datsue-Ba helps Kirai in the first place.

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